Operation Sea Lion order of battle
The German plan for a land invasion of England in 1940 was code-named Operation Sea Lion (Unternehmen Seelöwe in German). This is the Operation Sea Lion order of battle for the modified German plan produced in August, 1940.
German forces

Plan of Operation Sealion
Heeresgruppe A
Generalfeldmarschall Gerd von Rundstedt
- 16.Armee — Generaloberst Ernst Busch
First Wave
- XIII.Armee-Korps — General Heinrich-Gottfried von Vietinghoff genannt Scheel.
- 17.Infanterie-Division
- 35.Infanterie-Division
- Luftwaffe II./Flak-Regiment 14
- VII.Armee-Korps — Generaloberst Eugen Ritter von Schobert
- 1.Gebirgs-Division
- 7.Infanterie-Division
- Luftwaffe I./Flak-Regiment 26
Second Wave
- V.Armee-Korps — General Richard Ruoff
- XXXI.Armee-Korps — General der Panzertruppen Georg-Hans Reinhardt
Third Wave
- IV. Armee-Korps — General Viktor von Schwedler
- XXXII.Armee-Korps — General Walter Kuntze
- XIII.Armee-Korps — General Heinrich-Gottfried von Vietinghoff genannt Scheel.
- 9.Armee — Generaloberst Adolf Strauss
First Wave
- XXXVIII.Armee-Korps — General Erich von Manstein
- VIII.Armee-Korps — General Walter Heitz
Second Wave
- XV.Armee-Korps — Generaloberst Hermann Hoth
Third Wave
- XXIV.Armee-Korps General Leo Freiherr Geyr von Schweppenburg
Heeresgruppe C
Generalfeldmarschall Wilhelm Ritter von Leeb
- 6.Armee — Generalfeldmarschall Walther von Reichenau
- II.Armee-Korps — General Walter Graf von Brockdorff-Ahlefeldt
- Airborne Formations General Kurt Student
- Bau-Lehr-Regiment z.b.V. 800 Brandenburg
British forces
Home Forces
General Alan Brooke
Chief of Staff: Lieutenant-General Bernard Paget
- 38th (Welsh) Infantry Division
- 21st Army Tank Brigade
- IV Corps — Lieutenant General Francis Nosworthy
- VII Corps — Lieutenant General Andrew McNaughton of Canada
- Northern Command — Lieutenant General Ronald Forbes Adam
- I Corps — Lieutenant General Harold Alexander
- X Corps — Lieutenant General William Holmes
- London District — Lieutenant General Bertram Sergison-Brooke
- Eastern Command — Lieutenant General Laurence Carr
- II Corps — Lieutenant General Edmund Osborne
- XI Corps — Lieutenant General Hugh Massy
- XII Corps — Lieutenant General Andrew Thorne
- Southern Command — Lieutenant General Claude Auchinleck
- V Corps — Lieutenant General Bernard Montgomery
- VIII Corps — Lieutenant General Harold Franklyn
- Western Command — General Robert Gordon-Finlayson
- 2nd London Infantry Division
- III Corps — Lieutenant General James Marshall-Cornwall
- 5th Infantry Division
- 3rd Motor Machine Gun Brigade
- 36th Independent Infantry Brigade
- Scottish Command — Lieutenant General Harold Carrington
External links
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