Olympias (sister of Praetorian prefect Seleucus)

Olympias (Greek: Ὀλυμπιάς) was a wealthy Christian Roman noblewoman of Greek descent who lived in the second half of the 4th century and first half of the 5th century.

One of the parents of Olympias, was the sibling to the great Christian Saint[1][2] Olympias.[1] Olympias had one sibling, a brother called Seleucus,[1] who served as a Praetorian prefect in the Theodosian dynasty.

As she was the namesake of her aunt, she was the third woman named Olympias in the family of Flavius Ablabius[1] who had held consular rank in Constantinople.[2] Olympias is the known granddaughter of the Antiochian noblewoman Alexandra and her husband, the wealthy Rhetor Seleucus.[1] Unfortunately little is known of the life of Olympias.


  1. 1 2 3 4 5 Moret, Sertorius, Libanios, iconographie: a propos de Sertorius, journée d'étude, Toulouse, 7 avril 2000 [suivi de] autour de Libanios, culture et société dans l'antiquité tardive : actes de la table ronde, Avignon, 27 avril 2000, p.207
  2. 1 2 Budge, Paradise of the Holy Fathers Part 1, p.163


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