Party of Bible-abiding Christians

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The Party of Bible-abiding Christians (German: Partei Bibeltreuer Christen, PBC) was a conservative evangelical minor right-wing political party in Germany. It was founded in 1989. It was against same-sex marriage and legality of abortion. It supported a reference to God in the European Constitution and it strongly supported Israel. In March 2015, the PBC merged with the Party for Labour, Environment and Family (AUF) into the Alliance C - Christians for Germany.

Most members were from Württemberg or Saxony and were members or sympathizers of what Germans call "Free Churches", i.e., Protestants not affiliated with the large Evangelical Church in Germany.

The party's success, however, was very limited on the federal and state levels of government because it never reached the "5% hurdle" of votes cast necessary to get into the parliaments in Germany's system of proportional representation. In the last federal election the PBC participated (2013), the party achieved 0.0 percent of votes.[1]

By contrast, the conservative Christian Democratic Union and Christian Social Union of Bavaria are powerful political forces in Germany (based on the number of votes and offices held). They differ greatly from the former PBC though in accepting secularization and being traditionally close to the Evangelical Church in Germany and the Roman Catholic Church.

The party was a member of the European Christian Political Movement (EPCM).


  1. ↑ (Official election results in Germany are rounded to one digit behind the decimal point, which results in parties with less than 0.05 of votes being listed with an official result of 0.0 percent.)

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