Panos G. Georgopoulos

Panos G. Georgopoulos, Ph.D. is a scientist working in the field of Environmental Health and specializing in Mathematical Modeling of Environmental and Biological Systems. He is the architect or the MOdeling ENvironment for Total Risk studies (MENTOR) [1][2][3][4][5] the DOse Response Information and Analysis system (DORIAN),[3][6] and Prioritization/Ranking of Toxic Exposures with GIS Extension (PRoTEGE),[7][8] all under continuing development at the Computational Chemodynamics Laboratory of the Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences Institute (EOHSI).


Georgopoulos received a diploma in Chemical Engineering from National Technical University (in Athens, Greece) in 1980. He then attended the California Institute of Technology, earning a Masters of Science in 1982 and a PhD in 1986.

Professional career

Georgopoulos has been a faculty member at Rutgers University since 1989. He has held teaching positions in the department of environmental sciences, the department of chemical and biochemical engineering, and the department of environmental and occupational health. He is also a member of the Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences Institute in Piscataway, New Jersey, and has served as director of the institute's occupational chemodynamics laboratory and its ozone research center. He has also served as director for the Informatics and Computational Toxicology Core of the NIEHS Center for Environmental Exposures and Disease at EOHSI, and is an associate member of the Rutgers Cancer Institute. In 2010, he became co-director of the Environmental Bioinformatics and Computational Toxicology Center, a Rutgers - Princeton - USFDA Research Consortium.

Georgopoulos served as the associate editor of the Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association from 1995 to 2001. In 2012 he was awarded the USEPA Scientific and Technological Achievement Award (2012) for Probabilistic Exposure Modeling for Arsenic and Methyl Mercury to Inform Regulatory and Community Decision Making.

Selected publications


  1. Georgopoulos P.G., Wang S.W., Vyas V.M., Sun Q., Burke J., Vedantham R., McCurdy T. and Ozkaynak H. (2005). A source-to-dose assessment of population exposures to fine PM and ozone in Philadelphia, PA, during a summer 1999 episode. Journal of Exposure Analysis and Environmental Epidemiology 15(5): 439−457
  2. Georgopoulos P.G. and Lioy P.J. (2006). From theoretical aspects of human exposure and dose Assessment to computational model implementation: The MOdeling ENvironment for TOtal Risk studies (MENTOR). Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health - Part B, Critical Reviews 9(6): 457-483
  3. 1 2 Georgopoulos P. (2008). A multiscale approach for assessing the interactions of environmental and biological systems in a holistic health risk assessment framework. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution: Focus 8(1): 3-21. doi:10.1007/s11267-007-9137-7
  4. Georgopoulos P.G., Wang S.-W., Yang Y.-C., Xue J., Zartarian V.G., McCurdy T. and Ozkaynak H. (2008). Biologically based modeling of multimedia, multipathway, multiroute population exposures to arsenic. Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology 18(5): 462-476
  5. Georgopoulos P.G., Sasso A.F., Isukapalli S.S., Lioy P.J., Vallero D.A., Okino M. and Reiter L. (2009). Reconstructing population exposures to environmental chemicals from biomarkers: Challenges and opportunities. Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology 19(2): 149-171. doi:10.1038/jes.2008.9
  6. Georgopoulos P.G., Isukapalli S., Androulakis I.P., Ierapetritou M.G. and Welsh W.J. (2011). Multiscale integration of toxicokinetic and toxicodynamic processes: From cell and tissue to organ and "whole body" models. In Handbook of Systems Toxicology. Casciano, D. and Sahu, S. (eds.), John Wiley & Sons: pp.619-668
  7. Georgopoulos P.G., Brinkerhoff C.J., Isukapalli S., Dellarco M., Landrigan P.J. and Lioy P.J. (2014). A tiered framework for risk-relevant characterization and ranking of chemical exposures: Applications to the National Children’s Study (NCS). Risk Analysis 34(7): 1299-316. DOI:10.1111/risa.12165.
  8. Mitchell J., Arnot J.A., Jolliet O., Georgopoulos P., Isukapalli S., Dasgupta S., Pandian M., Wambaugh J., Egeghy P., Cohen-Hubal E.A. and Vallero D.A. (2013). Comparison of modeling approaches to prioritize chemicals based on estimates of exposure and exposure potential. Science of The Total Environment 458–460: 555-567. DOI:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2013.04.051.

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