“ | SING forth and laud Parjanya, son of Heaven, who sends the gift of rain. May he provide our pasturage. Parjanya is the God who forms in kine, in mares, in plants of earth, And womankind, the germ of life.Offer and pour into his mouth oblation rich in savoury juice: May he for ever give us food. -Rig Veda Hymn to Parjanya[1] |
Parjanya (Sanskrit: parjánya) according to the 1965 Sanskrit–English Dictionary by Vaman Shivram Apte gives the following meanings:
- Rain-cloud, thunder cloud, a cloud in general
- Rain (as referred in the Shloka from Bhagavad Gita Chapter 3 Verse 14)
- The god (deva) of rain i.e. Indra
Two hymns of the Rigveda, 5.83 and 7.101, are dedicated to Parjanya. In Vedic Sanskrit Parjanya means "rain" or "raincloud". Prayers dedicated to Parjanya, to invoke the blessings of rains are mentioned in the Atharvaveda.[2]
Parjanya was also one of the Saptarishi (Seven Great Sages Rishi) in the fifth Manvantara.[3] He is one of the 12 Adityas and according to the Vishnu Purana, the guardian of the month of Kartik,[4] a Gandharva and a Rishi in the Harivamsa. The name may be cognate with Slavic Perun, Lithuanian Perkūnas and Finnish Perkele "god of thunder", Gothic fairguni "mountain", Mordvin language Pur’ginepaz, see Perkwunos.[5]
Rig Veda hymns to Parjanya
RV 5.83 in the translation of Griffith:[6]
- 1a áchÄ vada tavásaṃ gÄ«rbhÃr Äbhà stuhà parjányaṃ námasâ vivÄsa
- 1c kánikradad vṛṣabhó jÄ«rádÄnÅ« réto dadhÄty óṣadhÄ«á¹£u gárbham
- Sing with these songs thy welcome to the Mighty, with adoration praise and call Parjanya.
- The Bull, loud roaring, swift to send his lays in the plants the seed for germination.
- 2a và vá¹›kṣân hanty utá hanti rakṣáso vÃÅ›vam bibhÄya bhúvanam mahâvadhÄt
- 2c utânÄgÄ Ä«á¹£ate vŕṣṇyÄvato yát parjánya stanáyan hánti duá¹£kÅ•taḥ
- He smites the trees apart, he slays the demons: all life fears him who wields the mighty weapon.
- From him exceeding strong flees e'en the guiltless, when thundering Parjanya smites the wicked.
- 3a rathîva káśayâśvÄá¹ abhiká¹£ipánn ÄvÃr dÅ«tân kṛṇute vará¹£yÄaà Ṡáha
- 3c dÅ«rât siá¹hásya stanáthÄ Ãºd Ä«rate yát parjányaḥ kṛṇuté vará¹£yà ṃ nábhaḥ
- Like a car-driver whipping on his horses, he makes the messengers of rain spring forward.
- Far off resounds the roaring of the lion, what time Parjanya fills the sky with rain-cloud.
- 4a prá vâtÄ vânti patáyanti vidyúta úd óṣadhÄ«r jÃhate pÃnvate svà ḥ
- 4c ÃrÄ vÃÅ›vasmai bhúvanÄya jÄyate yát parjányaḥ pá¹›thivîṃ rétasâvati
- Forth burst the winds, down come the lightning-flashes: the plants shoot up, the realm of light is streaming.
- Food springs abundant for all living creatures, what time Parjanya quickens earth with moisture.
- 5a yásya vraté pṛthivî nánnamīti yásya vraté śaphávaj járbhurīti
- 5c yásya vratá óṣadhÄ«r viÅ›várÅ«pÄḥ sá naḥ parjanya máhi śárma yacha
- Thou at whose bidding earth bows low before thee, at whose command hoofed cattle fly in terror,
- At whose behest the plants assume all colours, even thou Parjanya, yield us great protection.
- 6a divó no vṛṣá¹Ãm maruto rarÄ«dhvam prá pinvata vŕṣṇo áśvasya dhârÄḥ
- 6c arvâṅ eténa stanayitnúnéhy apó niṣiñcánn ásuraḥ pitâ naḥ
- Send down for us the rain of heaven, ye Maruts, and let the Stallion's flood descend in torrents.
- Come hither with this thunder while thou pourest the waters down, our heavenly Lord and Father.
- 7a abhà kranda stanáya gárbham â dhÄ udanvátÄ pári dÄ«yÄ ráthena
- 7c dÅ•tiṃ sú kará¹£a vÃá¹£itaṃ nyà ñcaṃ samâ bhavantÅ«dváto nipÄdâḥ
- Thunder and roar: the germ of life deposit. Fly round us on thy chariot waterladen.
- Thine opened water-skin draw with thee downward, and let the hollows and the heights be level.
- 8a mahântaṃ kóśam úd acÄ nà ṣiñca syándantÄṃ kulyâ vÃá¹£itÄḥ purástÄt
- 8c ghá¹›téna dyâvÄpá¹›thivî vy ùndhi suprapÄṇám bhavatv aghnyâbhyaḥ
- Lift up the mighty vessel, pour down water, and let the liberated streams rush forward.
- Saturate both the earth and heaven with fatness, and for the cows let there be drink abundant.
- 9a yát parjanya kánikradat stanáyan háá¹si duá¹£kÅ•taḥ
- 9c prátÄ«dáṃ vÃÅ›vam modate yát kÃṃ ca pá¹›thivyâm ádhi
- When thou, with thunder and with roar, Parjanya, smitest sinners down,
- This universe exults thereat, yea, all that is upon the earth.
- 10a ávarṣīr varṣám úd u ṣû gá¹›bhÄyâkar dhánvÄny átyetavâ u
- 10c ájÄ«jana óṣadhÄ«r bhójanÄya kám utá prajâbhyo 'vido manīṣâm
- Thou hast poured down the rain-flood now withhold it. Thou hast made desert places fit for travel.
- Thou hast made herbs to grow for our enjoyment: yea, thou hast won thee praise from living creatures.
- ↑ Parjanya Rig Veda, translated by Ralph T.H. Griffith, 1896, Book 7: HYMN CII Parjanya.
- ↑ Prayer.. Atharvaveda, translated by Ralph T.H. Griffith, 1895, Book 4: Hymn 15, A charm to hasten the coming of the rains.
- ↑ Fifth interval of Manu Vishnu Purana, translated by Horace Hayman Wilson, 1840, Book III: Chapter I. p. 262-263, In the fifth interval the Manu was Raivata: the Indra was Vibhu: the classes of gods, consisting of fourteen each, were the Amitábhas, Abhútarajasas, Vaikunthas, and Sumedhasas: the seven Rishis were HiraÅ„yaromá, VedasrÃ, Urddhabáhu, Vedabáhu, Sudháman, Parjanya, and Mahámuni.
- ↑ Parashara...In the month of Kártik they are Parjanya, Bharadwája, (another) Viswávasu, ViswáchÃ, Senajit, Airávata, and Chápa Vishnu Purana, translated by Horace Hayman Wilson, Book II: Chapter X. p. 233, Names of the twelve Ãdityas. Names of the Rishis, Gandharbhas, Apsarasas, Yakshas, Uragas, and Rákshasas, who attend the chariot of the sun in each month of the year. Their respective functions...
- ↑ Parjanya means "the rain" or "the thunderer.. Songs of the Russian People, by W. R. S. Ralston, 1872, Chapter II: Section I.--The Old Gods. p. 87. The description of Parjanya is in all respects applicable to the deity worshipped by the different branches of the Slavo-Lettic family under various names, such as the Lithuanian Perkunas, thebhgggin Lettish Perkons, the Old Prussian Perkunos, the Polish Piorun, the Bohemian Peraun, and the Russian Perun. There is resemblance also to the Finnic Mordvin / Erza thunder god Pur’ginepaz. According to a Lithuanian legend, known also to other Indo-European nations, the Thunder-God created the universe by the action of warmth—Perkunas wis iszperieje. The verb perieti (present form periu) means to produce by means of warmth, to hatch, to bear, being akin to the Latin pario, and the Russian parit' . In Lithuania Perkunas, as the God of Thunder, was worshipped with great reverence. His statue is said to have held in its hand "a precious stone like fire," shaped "in the image of the lightning," and before it constantly burnt an oak-wood fire. If the fire by any chance went out, it was rekindled by means of sparks struck from the stone. The Mordvin /Erza tradition has " Sparks fly from the cartwheels and the hooves of fiery-red horses of Pur’ginepaz, when he drives across the sky " (Yurtov, A. 1883. Obraztsy mordovskoi narodnoi slovesnosti. 2nd ed. Kazan. :129)
- ↑ Parjanya Rig Veda, translated by Ralph T.H. Griffith, 1896, Book 5, Hymn LXXXIII. Parjanya.