Mountain research

Human-environmental relations in the Peruvian Andes.
Andorra la Vella, a mountain state's capital in the Pyrenees.
Paro Taktsang, a Himalayan monastery in Bhutan.
Kōfu, a Japanese mountain city.

Mountain research or montology, traditionally also known as orology[1] (from Greek oros ὄρος for 'mountain' and logos λόγος), is a field of research that regionally concentrates on the Earth's surface's part covered by mountain landscapes.

Mountain areas

Different approaches have been developed to define mountainous areas. While some use an altitudinal difference of 300 m inside an area to define that zone as mountainous,[2] others consider differences from 1000 m or more,[3] depending on the areas' latitude. Additionally, some include steepness to define mountain regions, hence excluding high plateaus (e.g. the Andean Altiplano or the Tibetan Plateau), zones often seen to be mountainous. A more pragmatic but useful definition has been proposed by the Italian Statistics Office ISTAT, which classifies municipalities as mountainous

The United Nations Environmental Programme has produced a map[5][6] of mountain areas worldwide using a combination of criteria, including regions with


Broader definition

In a broader sense, mountain research is considered any research in mountain regions: for instance disciplinary studies on Himalayan plants, Andean rocks, Alpine cities, or Carpathian people. It is comparable to research that concentrates on the Arctic and Antarctic (polar research) or coasts (coastal research).

Narrower definition

In a narrower sense, mountain research focuses on the description and explanation of the human-environment interaction in (positive) and the sustainable development of (normative) mountain regions. So-defined mountain research is situated at the nexus of natural sciences, social sciences and humanities. Drawing on Alexander von Humboldt's work in the Andean realm, mountain geography and ecology are considered core areas of study; nevertheless important contributions are coming from anthropology, geology, economics, history or spatial planning. In sum, a narrowly defined mountain research applies an interdisciplinary and integrative regional approach. Slaymaker summarizes:

The science of montology [...] starts with recognition of the importance of verticality, a distinctive feature of mountain regions, which imposes vertical control of the production system; marginality, which results from low agricultural potential; centrality of mechanisms of power and violence; population growth and expansion; and religion and myth, expressed in mountains as sacred places. Montology emphasises restoration ecology to include re-vegetation, rehabilitation, reclamation and recovery of the lost landscape form and function [...]. Landscape ecological effects are arranged along altitudinal belts and form the basis for a more comprehensive understanding of critical habitats for conservation and development. This approach has an underlying assumption of climax communities each fitting into a narrow altitudinal band.[7]


Mountain research or orology—not to be confused with orography—, is sometimes denominated montology; a term that was already included into the Oxford English Dictionary in 2002.[8] It defines montology as:

The study of mountains; specifically the interdisciplinary study of the physical, chemical, geological, and biological aspects of mountain regions; (also) the study of the lifestyles and economic concerns of people living in these regions.[9]

On the one hand, the term montology received criticism due to the mix of Latin (mōns, pl. montēs) and Greek (logos). On the other hand, however, this is also the—well accepted—case in several, already established disciplines such as glaciology or sociology.

Mountain research journals

The following list includes peer-reviewed journals that have a focus on mountain research and are open to both the natural and the social sciences:

Journals covered by citation indices
Mountain Research and Development
Journal of Mountain Science
Journal of Alpine Research / Revue de géographie alpine
Appalachian Journal
Histoire des Alpes – Storia delle Alpi – Geschichte der Alpen
Bulletin de l’Institut français d’études andines
Journals not covered by citation indices
Himalayan Journal of Sciences
L’Italia Forestale e Montana / Italian Journal of Forest and Mountain Environments
Beskydy – The Beskids Bulletin
Устойчивое развитие горных территорий / Sustainable Development of Mountain Territories
Journal of Mountain Agriculture on the Balkans
Journal of Geography of Mountain Regions

See also


Further reading


  1. Merriam Webster
  2. Editorial. eco.mont 5 (1)
  3. Mountain Systems. UNEP
  4. Precisazione sulla classificazione dei comuni montani
  5. UNEP-WCNC (2011): Mountains of the World – 2000. Map
  6. UNEP-WCNC (2011): Mountains of the World – 2000. Data
  7. Slaymaker, O. 2007: The potential contribution of geomorphology to tropical mountain development: The case of the MANRECUR project. In: Geomorphology 87 (1–2), pp. 90–100). DOI 10.1016/j.geomorph.2006.06.044
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