Antonio Buehler

Antonio Buehler

Antonio Buehler
Born (1977-06-11) June 11, 1977
Fayetteville, North Carolina
Residence Austin, Texas
Alma mater United States Military Academy at West Point
Stanford Graduate School of Business
Harvard Graduate School of Education
Known for Abrome
Peaceful Streets Project

Antonio Buehler is an American educator, entrepreneur, and activist known for his work on police accountability and his defense of the constitutional right to photograph, film and document the police.[1][2] In 2012, Buehler was arrested in Austin, Texas, for video-recording police after he allegedly witnessed a woman being abused by officers. After the arrest, Buehler co-founded the Peaceful Streets Project, an organization that trains the public to record police activity.[3] Buehler has been arrested a total of six times, has had twelve criminal charges filed against him, and has had dozens of criminal investigations initiated against him.

Early life, education, and experience

Antonio Buehler was born in Fayetteville, North Carolina in 1977. He attended Pottsville Area High School in Pottsville, Pennsylvania where he was an All-Anthracite football player.[4] Antonio graduated from the United States Military Academy at West Point and later from the Stanford Graduate School of Business[5] and the Harvard Graduate School of Education.[6] Buehler also served in the Iraq War.[7]

Alternative education

Buehler has given numerous talks on college admissions, alternative education, homeschooling and other education topics at schools, libraries, and conferences across the country.

In 2014, Buehler launched Abrome,[8] an online education company. Abrome provides education consulting to families who want their children to gain admission into the highly selective universities. It claims to have gotten approximately 50% of their clients into Harvard and/or Stanford Universities, and 75% of their clients into a top ten college.[9]

Buehler sits on the Educational Choices Advisory Council[5] for the Our America Initiative that is associated with former New Mexico Governor Gary Johnson.

New Year's Day 2012 incident

In the early hours of New Year’s Day 2012, Buehler, the designated driver that night, pulled into a 7-11 in Austin, TX for gas.[10] While fueling up, he and his passenger observed a DWI stop in progress, with a woman in high heels, the driver of the automobile, being subjected to a field sobriety test being conducted by an Austin police officer; according to Buehler, they then heard a female screaming and turned in time to see officer Robert Snider forcefully pulling another female from the passenger side of the vehicle, throwing her to the ground and pinning her arms behind her back.[11] Buehler yelled out to the police, asking them why they were assaulting her.[12] After twisting her arms behind her back, the officers arrested her. Officer Patrick Oborski then approached Buehler, pushed him forcefully several times in the chest, and arrested him.[13][14] Oborski later claimed Buehler spat on him,[15] a felony charge that carries up to a 10-year prison sentence.[15][16] Witness video evidence does not show Buehler spitting, Oborski did not wipe his face, and Austin Police Department (APD) spokesman Corporal Hipolito admitted to KEYE news that he could not see Buehler spitting on the officer.[17][18]

“I don’t feel vindicated, nor do I think I ‘won.’ The cops who committed crimes that night were never tried, arrested, fired, disciplined, or even reprimanded. Instead, Norma and I were charged with a total of six crimes we did not commit, and it took nearly three years to make them disappear. And I still have three more trials coming up for the ‘crime’ of filming the police. The city had eight prosecutors in the courtroom trying this case, and about a dozen police officers were in there to intimidate the jury. When cops and prosecutors are willing to expend such tremendous resources to prosecute a Class C Misdemeanor for political purposes, all Americans should fear their government.”

—Antonio Buehler, following his acquittal on October 29, 2014, "after four days of proceedings and more than five hours of jury deliberation" [19]

After an online appeal by Buehler to find witnesses to the event, several witnesses came forward[20] and a videorecording[21] of the incident surfaced.[22] APD has yet to release the dashcam videos from Oborski or Snider's vehicles to the public. Nearly 8,200 people have joined the Free Antonio Buehler[23] Facebook page, with supporters flyering the city and organizing rallies in support of Buehler, and posting daily stories of American and international police abuse.[24][25]

Despite a half dozen witnesses, two videos and audio evidence of what happened on New Year's Day, the District Attorney did not convene a grand jury in 2012. His grand jury date was then postponed numerous times.[26] The grand jury finally convened on March 5, 6 and 7, 2013. Four weeks later, the District Attorney finally informed the public that the grand jury failed to indict Antonio Buehler on any of the crimes with which he was charged.[27][28][29]

They instead indicted him on four Class C misdemeanors. Three for "failure to obey a lawful order" related to his New Year's Day incident, and two follow on arrests. The fourth indictment was for "interfering" in an incident in which he was never arrested. The grand jury also indicted Norma Pizana for resisting arrest. Pizana is the woman that Buehler felt was being abused on New Year's Day 2012.[30]

October 29, 2014, after an unprecedented four-day Class C Misdemeanor trial that spanned a full calendar week, Buehler was acquitted of charges and found not guilty of failing to comply with the order of a police officer on New Year’s Day 2012."[31][32][33] The trial was unique not only in its duration, but also in the resources invested into it by the state; the state had eight prosecutors in the courtroom and over a dozen police officers.[34][35][36][37][38]

Civil rights lawsuit

On December 31, 2013, Buehler, while awaiting trial, sued the Austin Police Department, Police Chief Art Acevedo, Officer Patrick Oborski, Officer Robert Snider, SGT Adam Johnson and Officer Justin Berry for allegedly violating his civil rights beginning with his January 1, 2012 arrest and two additional arrests which occurred on August 26 and September 21, 2012.[39][40][41][42]

“We’re in this for the long haul. And we’re hopeful that it will eventually set a precedent that will prevent people from losing their right to hold the government and police accountable just because the prosecution convinces the grand jury to indict the individual on a bogus misdemeanor that the prosecution can’t even win.”

—Antonio Buehler, after announcing plans to appeal the dismissal of his civil lawsuit [43]

On June 2, 2014 the National Press Photographers Association filed an Amicus Brief[44] in support of Buehler's civil lawsuit.[45]

On July 24, 2014, Federal Judge Mark Lane denied motions by the City of Austin to dismiss the case, finding that private citizens have the right to record officers in public places as they perform their official duties.[46][47] Lane also said the officers were not personally immune from allegations that they had arrested and searched him without probable cause.[48][49][50]

On February 20, Judge Mark Lane dismissed the lawsuit based on a Fifth Circuit precedent which stated that an indicted defendant lost their standing to sue.[51] In response to the dismissal, Buehler stated, “We have waited three years for justice, and we are willing to wait even longer to expose APD for the crime they have covered up.” He also noted that the Fifth Circuit precedent provided an incentive for prosecutors to protect corrupt and criminal law enforcement officers through the simple expedient of indicting an otherwise innocent defendant.[52] Buehler and his attorney appealed the decision on February 25, 2015.[43]

Peaceful Streets Project

In the months following the incident, a group of activists from a range of backgrounds joined Buehler to start the Peaceful Streets Project, an all-volunteer, nonpartisan, grassroots effort for police accountability.[53][54][55] The group holds free community trainings on knowing your rights during police encounters, and held a day-long Police Accountability Summit in Austin, TX on July 14, 2012 where they handed out 100 handheld video-cameras to trained activists who now actively film police encounters with residents of Austin.[56][57][58][59][60] The Peaceful Streets Project has also stepped up efforts to work with and ally with other community organizations, and have participated in protests in solidarity with victims of police abuse nationally.[61][62] The Peaceful Streets Project has a "Strong" social media presence with over 5,100 YouTube[63] subscribers, over 4,300 followers on Twitter[64] and over 20,400 likes on Facebook.[65]

Buehler's efforts to expose what he considers to be police violence and the inherent corruption of the justice system[66][67] have resulted in numerous bloggers taking up his cause.[68][69][70][71] In addition, numerous cities around the country have reached out to Buehler and the Peaceful Streets Project looking to set up local franchises. Peaceful Streets Project chapters now exist in nearly a dozen cities to include Houston, Dallas-Fort Worth, New York City, Manchester, Honolulu, San Antonio and Eunice, LA.

Buehler has continued to wage a public fight against his criminal charges. He has claimed that the city and the Austin Police Department are intentionally engaged in a cover-up and that corruption runs throughout the city government and the police department.[66]

On June 24, 2013, Fox 7 ran a piece on Antonio Buehler wherein the President of the Austin Police Association alluded to possible violence in the future should Buehler continue to escalate his cop watching tactics.[72] The Peaceful Streets Project responded by organizing several more public cop watch events, Know Your Rights Trainings and a national police accountability summit in Austin on August 17, 2013.[73]

On April 12, 2014, Buehler spoke about the Peaceful Streets Project and police abuse at a TEDx event at Harvard.[74]

On May 9, 2015, Reveal from The Center for Investigative Reporting and The Texas Tribune released collaborative pieces on the direct action tactic of Filming the Police, with a focus on the Peaceful Streets Project.[75][76]

On August 20, 2015, CityLab from The Atlantic released a piece centered on Antonio Buehler and the Peaceful Streets Project about the risks of filming the police, despite the legality of doing so.[77]

On November 25, 2015, Playboy did a longform article on cop watching, which opened and closed with Antonio Buehler and the Peaceful Streets Project.[78]

On February 26 2016, Pivot.TV's Truth and Power docuseries built an episode around Buehler's history and work with the Peaceful Streets Project [79]

Subsequent arrests and charges

August 24, 2012

In the early morning hours of August 24, 2012, while cop watching with members of the Peaceful Streets Project in downtown Austin, Buehler recorded an undercover officer, Justin Berry, helping uniformed police officers arrest women for underage drinking. Although Buehler wasn't arrested for filming Berry, he was later indicted on a Class C Misdemeanor charge of "interference with public duties." Buehler was scheduled to stand trial on January 6, 2015. On January 2, 2015, the City of Austin requested the trial judge dismiss all charges against Buehler.[80]

August 26, 2012

In the early morning hours of August 26, 2012, while cop watching with members of the Peaceful Streets Project in downtown Austin, Buehler was arrested by Officer Justin Berry for "interfering with public duties" while recording an arrest.[81][82] He was released about 17 hours later. Austin Police Department claims that he refused to back away from an arrest, causing the suspect of the arrest to become uncontrollable. Buehler claims that APD was targeting him.[83] APD refused to return Buehler's camera to him after the incident, claiming that it was of evidentiary value. Another member of the Peaceful Streets Project was able to videorecord the arrest and posted it online before Buehler was released from jail.[84] Buehler was scheduled to stand trial on February 23, 2015. On February 19, 2015, the City of Austin requested the trial judge dismiss all remaining charges against Buehler.[85]

September 12, 2012

In the early morning hours of September 21, 2012, while cop watching with members of the Peaceful Streets Project in downtown Austin, Buehler was again arrested, this time with fellow police accountability activist Sarah Dickerson[86] Video indicates that both Buehler and Dickerson were silently filming and were further back than APD's self-described desired distance from a scene. According to Buehler and other witnesses, after refusing an order to walk toward the arresting officer and the suspect in order to join other members of the Peaceful Street Project, and despite continually asking how far he needed to move back, and continuing to move back away from the scene, Buehler was given an ultimatum to either join other members of the Peaceful Streets Project, or leave. When Buehler said he was leaving, he was arrested. As Dickerson filmed Buehler's arrest, she too was arrested. Both were charged with "interfering with public duties."[87][88][89][90] Austin Police Department confiscated both Buehler and Dickerson's cameras and have not yet returned them. This most recent arrest has drawn the ire of the National Press Photographers Association which sent a letter to Austin Police Chief Art Acevedo criticizing the actions of APD toward those who film police.[91]

March 13, 2013

On March 13, 2013, Buehler was arrested for disorderly conduct in Gonzales, Texas, for telling a police officer to "go fuck yourself."[92] On June 5, 2013, Buehler defended himself pro se. After a seven-hour trial, the jury found him guilty and assessed a $1 fine.[93] Buehler was awarded a new trial which began on February 23, 2015 at Gonzales County Court. A mistrial was declared due to an error on the judge's part, which was caught by defense counsel. A new appeal trial was scheduled for March 30, 2015. That trial was postponed at the request of the prosecutor. A new trial was then scheduled for May 20, 2015. That trial was postponed after the court informed the defense that they had forgotten to send out jury summonses. The next trial date was set for June 25, 2015.[94] On June 25, 2015, after a trial in which the prosecution only called one witness, and the defense called a half dozen, the jury deadlocked at 3-3 and the Judge declared a mistrial.[95] A few weeks later, the prosecutor requested that the charge be dismissed because he would be "[u]nable to prove case beyond a reasonable doubt."[96] In a statement, Buehler stated, “It has become clear to me that in order for people to see justice within the system, they need to have tremendous resources in terms of connections, finances, and time.” [97]

“I think this would have been a great opportunity for people to once again see how the Austin Police Department and city prosecutors use city ordinances to victimize people who have already been victimized by the police. It also would have opened people’s eyes to how corrupt the grand jury process can be.”

—Antonio Buehler, following the first dismissal on January 5, 2015 [98]

Austin, TX charges dropped

Between jury trials scheduled for January and February 2015, the outstanding criminal charges stemming from the August 24, 2015, August 26, 2015, and September 21, 2015 incidents were dropped. On January 5, 2015, the state's motion to drop one set of charges was accepted.[99] The final set of charges pending against Buehler were similarly dropped on February 19, 2015, "clearing the way for a meeting between city prosecutors and the police accountability activist in federal court" on March 2, 2015.[100] On February 20, one day after the last of the charges were dropped, "Judge Mark Lane dismissed Buehler’s federal civil lawsuit against the Austin Police Department and its officers." [101][102]

August 2, 2015

On August 2, 2015, Buehler was cop watching with members of the Peaceful Streets Project and Film the Police-Portland in downtown Austin. At multiple points throughout the night, Austin Police officers approached him and told him to step back while he was filming them. At approximately 1:45 a.m., SGT Randy Dear called his subordinate officers into a huddle, and when he emerged he approached Buehler again and told him that "the next time we go to a disturbance and y'all get in the way ... the next time you're interfering, you're going to be arrested." When Buehler asked for a clarification on how what the cop watchers were doing qualified as interference, Dear said, "You've been warned, sir." [103] Buehler then turned to CPL Quint Sebek and Officer Aljoe Garibay to get clarification, and Sebek responded by filming Buehler with his phone, and Garibay stated that Buehler was interfering by being in their way when they were rushing toward disturbances.[104] Dear then came back, positioned himself inches away from Buehler, and ignored Buehler.[105] A little over one minute later, Dear turned to Buehler and told him that he had to step back because they were about to go on patrol. While protesting what he believed was an illegal order, Buehler stepped away from Dear, but was still arrested. He was later charged with "interference with public duties" and "resisting arrest."[106][107] As Buehler was trying to hand off his cameras to other Peaceful Streets Project members, Mike "Bluehair" Smith from Film the Police-Portland was also arrested for "interference with public duties."[108] In the days following the arrest, Buehler and the Peaceful Streets Project publicly disputed the claims made by the Austin Police Department. They ultimately produced five videos of the incident that they claim to disprove the claims made by the Officer Garibay in his arrest affidavit.[109][110][111] Buehler's lawyer, Millie Thompson told the media that APD was repeating their tactic of arresting Buehler and others for legally filming them in public.[112][113]

Public Safety Commission

In May 2015, Buehler was nominated to serve on the Austin Public Safety Commission by Council Member Don Zimmerman.[114][115] The Austin Police Association immediately began lobbying the city council to keep Buehler off of the commission.[116] while Buehler claimed that his place on the commission was needed in the interest of diversity of thought.[117] After hearing from nearly a dozen community member supporting the nomination, Buehler said that City Council ultimately buckled under the pressure from the Austin Police Association and refused to vote on his nomination by not approving a waiver to his residency status.[118][119][120][121] Eight minutes later the City Council approved the same waiver for another commission nominee.[122]


In July 2012, Buehler was chosen to receive the Texans for Accountable Government annual Activist of the Year award.[123] In November 2012, Austin Chronicle readers voted Antonio Buehler as Austin's Best Activist and the Peaceful Streets Project as the Best Grassroots Movement for 2012.[124][125]


  1. Federal judge upholds activist Antonio Buehler’s right to film officers Austin American-Statesman
  2. Texas lawmaker proposes bill limiting citizens' ability to record police officers The Daily Texan
  3. The Police And The Right To Photograph. News Photographer. 69 (6): 8. July/August 2014. ISSN 0199-2422
  4. Dietz, Doyle (January 1, 1995). Berwick dominates big-school team. Reading Eagle, p. D11.
  5. 1 2
  6. Speakers and Performers | TEDxHGSE
  7. Is Filming a Police Officer a "Domestic Threat"? Austin Activist on Trial for Videotaping an Arrest
  8. Abrome
  10. West Point Grad Arrested For Defending Woman Abused By Austin Police - YouTube
  11. War Veteran Accuses APD Officers of Assault on DWI Suspect: Austinist January 6, 2012
  12. APD officers accused of abuse during New Year's arrest Austin
  13. War veteran Antonio Buehler continues fight with Austin Police
  14. Buehler in court fighting New Year's Day charges Austin
  15. 1 2 Buehler hires high-profile attorney to fight New Year's Day charges Austin
  16. Austin Man Facing 10 Years in Prison After Photographing Cops Making Arrest Pixiq
  17. Austin Police Spokesman Says No Video Evidence Of Antonio Buehler Spitting On Officer Pat Oborski YouTube
  18. No Spit! No Wipe! Officer Patrick Oborski Lies About Antonio Buehler Spitting In His Face! YouTube
  19. Is Filming a Police Officer a "Domestic Threat"? Austin Activist on Trial for Videotaping an Arrest, DemocracyNow, October 29, 2014
  21. Austin Police Department Incident - YouTube
  22. More witnesses come forward following New Year's Day arrest Austin
  23. "Facebook". Facebook. Retrieved 2013-06-29.
  24. Army Ranger Antonio Buehler and supporters protest at APD Headquarters
  25. "Facebook". Facebook. Retrieved 2013-06-29.
  26. Antonio Buehler scheduled for court Austin
  27. District Attorney: No felony indictment for Antonio Buehler - YNN - Your News Now
  28. Antonio Buehler charged for incidents with APD
  29. No felony indictments for activist Buehler, arresting officer
  31. Buehler acquitted of failing to comply with officer’s order Austin American-Statesman
  32. Buehler acquitted October 31, 2014
  33. Fight justice waged peacefully americans streets, October 29, 2014
  39. Activist sues Austin police for right to film arrests | Al Jazeera America
  40. Local activist Antonio Buehler sues Austin police, officers... |
  41. Peaceful Streets Project Founder files suit over right to film a
  42. Peaceful Streets Complaint
  43. 1 2 Buehler's Civil Case Dismissed, For Now
  51. Charges against Antonio Buehler dropped as well as civil suit against APD
  52. Civil rights suit over filming Austin officers dismissed
  53. About
  54. Occupy Austin | Occupy Wall Street » Blog Archive » Meet Rubiks… May 2012
  55. Alleged victim of police brutality launches Project Citizens
  56. Peaceful Streets Project distributes 100 cameras to record police, YNN - Your News Now
  57. Group holds first police accountability summit
  58. Peaceful Streets Project is Leading the Way, Cop Block
  59. Antonio Buehler steps up his campaign on APD, 2012
  60. Peaceful Streets Project is Leading the Way YouTube
  61. » Peaceful Streets Stands in Solidarity with the Victims of Anaheim Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
  62. Watch Rally Against Police Abuse in Solidarity with Anaheim, CA.
  63. YouTube
  64. PeacefulStreets Twitter
  65. PeacefulStreets facebook
  66. 1 2 Antonio Buehler Exposes The APD Internal Affairs Coverup For The Lies Of Oborski And Snider YouTube
  67. Antonio Buehler And Austin Police Chief Art Acevedo On KLBJ "Dudley And Bob Show" YouTube
  68. Austin Police Dept Corruption Exposed | The Time Times
  69. A Typical Crime with an Atypical Victim | The jVerse
  70. A Veteran Faces Jail Time for Rising Up Against Injustice, June 26, 2012.
  71. Antonio Buehler Wants Peaceful Streets for Everyone
  72. [Crimewatch: APA fears group's efforts to keep an eye on police may lead to violence]
  73. Seal and Balko visit peaceful streets,, August 16, 2013
  74. Action and Empathy YouTube
  75. [Texas a flashpoint in debate over right to film police],, May 9, 2015
  76. [Texas a Flashpoint in Debate Over Right to Film Police], The Texas Tribune, May 9, 2015
  77. [The Danger in Recording a Cop], CityLab, August 20, 2015
  78. [A New Breed of Activists are Turning Cameras on the Police], Playboy, November 25, 2015
  79. [Citizen Journalist Documents Police ], Truth and Power, February 26, 2016
  80. State vs. Antonio Buehler, January 2015
  82. The Digital Texan
  83. The Digital Texan
  84. YouTube
  85. [Final charges dropped for Buehler],, February 19, 2015
  86. Activist Antonio Buehler arrested again by Austin police
  87. A new lense for arrest The Daily Texan, September 25, 2012
  88. Is Gender Justice Getting Shafted in Immigration Reform?, MyFDL, September 25, 2012
  89. Activist's Response to Arrests of Herself and Antonio Buehler | Cop Block
  90. The THIRD False Arrest of Antonio Buehler (Founder, Peaceful Streets Project) YouTube
  91. Austin Police Revealing Pattern of Abuse Against Citizens who Record, Pixiq, September 27, 2012
  92. Antonio Buehler Arrested In Gonzales Texas YouTube
  93. Peaceful Streets Project Founder Antonio Buehler Walks with $1 Fine in Latest Trial The Liberty Beat
  95. Jury split on first amendment trial The Gonzales Cannon
  96. Charges in Buehler trial dropped The Gonzales Cannon
  97. Mistrial Declared in Antonio Buehler Free Speech Appeal The Liberty Beat
  98. Buehler's Case Dismissed
  99. Buehler's Case Dismissed,, January 5, 2015
  100. Final Charges Dropped,, March 2, 2015
  101. Charges against Antonio Buehler dropped as well as civil suit against APD,, February 20, 2015
  102. Civil rights suit over filming Austin officers dismissed
  103. APD arrests Antonio Buehler & Mike Bluehair (Camera 1) YouTube
  104. APD arrests Antonio Buehler & Mike Bluehair (Camera 2) YouTube
  105. APD arrests Antonio Buehler & Mike Bluehair (Camera 3) YouTube
  106. Austin police arrest activist Antonio Buehler after recording officers Austin American-Statesman
  107. Austin Police Arrest Peaceful Streets Founder Antonio Buehler Again for Recording Cops in Public PINAC
  108. Austin Activist Antonio Buehler Released from Jail KEYE TV
  109. Austin police, Buehler dispute events that led to activist’s arrest Austin American-Statesman
  110. Austin Police Affidavit Proven False by Peaceful Streets Project Videos; Video Proves Illegal and Unconstitutional Arrests Peaceful Streets Project
  111. Austin Police Account of Antonio Buehler’s Arrest Disproven by Peaceful Streets Videos PINAC
  112. Activist Antonio Buehler released after weekend arrest KVUE
  113. Buehler Arrested The Austin Chronicle
  114. [Activist Antonio Buehler nominated for Austin Public Safety Commission],, May 4, 2015
  115. [Police critic Antonio Buehler nominated for Public Safety Commission], KXAN, May 4, 2015
  116. [APA email] Facebook, May 7, 2015
  117. [Antonio Buehler in-studio interview], May 7, 2015
  118. [Police Accountability Activist Antonio Buehler Denied Seat on Austin Public Safety Commission],, May 7, 2015
  119., May 7, 2015
  120. [Council Says "No" to Buehler, Refuses to waive residency requirement to sit on commission],, May 8, 2015
  121. [Antonio Buehler speaks after City Council vote],, May 8, 2015
  122., May 7, 2015
  123. Texans for Accountable Government Official TAG Website
  124. Best Activist - Antonio Buehler - Best of Austin - 2012 The Austin Chronicle
  125. Best Grassroots Movement - Peaceful Streets Project - Best of Austin - 2012 The Austin Chronicle

External links

This article is issued from Wikipedia - version of the Friday, May 06, 2016. The text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike but additional terms may apply for the media files.