Paolo Savona

Paolo Savona

Paolo Savona (born 6 October 1936, Cagliari) is an Italian economist and university professor.[1][2]

Institutional career

After graduating from university in 1961, his career started by winning the competition to enter the Servizio Studi of Banca d'Italia (Bank of Italy; the central bank). Here he worked together with the governors Guido Carli and Paolo Baffi. With Antonio Fazio, he directed the working group that created the first econometric model of the Italian economy, M1BI. He also attended courses at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Cambridge (USA), where he met Franco Modigliani. Together with Michele Fratianni, he studied the International money creation. He specialised at the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve in Washington. In 1976, Guido Carli became the President of Confindustria and asked Savona to follow him as General Director, a post that he kept until 1980.

In the following years, he became President of Credito Industriale Sardo (1980–1989), Secretary-General for Economic Planning at the Ministry of Budget (1980-1982), Chief Executive Officer and then Managing Director of Banca Nazionale del Lavoro (1989–1990), President of Fondo Interbancario di Tutela dei Depositi (1990–1999), of Impregilo, Gemina, Aeroporti di Roma and Consorzio Venezia Nuova (2000–2010). After having been vice president of Capitalia,[3] at the moment of the merging with UniCredit, he was named president of Banca di Roma. Between 2000 and 2010, he was also a Board Member of RCS MediaGroup and Telecom Italia.

Minister of Industry, Trade and Handicraft for the Ciampi Cabinet (April 1993-April 1994), he was Head of the Department for EU Policies of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers during the Berlusconi III Cabinet (2005-2006), and Coordinator of the Technical Committee for the Lisbon Strategy, which prepared the draft of the Italian plan for Growth and Occupation, presented to the European Commission on 15 October 2005.

He also had several public offices in Italy and abroad, among which: member of the OECD Committee for the standardisation of financial statistics, and of the BIS Standing Committee on Eurodollars; President of the Technical-Scientific Council for Economic Planning, and of the Commission on Nuclear Energy in Italy.

In September 2010, he was appointed President of Fondo Interbancario di Tutela dei Depositi for the second time.

Academic career

Academic dean of the Faculty of Political Science and International Relations, and director of the PhD in Geopolitics and Economic Geopolitics of the e-University Guglielmo Marconi, Rome. Professor emeritus of Economic Politics at the LUISS "Guido Carli" University.

He founded and directed with Michele Fratianni the Open Economies Review, and he is at present the Scientific Editor of the following journals: Economia Italiana, Journal of European Economic History and Review of Economic Conditions in Italy.

He taught in the universities of Perugia, Rome Tor Vergata, and Scuola Superiore di Pubblica Amministrazione.

His favourite research topics are the international monetary system, the effects of the growth of the derivatives market on the efficacy of the economic policy, the gaps in productivity between Northern/Central Italy and Southern Italy. He is the author and co-author of several papers and books on the problems of the real, monetary and financial economy, and on methodological issues. Among his research, great relevance is attributed to the first econometric model of Italian economy M1BI, the first analyses on the international monetary base and Eurodollar, and on the macroeconomic effects of derivative contracts, which have all anticipated in a systematic way the happening of the dramatic events experienced by the Italian and international economy in the last forty years.


Savona won the prize awarded by Associazione per il Progresso Economico in 1976, the Premio Capalbio 1998 in economy, the Premio IDI 1999 for the small and middle enterprise, the Premio Pisa 1999 for essay writing with the book Che cos'e' l'economia, the Premio Speciale 2000 for the sector 'Economy' as part of Premi della Cultura awarded by the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, the Premio 2008 in International economy awarded by Camera di Commercio di Genova, the Premio Scanno 2009 in economy, the VII Premio Donato Menichella 2009 for socio-economic studies, and the Premio Fata Morgana 2010 in economy and finance. He is Chinese Eisenhower Fellow of Taiwan.

Works by Paolo Savona


  1. ↑ CV Paolo Savona,
  2. ↑ Paolo Savona, autore a
  3. ↑ "2006 Bilancio" (PDF). Capitalia (in Italian). Borsa Italiana archive. 30 March 2007. Retrieved 12 March 2016.
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