Operation Chahar order of battle

The order of battle for Operation Chahar, in the history of the Second Sino-Japanese War (1937–1945), was:

Orbat for Operation Chahar


Peiping Railway Garrison Force, Nan-kou Front - Gen. Kiyoshi Katsuki [1] [4]

Kwangtung Army [1] [4]

2 fighter squadrons, 4 scout plane squadrons, 2 bomber squadrons,



1. Kwangtung Army and Chahar Expeditionary Force were under the command of Central Supreme Command but were not under unified command on the battlefield in this campaign.

2. 11th Independent Mixed Brigade was subordinated to Kwangtung Army, At the end of July it was attached to Peiping Railway Garrison Force. In early September, it reverted to the Chahar Expeditionary Force.

3. 2nd and 15th Mixed Brigades were detachments from Divisions of the Kwangtung Army.


[1] Hsu Long-hsuen and Chang Ming-kai, History of The Sino-Japanese War (1937–1945) 2nd Ed., 1971. Translated by Wen Ha-hsiung, Chung Wu Publishing; 33, 140th Lane, Tung-hwa Street, Taipei, Taiwan Republic of China.

[2] Jowett, Phillip S., Rays of The Rising Sun, Armed Forces of Japan’s Asian Allies 1931-45, Volume I: China & Manchuria, 2004. Helion & Co. Ltd., 26 Willow Rd., Solihull, West Midlands, England.

[3] Sino-Japanese Air War 1937-45 http://surfcity.kund.dalnet.se/sino-japanese.htm

[4] Japanese Square Divisions from Madej's reprint of wartime US intelligence manual. Madej, W. Victor. Japanese Armed Forces Order of Battle, 1937-1945 [2 vols]. Allentown, PA: 1981

[5] List of officers in Chahar Expeditionary Force Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2006 3:32 pm http://forum.axishistory.com/viewtopic.php?t=102309

[6] Operation Quhar, http://www3.plala.or.jp/takihome/history.htm

[7] Oui Column in Aug. 1937 Operation Chahar?

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