Original Bible Project

The Original Bible Project is a project to produce a re-ordered new translation of the Bible in English led by James Tabor. The Project is a non-profit organisation.[1] The translation is expected to eventually be published under the name "Transparent English Bible (TEB)", although TEB is already a common abbreviation for Today's English Bible (TEB).

The project was advertised as early as 1992 in the back of the Bible Review of the Biblical Archaeology Society, and an article Genesis Translation of the Transparent English Bible appeared in the liberal arts magazine of Augustana College in 2006.[2] and has also been mentioned in book jacket biographies of Dr. Tabor.[3][4] The Project's aim is to produce a new version, the Transparent English Bible (TEB) by 2012-2014. The first book, Genesis may be published in advance before this date.[5]

Transparent English Bible (TEB) Genesis Chapter 1:1 At the first of ELOHIM creating the skies and the land— 2 and the land was desolation and emptiness; and darkness was over the face of the deep, and the spirit of ELOHIM was hovering over the face of the waters 3 and ELOHIM said, “Let there be light”; and it was light. 4 And ELOHIM saw the light, that it was good; and ELOHIM separated between the light and between the darkness. 5 And ELOHIM called to the light “day,” and to the darkness he called “night.” And it was evening and it was morning — day one.

The initial translations of the project have already been cited in some non-scholarly works.[6][7][8][9]


  1. National Directory of Nonprofit Organizations; Vol. 2. Bohdan Romaniuk, Taft Group (Detroit, Mich.) - 2007
  2. Liberal arts through the AGES Augustana General Education Studies ed. Catherine Carter Goebel 2006 Article Genesis Translation of the Transparent English Bible pp69-75
  3. Jeffrey J. Bütz, preface James Tabor Secret Legacy of Jesus: The Judaic Teachings That Passed from.. 2010 p.xi "He is codirector of the Mt. Zion Archaeological Expedition and also serves as main editor of the Original Bible Project, an ongoing effort to produce a new translation of the Bible."
  4. Celia Brewer Sinclair James Tabor Invitation to the Old Testament: Disciple Short-term Studies, ... "Dr. Tabor was chief editor of the Original Bible Project, an effort to produce a historical, linguistic translation of the Bible with notes."
  5. http://originalbible.com/ James Tabor: "When we reach that stage I have no doubt we will be able to secure a major mass market trade publisher that will offer us the kind of wide distribution and publicity that we would want. However, I don’t think we will see finished copies of the TEB in bookstores until 2012-2014, first the Hebrew Bible and then the Greek New Testament. We are still in the translation and editorial stages of the Project and its final preparation for publication, even when we are ready, will take up to two years, judging from my experience with trade publishers. In order to finish this project I will have to be at a place in my own professional life where I have completed my own administrative duties that have taken up 60% of my time the past four years, which will not be the case until May, 2010 at the earliest."
  6. Lockietta Greene The Honored Promise p156 "And according to the translators of The Original Bible Project: The Hebrew word neged means “opposite, before, against, comparable to.” This precise expression here, lit. “as before him” implies that the woman is to stand opposite the ..."
  7. Carlton Pearson God Is Not a Christian, Nor a Jew, Muslim, Hindu 2010 p46 "The Original Bible Project (Dr. Tabor, still in translation) 0 0 0"
  8. William West The Resurrection and Immortality 2006 p181 "The Original Bible Project (Dr Tabor) 0 times "
  9. Roland H. Worth Biblical studies on the Internet: a resource guide 2008 p.vi "Transparent English Bible: Genesis (1)"

External links

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