Patrona Osman Pasha

Patrona (Vice Admiral) Osman Pascha (c. 1792;[1][2] – c. 1860[3][4]) was an Ottoman naval officer.

Osman started his career in the Egyptian Navy. He commanded a brigg in the Battle of Navarino (1827) and an Egyptian frigate after 1830. During the Egyptian–Ottoman War (1839–41) he joined the Ottoman Navy, commanded an Ottoman ship of line in the Bombardment of St. Acre (1840) and with regard to that he became Vice Admiral (Patrona).

When the Russo-Ottoman Crimean War started he was sent out with a small flottilla to bring troops and material to Batumi. Because of stormy weather he decided to stop and wait in Sinope, where he was attacked by Russian Admiral Pavel Nakhimov on November 30 of 1853. Osman's flottilla was destroyed, he himself was wounded in the foot and taken prisoner. He was released after the Treaty of Paris (1856), and although the Patrona rank had been abolished in the meantime, he remained a member of the Admiralty.


  1. Pierer's Universal-Lexikon der Gegenwart und Vergangenheit, Vol. 12 (Osman), p. 367. Altenburg 1861
  2. Meyers Konversationslexikon, Vol. 12, p. 391f, Third Edition, Leipzig 1877
  3. Patrona Osman Paşa
  4. Candan Badem: The Ottoman Crimean War (1853 - 1856), p. 113-136. Brill, Leiden 2010
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