People Capability Maturity Model

The People Capability Maturity Model (short names:People CMM, PCMM,P-CMM) is a maturity framework that focuses on continuously improving the management and development of the human assets of an organization. It describes an evolutionary improvement path from ad hoc, inconsistently performed practices, to a mature, disciplined, and continuously improving development of the knowledge, skills, and motivation of the workforce that enhances strategic business performance. The People Capability Maturity Model (People CMMI) is a framework that helps organizations successfully address their critical people issues. Based on the best current practices in fields such as human resources, knowledge management, and organizational development, the People CMM guides organizations in improving their processes for managing and developing their workforces. The People CMM helps organizations characterize the maturity of their workforce practices, establish a program of continuous workforce development, set priorities for improvement actions, integrate workforce development with process improvement, and establish a culture of excellence. Since its release in 1995, thousands of copies of the People CMM have been distributed, and it is used worldwide by organizations, small and large. First published in book form in 2001, it is in print in several editions worldwide, and a second edition was published in July 2009.[1]


The People CMMi consists of five maturity levels that establish successive foundations for continuously improving individual competencies, developing effective teams, motivating improved performance, and shaping the workforce the organization needs to accomplish its future business plans. Each maturity level is a well-defined evolutionary plateau that institutionalizes new capabilities for developing the organization's workforce. By following the maturity framework, an organization can avoid introducing workforce practices that its employees are unprepared to implement effectively.

The People CMM has been published in book form in numerous editions around the world.[2]


People Capability Maturity Model

The People CMM document describes the People CMM, the practices that constitute each of its maturity levels, and information on how to apply it in guiding organizational improvements. It describes an organization's capability for developing its workforce at each maturity level. It describes how the People CMM can be applied as a standard for assessing workforce practices and as a guide in planning and implementing improvement activities.

Version 2 of the People CMM has been designed to correct known issues in Version 1, which was released in 1995; to add enhancements learned from five years of implementation experience; and to integrate the model better with CMMI and its IPPD extensions. The primary motivation for updating the People CMM was the error in Version 1 of placing team-building activities at Maturity Level 4. The authors made this placement based on substantial feedback that it should not be placed at Maturity Level 3, as it had been in early review releases. Experience has indicated that many organizations initiate formal development of workgroups while working toward Maturity Level 3. Thus, Version 2 of the People CMM initiates process-driven workgroup development at Maturity Level 3. This change is consistent with the placing of integrated teaming activities at Maturity Level 3 of the CMMI-IPPD.

See also


  1. ISBN 978-0-321-55390-4
  2. Curtis, B., Hefley, W.E., and Miller, S. (2002). The People Capability Maturity Model: Guidelines for Improving the Workforce. (ISBN 0-201-60445-0). Reading, MA: Addison Wesley Longman. (In second printing.)

    Also Published as:

    Curtis, B., Hefley, W.E., and Miller, S. (2007). The People Capability Maturity Model: Guidelines for Improving the Workforce. (ISBN 81-317-0798-9). Delhi, India: Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt. Ltd.

    Curtis, B., Hefley, W.E., Miller, S. and Maeda, T. (2003). People CMM: Hito o ikashi soshiki o seichosaseru noryoku seijukudo moderu. (ISBN 4526052175). Tokyo, Japan: Nikkan Kogyo Shimbunsha.

    Curtis, B., Hefley, W.E., and Miller, S. (2003). 个体CMM指南——能力全面提升之路 The People Capability Maturity Model: Guidelines for Improving the Workforce. Chinese Edition. (ISBN 730207044X).

    Curtis, B., Hefley, W.E., and Miller, S. (2002). The People Capability Maturity Model: Guidelines for Improving the Workforce. (ISBN 81-297-0018-2). Delhi, India: Pearson Education. (In third printing.)

External links

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