Outcome primacy

Outcome of the first experience has a substantial and lasting effect on participants' subsequent behaviour in a decision from experience task, a phenomenon which was termed as "outcome primacy".[1] It was found that this outcome primacy can account for much of the Underweighting of Rare Events in Experience Based Decisions,[2] where participants apparently underestimate small probabilities (in contrast to prospect theory where people tend to overestimate low probabilities, when lotteries are described).


Behaviour in this task can be modelled using a standard, model-free reinforcement learning algorithm. In this model, the values of the different actions are learned over time and are used to determine the next action according to a predefined action-selection rule. It was shown that a substantial effect of first experience on behaviour is consistent with the reinforcement learning model if one assumes that the outcome of first experience resets the values of the experienced actions, but not if symmetric initial conditions are assumed.

Moreover, the predictive power of the resetting model outperforms previously published [3] models regarding the aggregate choice behaviour.

Relation to other form of primacy

These findings suggest that first experience has a disproportionately large effect on subsequent actions, similar to primacy effects in other fields of cognitive psychology. The mechanism of resetting of the initial conditions that underlies outcome primacy may thus also account for other forms of primacy


  1. Shteingart, Hanan; Tal Neiman; Yonatan Loewenstein (2013). "The Role of First Impression in Operant Learning" (PDF). Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 142 (2): 476–488. doi:10.1037/a0029550. PMID 22924882.
  2. Hertwig; Barron; Weber; Erev (2004). "Decisions from experience and the effect of rare events in risky choice" (PDF). Psychological Science 15: 534–539. doi:10.1111/j.0956-7976.2004.00715.x.
  3. Erev, Ido; Ert, Eyal; Roth, Alvin E.; Haruvy, Ernan; Herzog, Stefan M.; Hau, Robin; Hertwig, Ralph; Stewart, Terrence; West, Robert; Lebiere, Christian (2010). "A choice prediction competition: Choices from experience and from description". Journal of Behavioral Decision Making 23 (1): 15–47. doi:10.1002/bdm.683. ISSN 0894-3257.
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