
Patanvav is a village in Dhoraji taluka of Rajkot district of Gujarat.

The nearby towns are Rajkot, Dhoraji, Manavadar, Gondal, upleta India

It is situated at an altitude of 68 meters above Seal level. Postal code is 360430.[1]


Patanvav, during British Raj was under administration of Gondal State and was a fortified town.

There is a hill nearby known as Osam hill where the five Pandavas are believed to have stayed during their exile. On the hill there are ruins of a fort, which is called Fort of Pandavas As per the mythological beliefs it was here Bhima met Hidimbi. The place is very old and ancient. Coordinates: 21°36′50″N 70°15′47″E / 21.614°N 70.263°E / 21.614; 70.263it's osam


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