Pakistani Highflyer
Pakistani Highflyer Pigeons are a breed of domestic pigeons.They are tougher built and able to fly all day long in extremely hot weather. This breed is very famous in the Middle East, Pakistan,United Kingdom and many other

countries. These pigeons vary in feather colours and eye colours.
After very keen and careful breeding of high flying pigeon fanciers were able to develop these breeds. There are some common signs of understanding society high flyer. Although they can be found in a variety of colors, but the main sign is their eyes. They all are commonly have grayish factor in their eyes. All pigeons almost have light grayish necks or sometime black, their feet are in darker and dry form, they have extraordinary strong structure, their beaks variation in different colors/ shade. Most of them has long had a very pointed beak. Few breeds have little wider beaks. Wing structure is long and designed like eagles. This is true that they fly mostly at one position or you can say at very limited radius, but it can vary in structure to structure. Mostly, these pigeons go very deep in the sky and stay most of the time invisible and become visible while landing back to their loft. As far as records are concerned, these breeds have shown some extraordinary performances in the Sialkot region, but out of that these pigeons didn't perform very well due to the weather difference.
Sialkot & Kasur in Punjab, Pakistan are known for many pigeon breeds. .Sialkot and kasur who has two basic categories of high flying pigeons.
Breeds that came from Sialkot are bigger and very strong physically and mentally. They are famous to return at home, even after very long flying. Those pigeons are specially made to fight with hotter weather. There are many famous breeds Like 35Waley, Chohey, Bhonchal, Motiyo Waley, Chat Waley, Ali Waley, batterey, border Waley etc. belongs to Sialkot regions.
Another region that has contributed in very large extend in pigeon fancy is kasur. Kasuri pigeons are widely famous all over Pakistan and out of this. These pigeons are medium size pigeons with very rich coloring. Most of the breeds of this region are black neck black and white feathers on wings and dotted all over the body. A basic indicator of this breed is eye color.which is off white,cream ,very rich red and sometimes mixed with bluish and grayish rings. Some of the most famous breeds are Teddy, Golden, Kamagar, dabwaley etc. All these breeds have shown record flights all over the world.The breeds can be distinguished by their eyes colours.
Pigeon Name | Eye Colour | Flying Duration(Winter) | Flying Duration(Summer) |
Teddy | Off White or Creamy | 6–30 hours aprox | 4–14 hours aprox |
Kasuri | Dark Redish or Redish yellow | 4–12 hours aprox | 4-10 aprox |
Golden | Redish Pink | 2–4 hours aprox | 2–6 hours aprox |
35 Waley | Mild Grey | 2–4 hours aprox | 2–6 hours aprox |
Kamager | Mild Pink | 3–12 hours aprox | 2–10 hours aprox |

In Lahore region, most of the pigeon fancier use to keep teddy pigeons,as their performance are very outstanding, most of the fancier's have made their own teddy breeds.
These birds are famous due to their endurance flight. They have the ability to fly the whole day in very hot weather. Some of these breeds faced problem in weather of Karachi. In Karachi humidity level is very high and these breeds failed to face them, but fancier of Karachi took the greatest result by cross breeding with other breeds. This breed has a better aerodynamic structure because their body is thin and pointed. Wings have very sharp structure and thin feathers, which provide it less resistance to heavy wind. Therefore, they get better lift in the air and also helps to fly without losing many calories. As far as performances are concerned, they have performed amazingly well all over the country. Many pigeon fancier has won continuous tournaments with this breed. Most famous, and most widely performing breed is Teddy. We will discuss breeds separately.

The research is done by Mirza Mamoor Baig & Mirza Nawaz Baig from Lahore,Pakistan.