Pascal Sébah

For his photographer son, see Jean Pascal Sebah

Photo of two Kurdish men and a Catholic cleric, taken by Pascal Sebah at the universal exposition in Vienna, 1873.

Pascal Sébah (1823–1886) was a photographer in Constantinople (now Istanbul). He was born in Constantinople, then the capital of the Ottoman Empire, to a Syrian Catholic father and an Armenian mother. In 1857 he opened his first photography studio in Constantinople[1] at 439 Grande Rue de Pera in the center of the city.[2] By 1873 he was successful enough to open another studio in Cairo. He worked with Turkish painter Osman Hamdi Bey and exhibited at the 1873 Ottoman exhibition in Vienna, Austria.[1] His contributions consisted of a series of photographs, which depict the various traditional costumes of the Ottoman Empire at that time.[3]

After he died on 25 June 1886, the studio was managed by his brother Cosmi until Pascal's son, Jean Pascal Sébah, joined in 1888 and went on to run the studio other photographers.

Sebah, a Catholic, was buried in the Latin cemetery in Ferikoy. His son, Jean Pascal Sebah, is also buried there.

Gallery of photographs by Pescal Sébah


  1. 1 2 Photography in Ottoman Istanbul by Maggie Kurkoski '12 Smith College Museum of Art
  2. Source confuses son and father.. J Paul Getty Museum
  3. "Journey through Nostalgia: Pascal Sebah of Istanbul | We Love Istanbul". Retrieved 29 March 2016.


Michelle L. Woodward, "Between Orientalist Clichés and Images of Modernization: Photographic Practice in the Late Ottoman Era," History of Photography, Winter 2003, Vol. 27, No. 4.

External links

Wikimedia Commons has media related to Pascal Sebah.

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