Ostfriesische Möwe

Ostfriesische Möwen
Country of origin Germany
Weight Male: 2.25–3 kg
  Female: 1.75–2.5 kg
Egg color white
Gallus gallus domesticus

The Ostfriesische Möwe is an old German breed of domestic chicken. It is a rare breed: in 2009, only 218 roosters and 972 hens were officially registered in Germany.[1][2]


It is old landrace from East Frisia, West Frisia and Westfalia. It is closely related to the Westfälische Totleger and the Braekel.


East Frisian Gull, silver

It is kept in 2 colours: Silver and Gold. Cocks weigh 2.25–3 kg and hens 1.75–2.5 kg. The hens produce 180 eggs per year of 55 g weight.


  1. "Rote Liste der gefährdeten einheimischen Nutztierrassen in Deutschland" (PDF). Bundesanstalt für Landwirtschaft und Ernährung (BLE). 2010. Retrieved 2011-02-23.

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