PASCAL (database)

Producer INIST (France)
Languages French, English, Spanish
Providers Datastar, Dialog, Ovid Technologies, Questel.Orbit, QWAM System, STN International
Cost Subscription
Disciplines Science, technology, medicine
Record depth Index & abstract
Format coverage Journal articles (88%); conference proceedings (9%); dissertations, books, patents, reports (3%)
Temporal coverage 1973-present
Geospatial coverage Worldwide, with emphasis on France and Europe
Number of records > 17,000,000
Update frequency Weekly

PASCAL is a scientific bibliographic database, which is maintained by INIST (CNRS). PASCAL covers the core scientific literature in science, technology and medicine with special emphasis on European literature.[1][2]

As of 2012, PASCAL maintains a database of more than 17 million records, 90% of these are author abstracts. Its coverage is from 1973 to present. Its source documents are composed of journal articles at 88% (3,085 international titles), proceedings at 9%, and dissertations, books, patents, and reports account combined for 3%.[3]


  1. "PASC - Pascal datasheet". Retrieved 2009-12-26.
  2. Jagodzinski-Sigogneau, M.; Bauin, S.; Courtial, J. P.; Feillet, H. (1991). "Scientific innovation in bibliographical databases: A comparative study of the science citation index and the pascal database". Scientometrics 22: 65. doi:10.1007/BF02019275.
  3. "PASCAL - Inist-Cnrs". Retrieved 2012-05-31.

External links

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