PA postcode area

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Paisley postcode area
Postcode area PA
Postcode area name Paisley
Post towns 35
Postcode districts 77
Postcode sectors 114
Postcodes (live) 9,192
Postcodes (total) 12,473
Statistics as at February 2012[1]

The PA postcode area, also known as the Paisley postcode area,[2] is a group of postcode districts covering the post towns of Appin, Bishopton, Bridge of Orchy, Bridge of Weir, Cairndow, Campbeltown, Colintraive, Dalmally, Dunoon, Erskine, Gourock, Greenock, Inveraray, Isle of Bute, Isle of Coll, Isle of Colonsay, Isle of Gigha, Isle of Iona, Isle of Islay, Isle of Jura, Isle of Mull, Isle of Tiree, Johnstone, Kilmacolm, Lochgilphead, Lochwinnoch, Oban, Paisley, Port Glasgow, Renfrew, Skelmorlie, Tarbert, Taynuilt, Tighnabruaich and Wemyss Bay in Scotland.


The approximate coverage of the postcode districts:

Postcode district Post town Coverage Local authority area
PA1 PAISLEY Paisley (central, east and north east), Ralston Renfrewshire
PA2 PAISLEY Paisley (south), Castlehead Renfrewshire
PA3 PAISLEY Paisley (north west), Linwood Renfrewshire
PA4 RENFREW Renfrew, Inchinnan Renfrewshire
PA5 JOHNSTONE Johnstone, Brookfield, Elderslie Renfrewshire
PA6 JOHNSTONE Johnstone, Houston Renfrewshire
PA7 BISHOPTON Bishopton Renfrewshire
PA8 ERSKINE Erskine Renfrewshire
PA9 JOHNSTONE Johnstone, Howwood Renfrewshire
PA10 JOHNSTONE Johnstone Renfrewshire
PA11 BRIDGE OF WEIR Bridge of Weir, Quarrier's Village Renfrewshire
PA12 LOCHWINNOCH Lochwinnoch, Newton of Belltrees Renfrewshire
PA13 KILMACOLM Kilmacolm Inverclyde
PA14 PORT GLASGOW Port Glasgow, Langbank Inverclyde
PA15 GREENOCK Greenock Inverclyde
PA16 GREENOCK Greenock, Inverkip Inverclyde
PA17 SKELMORLIE Skelmorlie Inverclyde
PA18 WEMYSS BAY Wemyss Bay Inverclyde
PA19 GOUROCK Gourock Inverclyde
PA20 ISLE OF BUTE Isle of Bute Argyll and Bute
PA21 TIGHNABRUAICH Tighnabruaich Argyll and Bute
PA22 COLINTRAIVE Colintraive, Glendaruel Argyll and Bute
PA23 DUNOON Dunoon Argyll and Bute
PA24 CAIRNDOW Lochgoilhead Argyll and Bute
PA25 CAIRNDOW St. Catherines Argyll and Bute
PA26 CAIRNDOW Cairndow Argyll and Bute
PA27 CAIRNDOW Strachur Argyll and Bute
PA28 CAMPBELTOWN Campbeltown Argyll and Bute
PA29 TARBERT Tarbert Argyll and Bute
PA30 LOCHGILPHEAD Ardrishaig Argyll and Bute
PA31 LOCHGILPHEAD Lochgilphead, Cairnbaan, Crinan, Kilmartin Argyll and Bute
PA32 INVERARAY Inveraray Argyll and Bute
PA33 DALMALLY Dalmally Argyll and Bute
PA34 OBAN Oban Argyll and Bute
PA35 TAYNUILT Taynuilt Argyll and Bute
PA36 BRIDGE OF ORCHY Bridge of Orchy Argyll and Bute
PA37 OBAN Connel, Benderloch Argyll and Bute
PA38 APPIN Appin Argyll and Bute
PA41 ISLE OF GIGHA Gigha Argyll and Bute
PA42 ISLE OF ISLAY Port Ellen Argyll and Bute
PA43 ISLE OF ISLAY Bowmore Argyll and Bute
PA44 ISLE OF ISLAY Bridgend Argyll and Bute
PA45 ISLE OF ISLAY Ballygrant Argyll and Bute
PA46 ISLE OF ISLAY Port Askaig Argyll and Bute
PA47 ISLE OF ISLAY Portnahaven Argyll and Bute
PA48 ISLE OF ISLAY Port Charlotte Argyll and Bute
PA49 ISLE OF ISLAY Bruichladdich Argyll and Bute
PA60 ISLE OF JURA Jura Argyll and Bute
PA61 ISLE OF COLONSAY Colonsay Argyll and Bute
PA62 ISLE OF MULL Lochbuie Argyll and Bute
PA63 ISLE OF MULL Croggan Argyll and Bute
PA64 ISLE OF MULL Lochdon Argyll and Bute
PA65 ISLE OF MULL Craignure Argyll and Bute
PA66 ISLE OF MULL Fionnphort Argyll and Bute
PA67 ISLE OF MULL Bunessan Argyll and Bute
PA68 ISLE OF MULL Gribun Argyll and Bute
PA69 ISLE OF MULL Tiroran Argyll and Bute
PA70 ISLE OF MULL Pennyghael Argyll and Bute
PA71 ISLE OF MULL Gruline Argyll and Bute
PA72 ISLE OF MULL Aros, Salen Argyll and Bute
PA73 ISLE OF MULL Ulva Ferry Argyll and Bute
PA74 ISLE OF MULL Torloisk Argyll and Bute
PA75 ISLE OF MULL Tobermory, Calgary Argyll and Bute
PA76 ISLE OF IONA Iona Argyll and Bute
PA77 ISLE OF TIREE Tiree Argyll and Bute
PA78 ISLE OF COLL Coll Argyll and Bute
PA80 OBAN Morvern[3] Argyll and Bute


PA postcode area map, showing postcode districts, post towns and neighbouring postcode areas. BT postcode area BT postcode area DG postcode area FK postcode area G postcode area KA postcode area KA postcode area PH postcode area
PA postcode area map, showing postcode districts in red and post towns in grey text, with links to nearby BT, FK, G, KA and PH postcode areas.
Detailed map of postcode districts and post towns in and around Paisley

See also


  1. "ONS Postcode Directory Version Notes" (ZIP). National Statistics Postcode Products. Office for National Statistics. February 2012. Table 2. Retrieved 21 April 2012. Coordinates from mean of unit postcode points, "Code-Point Open". OS OpenData. Ordnance Survey. February 2012. Retrieved 21 April 2012.
  2. Royal Mail, Address Management Guide, (2004)
  3. Morvern secures its own postcode from Royal Mail, BBC News

External Links

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