Pension Credit

Pension Credit is the principal element of the UK welfare system for poorer people of pension age. It is intended to supplement the UK State Pension). It was introduced in the UK in 2003 by Gordon Brown, then Chancellor of the Exchequer (and subsequently Prime Minister). It has been subject to a number of changes over its existence, but has the core aim of lifting a large number of the poorest retired people out of poverty.

Eligibility may be estimated on a government website.[1]

Original core elements

The scheme was introduced to replace the Minimum Income Guarantee, which had itself been introduced in 1997, by the same Gordon Brown. Pension Credit had two elements:

The value of Guarantee Credit, and Savings Credit are automatically uprated each year, in line with inflation, as is the basic State Pension, and Second State Pension (S2P). However, they are uprated by different inflation measures:

The net, deliberate, effect of these differences is to make the total combined impact gradually converge, over about 40 years, to an eventual situation where the total benefit is around £140 a week, whatever an individual's circumstance. Consequently, the Coalition government proposed replacing this complex system with a single flat-rate pension of about £140 per week, a policy which is currently being processed by Parliament.

Savings Credit, which would be abolished by the flat-rate pension policy, is currently only claimed by around 1% of eligible individuals, and few people of eligible age are aware of its existence. As an interim measure, the Coalition government changed the uprating system, so that a higher levels of income would be obtained more automatically, instead of via Savings Credit:

Passported assistance with Council Tax

Anyone who was in receipt of the Guarantee Credit part of Pension Credit was also eligible for full Council Tax Benefit, which covered the cost of their Council Tax bill. This rule was abolished in 2013, since Council Tax Benefit itself was abolished. Instead, Councils are now legally required to introduce different rates of benefit for certain categories of people, known as Council Tax Reductions[2] (marketed by many councils as Council Tax Support); in particular the Council Tax rate for pensioners must be set to zero, if they are in receipt of Guarantee Credit.

Assistance with rent

Anyone who was in receipt of the Guarantee Credit part of Pension Credit was also eligible for full Housing Benefit. This could be a significant amount, ensuring that a retired person in this position has their rent paid in full. However, the Coalition government proposed to change this rule in a substantial manner by abolishing Housing Benefit. It was intended that from October 2014, Pension Credit would gain a new core element for Housing costs comparable with the Housing Element of Universal Credit, for working-age benefit claimants. The Housing element would be based on Local Housing Allowance, in a similar manner to Housing Benefit, but payments would be incorporated within Pension Credit, rather than being a separate benefit claimed from the local council. It is not clear when, or if, this plan will be implemented.

Impact of disabilities

As with Universal Credit, there is an additional Element available for people suffering from certain levels of disability. The additional amount is called Extra Amount for Severe Disability and amounts to £53.65 per week (in 2010/11 prices); as with most elements of Pension Credit, it is added to the core amount, and the whole thing is paid as a single weekly lump sum.

The Qualification criteria is relatively simple - the applicant, and/or their partner must be in receipt of:

The rules are complex and there are exceptions; for example, no-one in the household must be claiming Carer's allowance for looking after the disabled individual (otherwise they would be being paid twice for the same thing). The government encourages people interested in claiming this element to contact the Pension, Disability and Carers Service via, or an agency with expertise in benefits, such as the Citizens Advice Bureau, or a respected charity like Age UK.

Take up

According to Age UK more than a third of those entitled to claim Pension Credit fail to do so based on latest estimates of take-up from 2009/10. Up to 1.6 million of pensioners on average were missing out on an extra £1,700 a year.[3]


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