PKP Open Archives Harvester

The PKP Open Archives Harvester is software used to accumulate and index freely available metadata, providing a searchable, web-based interface. It is open source, released under the GNU General Public License. It was created and is maintained by the Public Knowledge Project, in Vancouver, Canada.

Originally developed to harvest the metadata from Open Journal Systems articles and Open Conference Systems proceedings, the Harvester can by used with any OAI-PMH-compliant resource.

It can harvest metadata in a variety of schemas (including unqualified Dublin Core, the PKP Dublin Core extension, the Metadata Object Description Schema (MODS), and MARCXML). Additional schema are supported via plugins.

The PKP OA Harvester allows any institution to create their own metadata harvester, which can be focused specifically on gathering information from or for their research community.



External links

This article is issued from Wikipedia - version of the Saturday, August 09, 2014. The text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike but additional terms may apply for the media files.