Paul Wehman

Paul Wehman is a Professor of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at Virginia Commonwealth University, and an early pioneer of supported employment. Wehman's primary interests are in transition from school to work, supported employment, business partnerships, and return to work. Wehman is Chairman for the Division on Rehabilitation Research at Virginia Commonwealth University's School of Medicine, with joint appointments in the Departments of Special Education and Disability Policy and Rehabilitation Counseling. He is the Chief Research Officer for the VCU Center for Rehabilitation Science and Engineering, an interdisciplinary research unit furthering the science and serving the needs of persons with disabilities. He has written, co-authored, or edited 43 commercially published books and written over 200 journal articles, mostly in the transition and employment areas. He is on several editorial boards and has been Editor of the Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation since 1991 to present.
Field or Area of Special Interest Within Discipline or Profession Specialties:
- Transition from School to Adulthood
- Brain Injury
- Autism
- Supported Employment
- Educational policy/special education/at-risk youth
- Disability policy
- Work with business/industry
- Work with parents/families
- Employment/public policy for persons with traumatic brain injury and physical handicaps and developmental disabilities
- Assistive technology, Internet applications for persons with disabilities
Awards and honors
- ARCA 2015 Research Award for the 2014 article entitled “Effect of Supported Employment on Vocational Rehabilitation Outcomes of Transition-Age Youth with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities: A Case Control Study,” published in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities,52:4,296-310.
- NARRTC Honorable Mention Research Paper Award for “Effect of Supported Employment on Vocational Rehabilitation Outcomes of Transition-Age Youth with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities: A Case Control Study,” published in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities,52:4,296-310.
- Received Lifetime Achievement Award, Foundation for Life Care Planning Research. Minneapolis, MS. September 20, 2014.
- Identified as a recipient of the 2014 Princeton Lecture Series Fellowship by the Honorary Advisory Committee for the Eden Autism Services’ Princeton Lecture Series as a tribute to a career in the field of autism.
- Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee selected the publication “Do sheltered workshops enhance employment outcomes for adults with autism spectrum disorder?” as one of the Top 20 papers on autism research for 2012.
- Psychology Progress series named the publication “Transition from school to work for students with autism spectrum disorders: understanding the process and achieving better outcomes” as a significant contributor to the study of Autism (ASD).
- Named as one of 40 people who made significant contributions to the development of special education and disability for persons with disabilities in Chapter 4 of Hanley-Maxwell, C. & Collet-Klingenberg, L. (2011) Volume 2: Education and Disability. G. Albrecht (Ed.), SAGE Reference Series on Disability. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publishing.
- International Listing of publication of Article: Effect of supported employment on the vocational outcomes of persons with traumatic brain injury", published in Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis 1989 22(4): 395-405, is listed in Psychological Database for Brain Impairment Treatment Efficacy (PsychBITE), Australia. Announced May 2011
- Nominated to Who’s Who in Medicine and Healthcare 2011-2012.
- Recognized as the Kenneth L. Estabrook Distinguished Research Scientist Lecturer, Kessler Rehabilitation Foundation, West Orange, New Jersey, March 5, 2010
- Recognized with Distinction from Organization on Autism Research, October 25, 2009.
- Received VCU School of Medicine Research Recognition Award, June 2007.
- Elected Life Long Emeritus Member of APSE: The Employment Network, August 2006.
- Appointed member of Board of Directors, Association for Persons in Supported Employment, March 2004 – 2006.
- Named one of the Top 50 Most Influential Persons in the Field of Special Education for the Millennium, Journal of Remedial and Special Education, December 2000.
- Distinguished Research Lecturer, Kent State University, November 2002.
- Received VCU Distinguished Faculty Service Award 2001, September 6, 2001.
- Recipient of 1995 University of Wisconsin-Madison, School of Education, Distinguished Alumni Award.
- Invited as Keynote Speaker to First European Union on Supported Employment, Rotterdam, Netherlands, May 1994.
- Received the Distinguished Service Award from the President of the United States on Employment for Persons with Disabilities, October 7, 1992.
- Special Award for Leaders in Supported Employment. Presented at Third Annual Conference of American Association for Persons in Supported Employment, July 15, 1992, Chicago, Illinois.
- Bates, Wehman, and Renzaglia (1981) article on “Characteristics of an Appropriate Education” selected as one of the top 13 classic contributions in the area of severe disabilities. Among these 13 classic works, this article was ranked fifth overall, receiving 5 votes as the most significant of the seminal contributions in this area (Spooner, Enright, Haney, and Heller, 1993).
- Annual Award for Outstanding Service to the field of Brain Injury Rehabilitation presented at the Post-graduate course on Rehabilitation of the Brain Injured Adult and Child, June 5, 1991, Williamsburg, Va.
- International Award Winner for Joseph P. Kennedy Foundation as future leader in Mental Retardation, July 1990. Attended at home of Rose Kennedy at Hyannis, Massachusetts, July 14–15, 1990.
- Invited to White House and attended Presidential signing of the Americans with Disabilities Act, July 26, 1990.
- Distinguished Lecturer and Recipient of Liam McGuire Award for Aerlingus, September 12–16, 1989, Dublin, Ireland.
- Training Award - Region IX American Association on Mental Retardation, Philadelphia, October 20, 1988.
- Distinguished Service Award - Mid-Atlantic Rehabilitation Association 1987, Baltimore, Md, October 10, 1987.
- Corbett Reedy Award for Excellence for 1986 - Virginia Rehabilitation Association, October 1986, Charlottesville, Virginia.
- Distinguished Research Award, School of Education, VCU, Richmond, Va., 1985.
- Mary Switzer National Scholar, National Rehabilitation Association, Washington, D.C., November 13–15, 1985.
- Phi Kappa Phi Honorary Faculty Award, March 6, 1981.
- National Finalist in Joseph P. Kennedy Mental Retardation Public Policy Awards, July 1982.
- West Point Public Schools Certificate of Appreciation, December 8, 1982.
- Wehman, P. (2013). Life Beyond the Classroom: Transition Strategies for Young People with Disabilities, (5th edition), Baltimore: Paul Brookes Publishing Co.
- Wehman, P., & Kregel, J. (2012). Functional Curriculum for Elementary, Middle, & Secondary Age Students with Special Needs (3rd ) edition. Austin, PRO-ED.
- Wehman, P. (2010). Essentials of Transition Planning. Baltimore: Paul Brookes Publishing Co.
- Thoma, C. A., & Wehman, P. (2010). Getting the Most Out of IEPs: An Educator’s Guide to the Student-Directed Approach. Baltimore: Paul Brookes Publishing Co.
- Wehman, P., Datlow Smith, M. & Schall, C. (2009). Autism and the Transition to Adulthood: Success beyond the classroom. Baltimore, MD: Brookes Publishing.
- Wehman, P., & Wittig, K. (2009) Transition IEPs, (3rd edition). A curriculum guide for teachers planning and designing transition programs. Austin, TX: PRO-ED.
- Wehman, P., Inge, K. J., Revell, G., & Brooke, V. A. (2007). Real Work for Real Pay: Inclusive Employment for People with Disabilities, Paul Brookes Publishing Co.
- Wehman, P. (2006). Life Beyond the Classroom: Transition Strategies for Young People with Disabilities, (4th edition), Paul Brookes Publishing Co.
- Getzel, L. & Wehman, P. (2005). Going to College: Expanding Opportunities for Individuals with Disabilities. Baltimore: Paul Brookes Publishing Co.
- Wehman, P. & McLaughlin, P. J., Wehman, T. (2005). Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities: Toward Full Community Inclusion, (3rd edition). Austin, TX: PRO-ED.
- Wehman, P., & Kregel, J. (2004). Functional Curriculum for Elementary, Middle, and Secondary Age Students with Special Needs, (2nd edition). Austin, TX: Pro-ED.
- Wehman, P. (2002). Individual Transition Plans: The Teacher’s Curriculum Guide for Helping Youth with Special Needs, (2nd edition). Austin, PRO-ED.
- Wehman, P. (2001). Life Beyond the Classroom: Transition Strategies for Young People with Disabilities, (3rd edition). Baltimore: Paul Brookes Publishing Co.
- Wehman, P. (2001). Supported Employment in Business: Expanding the Capacity of Workers with Disabilities. St. Augustine, FL: TRIN Publishing.
- Wehman, P., & Targett, P. (1999). Vocational Curriculum: Transition from School to Adulthood. Austin, Texas: PRO-ED. (319 pages)
- Wehman, P. (1998). Developing transition plans. Austin, TX: PRO-ED.
- Wehman, P. & Kregel, J. (1998). More than a Job: Securing satisfying careers for people with disabilities. Baltimore: Paul Brookes Publishers.
- Parent, W., Kregel, J., Wehman, P., & Hernandez. (1997). Employment Satisfaction Survey in Supported Employment.
- Wehman, P. (1997) Exceptional Individuals in School, Community, and Work. Austin, TX: PRO-ED. (685 pages)
- Wehman, P. & Kregel, J. (1997). Functional Curriculum for Elementary, Middle and Secondary Age Students with Special Needs. Austin: PRO-ED. (332 pages)
- McLaughlin, P. & Wehman, P. (1996). Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities (2nd edition). Austin, TX: PRO-ED.
- Wehman, P. (July, 1996, 2nd edition). Life Beyond the Classroom: Transition Strategies for Young Adults with Disabilities. Baltimore: Paul Brookes Publishing Co. (483 pages)
- Wehman, P. (1995). Individual Transition Plans: A Curriculum Guide for Teachers and Counselors. Austin, TX: PRO-ED.
- Wehman, P. & Sherron, P. (1995). Off to Work. Vernona, Wisconsin: Attainment, Inc.
- Wehman, P. (Ed.). (1992) The ADA Mandate for Social Change. Baltimore, Md.: Paul Brookes Publishing Co.
- Wehman, P. (1992). Life Beyond the Classroom: Transition Strategies for Young Adults with Disabilities. Baltimore: Paul Brookes Publishing Co.
- Parent, W. Kregel, J. & Wehman, P. (1992). Vocational Integration Index: A Guide for Rehabilitation and Special Education Professionals. Andover, MA: Andover Medical Publishers.
- Wehman, P., Sale, P. & Parent, W. (1992). Supported Employment: Strategies for Integration of Workers with Disabilities: From Research to Practice. Andover, MA: Butterworth Publishing Co.
- Kreutzer, J. & Wehman, P. (Eds.) (1991). Cognitive Rehabilitation for Persons with Traumatic Brain Injury. Baltimore: Paul H. Brookes Publishing.
- Kreutzer, J. & Wehman, P. (Eds.) (1990). Community Integration for Persons with Traumatic Brain Injury. Baltimore: Paul H. Brookes Publishing.
- Moon, M.S., Inge, K., Wehman, P., Brooke, V., & Barcus, J.M. (1990). Helping persons with severe mental retardation get employed and stay employed. Baltimore: Paul H. Brookes Publishing (242 pages).
- Wehman, P., & Kreutzer, J. (Eds.) (1990). Vocational Rehabilitation for Persons with Traumatic Brain injury. Baltimore: Aspen Publishers.
- Wehman, P. & Kregel, J. (1989). Supported employment and transition: Focus on excellence. New York: Plenum Press.
- Wehman, P. & Moon, M.S. (1988). Vocational rehabilitation and supported employment. Baltimore: Paul H. Brookes Publishing (393 pages). (Selected as Book of the Year by the President's Committee on Employment of the Handicapped - 1989).
- Wehman, P., Moon, S., Everson, J., Wood, W., & Barcus, J.M. (1988). Transition from school to work. Baltimore: Paul H. Brookes Publishing (320 pages). (Selected as Book of the Year by the President's Committee on Employment of the Handicapped - 1988).
- Wehman, P., Wood, W., Everson, J., Goodwyn, R., & Conley, S. (1988). Vocational education for multihandicapped children with cerebral palsy. Baltimore: Paul H. Brookes Publishing (306 pages).
- Wehman, P., Bates, P. & Renzaglia A. (1985). Functional Living Skills for Individuals with Moderate and Severe Disabilities. Austin, TX: PRO-ED.
- Wehman, P. & Schleien, S. (1982). Leisure for handicapped individuals: Adaptation, techniques, and curriculum. Austin, TX: PRO-ED Inc. (230 pages).
- Wehman, P. (1981). Competitive employment: New horizons for severely disabled individuals. Baltimore: Paul H. Brookes Publishing (270 pages).
- Wehman, P. & McLaughlin, P. (1981). Program development in special education: Designing individualized education programs. New York: McGraw-Hill (420 pages).
- Wehman, P. & McLaughlin, P. (1980). Vocational curriculum for developmentally disabled persons. Baltimore:University Park Press.
- Wehman, P. (Ed.) (1979). Recreation programming for developmentally disabled students. New York: Human Sciences Press (280 pages).
- Wehman, P. (1977). Helping the mentally retarded acquire play skills: A behavioral approach. Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas (240 pages).
Selected Journal Publications
- Wehman, P., Schall, C. M., McDonough, J., Graham, C., Brooke, V., Riehle, E.,… Allen, J. (In preparation). Effects of an employer based intervention on employment outcomes for youth with autism.
- Wehman, P., Brooke, V., Brooke, A. M., Lau, S., Ham, W., McDonough, J.,… Seward, H. (In preparation). Supported employment outcomes for young adults with autism spectrum disorders.
- Kaya, C., Chan, F., Rumrill, P., Hartman, E., Wehman, P., Iwanga,… Avellone,L. (Submitted) Vocational Rehabilitation Services and Competitive Employment for Transition- Age Youth with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Journal of Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology.
- West, M., Sima, A., Wehman, P., Chan, F., & Luecking, R. (In press). Students at high risk for poor school-to-work outcomes: Mitigating factors. Rehabilitation Research, Policy and Education.
- Rumrill, P. D., Wehman, P., Cimera, R. E., Dillard, C., & Chan, F. (In press). Vocational rehabilitation services and outcomes for transition-age youth with traumatic brain injuries. Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation.
- Schall, C., Brooke, V., Wehman, P., Molinelli, A., Ham, W., Collins, H.,… Gerhardt, P. (In press). Transition-aged youth with ASD and community based functional assessment: An analysis of the social validity of available transition assessment tools. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation.
- Schall, C., Wehman, P., Brooke, V., Graham, C., McDonough, J., Brooke, A.,… Allen, J. (2015). Employment interventions for individuals with ASD: The relative efficacy of supported employment with or without prior Project SEARCH training. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. Advance online publication. doi:10.1007/s10803-015-2426-5.
- Wehman, P., Sima, A., Ketchum, J. M., West, M. D., Chan, F., & Luecking, R. (2014). Predictors of successful transition from school to employment for youth with disabilities. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation. Advance online publication. doi:10:1007/s10926-014-9541-6.
- Sima, A., Wehman, P., Chan, F., & Luecking, R. (2014). An evaluation of at-risk factors related to employment outcomes for youth with disabilities. Career Development and Transition for Exceptional Individuals. Advance online publication. doi:10.1177/2165143414534887.
- West, M., Targett, P., Wehman, P., Cifu, G., & Davis, J. (2014). Separation from supported employment: A chart review study. Manuscript submitted for publication. Disability and Rehabilitation.
- Wehman, P., Targett, P., Dillard, C., West, M., & Nersessova, K. (2014). Poverty and acquired brain injury. Manuscript submitted for publication. Brain Injury Professional.
- Schall, C., Brooke, V., Wehman, P., Molinelli, A., Ham, W., Collins, H. Gerhardt, P. (2014). Transition-aged youth with ASD and community based functional assessment: An analysis of the social validity of available transition assessment tools. Manuscript submitted for publication. Focus on Autism.
- Wehman, P., Sima, A., Ketchum, J.M., West, M.D., Chan, F., & Luecking, R. (2014). Predictors of transition from school to employment for youth with disabilities. Manuscript submitted for publication. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.
- Wehman, P., Chan, F., Ditchman, N., & Kang, H.J. (2014). Effect of supported employment on vocational rehabilitation outcomes of transition-age youth with intellectual and developmental disabilities: A case control study. Intellectual and Development Disabilities.
- Gentry, T., Wehman, P., McDonough, J., Kriner, R., & Sima, A. (2014). Enhancing employment outcomes for adult workers with autism using the Apple iPod Touch as an assistive technology: A delayed randomized controlled trial. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders.
- Ham, W., McDonough, J., Molinelli, A., Schall, C., & Wehman, P. (2014). The effect of Project SEARCH on employment outcomes for two youth with autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, 40(2).
- West, M., Wehman, P., Chen, C., & Cifu, G. (2014). Transition planning for youth with traumatic brain injury: Findings from the national longitudinal transition survey-2. NeuroRehabilitation, doi:10.3233-NRE/131029.
- Wehman, P., Schall, C., Carr, S., Targett, P., & West, M., Cifu, G. (2014). Transition from school to adulthood for youth with autism spectrum disorder: What we know and what we need to know. Journal of Disability Policy Studies. Advance online publication. doi:10.177/1044207313518071.
- Wehman, P. H., Schall, C. M., McDonough, J., Kregel, J., Brooke, V., Molinelli, A., Ham, W., Graham, C. W., Riehle, J. E., Collins, H. T., & Thiss, W. (2014). Competitive employment for youth with Autism Spectrum Disorders: Early results from a randomized clinical trial. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 44, 487-500. doi:10.1007/s10803-013-1892-x.
- Wehman, P. (2013). Community-based instruction. International Autism Association for Families & Educators. Retrieved from
- Targett, P., Wehman, P., West. M., Dillard, C., & Cifu, G. (2013). Promoting transition to adulthood for youth with physical disabilities and health impairments. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation. 39(3), 229-239.
- Graham, C., Inge, K., Wehman, P., & Murphy, K. (2013). Moving employment research into practice: Knowledge and application of evidence-based practices by state vocational rehabilitation agency staff. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, 39(1), 229-239.
- Wehman, P. (2013, May). Transition from School to Work: Where are we and where do we need to go? Career Development and Transition for Exceptional Individuals-35th Anniversary issue, 36(1), 58 - 66.
- Wehman, P. H., Schall, C., McDonough, J., Molinelli, A., Riehle, E., Ham, W., & Thiss, W. (2013, July). Project SEARCH for youth with autism spectrum disorders: Increasing competitive employment upon transition from high school. The Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions, Volume 15, Issue 3, 144 - 155. DOI: 10.11771098300712459760.
- Wehman, P., Lau, S., Molinelli, A., Brooke, V., Thompson, K., Moore, C. & West, M. (2012). Supported employment for young adults with autism spectrum disorder: Preliminary data. Research and Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities, 37(3), 1-10.
External links
- Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine - Faculty Expert Directory
- Virginia Commonwealth Department of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation - Leadership
- Rehabilitation Research and Training Center, Virginia Commonwealth University - Director
- Search PubMed for publications by Paul Wehman, Ph.D.
- Search National Rehabilitation Information Center for publications by Paul Wehman, Ph.D.