
Fouquieria columnaris
Pachycauls are plants with a disproportionately thick trunk for their height, and few branches.[1] The word is derived from the Greek pachy- meaning thick or stout, and Latin caulis meaning the stem.[2]
Examples occur in the genera[3]
- Pachycormus (Anacardiaceae)
- Adenium
- Pachypodium (Apocynaceae)
- Dendrosenecio (Asteraceae)
- Bursera (Burseraceae)
- Cyanea
- Lobelia (Campanulaceae)
- Dendrosicyos (Cucurbitaceae)
- Givotia (Euphorbiaceae)
- Delonix (Fabaceae)
- Fouquieria (Fouquieriaceae)
- Adansonia
- Bombax
- Brachychiton
- Cavanillesia
- Ceiba (Malvaceae)
- Dorstenia (Moraceae)
- Cyphostemma (Vitaceae).
See also
- ↑ Gupta, I. C.; S. K. Gupta (1992). Concepts' Dictionary Of Agricultural Sciences. Concept Publishing Company. p. 348. ISBN 978-81-7022-301-6.
- ↑ Stearn, W.T. (1992). Botanical Latin: History, grammar, syntax, terminology and vocabulary, Fourth edition. David and Charles.
- ↑ Wickens, G. E.; Pat Lowe (2008). The Baobabs: Pachycauls of Africa, Madagascar and Australia. Springer. pp. 139–140. ISBN 978-1-4020-6430-2.
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