Papat Limpad

Fantastic Four Javanese Language Wikipedia Competition

Papat Limpad (English: Fantastic Four) is a seven-month writing competition in the Javanese-language Wikipedia.[1] The purpose of this competition is to revitalize the "barely alive" Javanese-language Wikipedia.[2] Javanese Wikipedia started in January 2003, began to have a larger number of regular contributors in mid-2006, and began to see its golden era for seven years in 2008. However, the activity decreased and returned to 2006 status, with only 2 to 1 regular contributors for the last two years. The Javanese language Wikipedia ranked 71 in the number of pages being viewed by 1.2 million viewers a month (before intervention). Wikimedia Indonesia believes that Javanese Wikipedia has an untapped potential growth and an untapped potential editor base that needs to be reached.

Proposed solution

On December 2010, Javanese Language Wikipedia sysop and co-founder of Wikimedia Indonesia proposed to use one potential University in Semarang, Central Java Universitas Negeri Semarang (Public University Semarang) also known as UNNES, as location and resources of this pilot project. UNNES met the rationale that Semarang is a location where Javanese Language population reside, and the university also have a Javanese Language major specific. The success of Free Your Knowledge 2010 competition in Indonesian language Wikipedia are hoped to be replicate in Javanese Language Wikipedia. However, lesson learn from the competition proves that after 72 days of competition, none of the participant return to edit further - this result is not acceptable in Javanese Language Wikipedia, considering the high cost where the trainee need to be flown regularly from Jakarta to Semarang. Therefore, it is decided to have a seven months competition to compensate the cost.

Actual activities

In January 2011 Wikimedia Indonesia's Papat Limpad team begin the trip from Jakarta to Semarang to introduce the initiative "Papat Limpad". Papat Limpad is an intervention project to Javanese Language Wikipedia natural declining stage by introducing a competition system in writing for Javanese Language Wikipedia to UNNES, using the same competing system in Indonesian Language Wikipedia known as Free Your Knowledge System (FYKS).

As incentive to 100 students that will compete writing in Javanese language Wikipedia for seven months, four laptops will be given to top writer contributors, while one laptop will be given to the head of Javanese Language Academy Major.

On February 2011, Wikimedia Indonesia began an intensive training to Semarang committee, the training include project management, competition monitoring, documentation, and reporting. Five people are selected with task distribution of coordinator and member of the committee.

After one month committee training, the competition began on March 21, 2011 and ended on October 13, 2011. Exactly during the celebration of "Language Month" (October).

Project Goal


The impact of the project on WMF mission goals of Increased Reach, Increased Quality, Increased Credibility, Increased and Diversified Participation is shown by the increasing very active Wikipedian as illustrated in the statistics.

Planned goal

Javanese language revitalization project has a simple goal: a sustainable growth for six months in 2011 with minimum of six very active user and outreach in Javanese language population city.


  1. Papat Limpad has successfully increased Javanese Language Wikipedia very active users (>100 edits/ month) from two contributors (average) in 2010 to 13 contributors during seven months competition.
  2. Papat Limpad has successfully increased Javanese Language Wikipedia active users (>5 edits/ months) from nine contributors (average) in 2010 to 44 contributors during seven months competition.
  3. The participant (both that finishes and dropped out from the competition) contributed more than 2,269 short and long articles using Wikimedia Indonesia competition standard within 7 months competition.
  4. Posters of article results by top five participants are spread in three different universities in Semarang, increasing the awareness of Javanese Language Wikipedia existence.

See also


External links

  1. (Indonesian) Suara Merdeka: Kompetisi Papat Limpad Diluncurkan: Christian Sugiono Kampanyekan Wikipedia Bahasa Jawa
  2. (Indonesian) UNNES - Wikipedia Launched 'Papat Limpad'
  3. (Indonesian) Koran Radar Semarang (19 Maret 2011)
  4. (Indonesian) Artikel Peluncuran Papat Limpad at Harian Wawasan
  5. (Indonesian) Launching Papat Limpad at Harian Suara Merdeka
  6. (Indonesian) Warta Jawa Tengah (22 Maret 2011)
  7. (Indonesian) Article and Video Streaming from TVKU Semarang: Papad Limpad - Writing at Wikipedia in javanese language (23 Maret 2011)
  8. (Indonesian) Antara Jateng: Unnes-Wikipedia Kembangkan Artikel Bahasa Jawa
  9. (Indonesian) UNES Gandeng Wikipedia Indonesia Kembangkan Artikel Bahasa Jawa
  10. (Indonesian) TVOne: Wikipedia kembangkan artikel Bahasa Jawa
  11. Internal publication by UNNES:
    1. (Indonesian) Universitas Negeri Semarang: Wikipedia dan Jurusan Bahasa Jawa Adakan Kompetisi Menulis
    2. (Indonesian) Universitas Negeri Semarang: Christian Soegiono Dukung Papat Limpad Wikipedia Bahasa Jawa
This article is issued from Wikipedia - version of the Thursday, March 10, 2016. The text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike but additional terms may apply for the media files.