PIXIA Corp is a company located in Reston, Virginia that creates geospatial data access solutions. It was founded in 1999.[1]


PIXIA Corporation creates high-performance scalable data access solutions for Geospatial-Intelligence (GEOINT), Wide Area Motion Imagery (WAMI), and Full Motion Video (FMV) data. Its core technology focuses on increased storage I/O, data scalability and interoperability across large datasets. PIXIA has five product lines, HiPER LOOK, KiOSK, HiPER STARE, HiPER WATCH, and InSite, which address geospatial and video enterprise management needs. [2]

PIXIA was recognized by the United States Geospatial Intelligence Foundation (USGIF) and given the Industry Achievement Award. The award states “PIXIA Corp. has demonstrated continued innovation and a strong presence in the Intelligence Community. In 2012, PIXIA invented, developed, and donated its WAMI specification to the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC), which adopted the specification in January 2013 as the OGC WAMI best practice. This effort paves the way for a future user environment that leverages standard open architectures across all geospatial data types”.[3]

In 2014, PIXIA partnered with the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) to support their tenBoma initiative which aimed to protect elephants by stopping poaching before it happens. PIXIA has provided training and mentorship to IFAW staff and hosted the Wildlife Security on poaching and illicit trade at GEOINT 2015. [4][5][6]


PIXIA was awarded the 2013 USGIF Industry Achievement Award for inventing the accepted international best practice for specification for Wide Area Motion Imagery (WAMI) to enable universal data access and dissemination across the geospatial community. [7]


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