Order of battle of the Croisière du Grand Hiver

Order of battle of the Croisière du Grand Hiver.

First squadron, Villaret-Joyeuse
Division Ship Guns Commander Notes
First division Tourville 74 Henry
Montagne 120 Captain Vignot
Vice-amiral Villaret-Joyeuse
Marat 74 Captain Le Francq
Second division Gasparin 74 L'Hermitte
Révolution 74 Lalande
Third division Superbe 74 Colomb Lost on 30 January, 21 men lost
Neuf Thermidor 80 Doré Lost on 29 January
Alexandre 74 Guillemet
Second squadron, Bouvet
Division Ship Guns Commander Notes
Fourth division Jemmappes 74 Lafond
Contre-amiral Renaudin
Majestueux 110 Le Beau Contre Admiral
Aquilon 74 La Terre
Fifth division Montagnard 74 Richery
Scipion 74 Huguet Lost on 30 January
Trente-et-un-Mai 74 Ganteaume
Sixth division Patriote 74 Le Tendre
Entreprenant 74 Dufay
Third squadron, Nielly
Division Ship Guns Commander Notes
Seventh division Convention 74 Terrasson Lost her rudder on 30 January, towed back to Lorient
Terrible 110 Captain Bedout
Contre-admiral Nielly
Pelletier 74 Raillard
Eighth division Révolutionnaire 110 Le Gouardin Returned in a battered state. Deemed irreparable and broken up.
Nestor 74 Monnier Damaged, back to harbour on 31 December.
Ninth division Trajan 74 Leroy
Indomptable 74 Le Mesle
Tyrannicide 74 Alain-Joseph Dordelin
Light squadron, Van Stabel
Division Ship Guns Commander Notes
First division Éole 74 Trinquelléon
Jean-Bart 74 Pittet
Audacieux 74 Philastre
Tigre 74 Matagne
Contre-amiral Van Stabel
Fougueux 74 La Brière
Second division Zélé 74 Porlodec
Mucius 74 Larreguy
Téméraire 74 Morel Damaged, back to Saint-Malo on 31 December. Deemed irreparable and broken up.
Droits de l'Homme 74 Cornic
Ships that failed to depart
Républicain 110 Longer Wrecked on Mingant rock. 10 men lost.
Redoutable 74 Montcousu Damaged white departing, had to cancel.
Neptune 74 Tiphaigne Delayed by damage to her capstan, later ran aground off Perros Guirrec. 50 men lost.
Frigates and smaller ships
Courageuse 44 Captain Dalbarade[1]
Méduse 26
Virginie 44 Jacques Bergeret
Surveillante 32
Railleuse 32
Fraternité 32
Embuscade 32
Tamise 32 Fradin
Charente 36
Républicaine 32 François Pitot
Berceau 22
Bayonnaise 24
Légère 22 Carpentier, fils.
Espion 16
Bergère 16
Atalante 16
Papillon 12
Bonnet Rouge
Total casualties: 81 men
Source: Histoire des marins français 1789-1815, CA (2eS) Hubert Granier, p.94

Batailles navales de la France, Onésime-Joachim Troude, Challamel ainé, 1867, vol.2, p. 404

Notes and References



    1. Fonds Marine, vol.1, p.121


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