Onomata Kechiasmena

Onomata kechiasmena (Greek: Ὀνόματα Kεχιασμένα) is the first magazine of crosswords and puzzles in Ancient Greek.
It is published bi-monthly by the Italian cultural association Leonardo, which already publishes Hebdomada Aenigmatum, the magazine of Latin crosswords. It is available free of charge in printable pdf format upon registration on the website.
It was launched at the end of April 2015 as an annex to the 9th issue of Hebdomada Aenigmatum. It features crosswords, word puzzles where all consonants have been replaced with numerals, a "crucipuzzle" (search of words within a schema), join-the-dots where the dots are sequentially marked with Greek letters, a strip of Asterix in ancient Greek, two pages of recent news in ancient Greek in collaboration with Akropolis World News.
The core team behind the magazine is composed of Luca Desiata (the editor-in-chief), Theodorus (Professor of Ancient Greek at the University of Pisa) and Juan Coderch (Senior Language Tutor in Greek and Latin at the University of St. Andrews) who runs Akropolis World News, the first website of world news in Ancient Greek.
- Squires, Nick (12 November 2014), "Can you crack the world's first Latin crossword", The Telegraph (London)
- "Cruciverbum", The Times (London), 13 November 2014
- "Enigmistica: nasce prima rivista in greco antico", La Repubblica (Rome), 4 May 2015