Paulo Maló

Paulo Maló is a Portuguese dentist and businessman.

Early life and career

Paulo Maló was born in Portuguese Angola (an overseas territory of Portugal until 1975) and moved to mainland Portugal in the 1960s in order to study dental medicine in Lisbon. He received his graduate degree at the Faculty of Dental Medicine from the University of Lisbon in 1989. In 1993, together with his medical and clinical research team, he began the development of the All-on-4 technique. Implemented in 1998, this innovative approach is recognized by the medical community as one of the most significant advances in the field of Implant Dentistry. In 1995, he founded the Malo Clinic. Huge success in the years that followed led to exponential growth, giving rise to one of the most international healthcare groups today: Malo Clinic Health & Wellness, an health care and wellness business with presence in Portugal, Brazil, China and USA.

Throughout his career, he has also received several distinctions and awards for his medical breakthroughs as well as management, leadership and entrepreneurial skills. His health care and wellness business have been widely reported in Portuguese and international media.[1]

External links


  1. (Portuguese) Jornal da Noite da SIC_170904 | Paulo Malo, a report about Paulo Maló's clinics and the patented All-on-4 technique, SIC (Youtube)
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