Outstanding Natural Area

Outstanding Natural Area is a protected area designation in the United States. The designations are managed by the Bureau of Land Management within the National Landscape Conservation System. There are a number of outstanding natural areas and open space reserves in the country, three of which have lighthouses.

The following is a partial list of ONAs.

Name Location
Devil's Garden[1] Garfield County, Utah
Diamond Craters[2] Harney County, Oregon
Jacumba[3] near Jacumba Hot Springs, Imperial County, California
Jupiter Inlet Lighthouse[4] Jupiter, Florida
Phipps-Death Hollow[5] Garfield County, Utah
Piedras Blancas Light Station[4] near San Simeon, California
Valley of the Giants[6] Oregon Coast Range, Polk County, Oregon
Yaquina Head[7] north of Newport, Oregon

The Devil's Garden and Phipps-Death Hollow are also known as Wilderness Study Areas.


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