Pep Coll

Josep Coll i Martí (born October 16, 1949 in Pessonada, Conca de Dalt, Pallars Jussà (Catalonia)), better known as Pep Coll, is a Catalan writer.[1] Prolific author, he has cultivated all literary genres, and even newspaper (working with newspapers Segre, El Periódico and the magazine Descobrir Catalunya). His life and literary world are Pyrenees, which have become a legendary universe. It has been translated into Spanish and Basque. In addition a writer, he has been teacher of language and literature, and he is a great lover of the mountain.
Early life
Josep Coll i Martí comes from a humble family and scarce resources. He studied the basic humanities at the seminary of La Seu d'Urgell and continued his studies at the University of Barcelona where he graduated in philosophy and letters.
Professional experience
His beginnings as a teacher come from La Pobla de Segur (Pallars Jussà) where he was for five years. At that time he realized the closest interest to the country's language, Catalan, in opposition to the philosophical question of which he was disillusioned in the last years career.[2] Once he approved his examinations, he decided to start a new path in the city of Lleida, because the previous lived experience in Barcelona, as student, was not very comforting.[2]In the city of Lleida he will work as a teacher of Catalan Language and Literature at secondary school IES Màrius Torres since 1980–81 to 2009–10.
Experience as a writer
Throughout these 31 years, he has combined teaching with writing profession together also collaborating with various areas of communication. In all these activities, that he exercises routinely, the vernacular element is the dedication and dissemination of popular culture and the effort to make it known. Nowadays, he is dedicated, body and soul, to the task of writing and looking for new travel recreate new stories.
He is president of the Center for Studies of Pallars, he is also a scholar about Pallars Catalan dialect and connoisseur of traditional narratives from Pyrenees that he recreates and synthesizes in the course of different genres that are used. He has also been awarded several prizes, notably the Catalan Critics Award[3] by his novel Dos taüts negres i dos de blancs.
He transfers the passion for the mountains to the story of his works, turning them into a informative, indigenous and historical reading to the reader.
- 1989 La mula vella, Empúries.
- 1995 El Pont de Mahoma, Empúries.
- 1997 El segle de la llum, Empúries.
- 1999 L'abominable crim de l'Alsina Graells, Empúries.
- 2002 Per les valls on es pon el sol, Edicions 62.
- 2004 Els arbres amics, Empúries.
- 2005 El salvatge dels Pirineus, Edicions 62.
- 2008 Les senyoretes de Lourdes, Proa.
- 2010 Nius, Proa.
- 2013 Dos taüts negres i dos de blancs, Proa.
Short story
- 1989 Totes les dones es diuen Maria, Tres i Quatre.
- 1990 L'edat de les pedres, Empúries.
Collections of legends
- 1986 Quan Judes era fadrí i sa mare festejava, La Magrana.
- 1993 Muntanyes Maleïdes, Empúries.
- 2003 El rei de la Val d'Aran, Empúries.
- 2006 Mentre el món serà món, Empúries.
- 2012 Llegendes d'arreu de Catalunya, La Galera.
Books for children and youth
- 1988 El secret de la moixernera, Empúries.
- 1991 Què farem, què direm?, Cruïlla.
- 1991 La bruixa del Pla de Beret, Empúries.
- 1994 Mi Long, el drac de la perla, La Galera.
- 1994 Muntanyes mig-maleïdes, Empúries.
- 1995 Les bruixes del Pla de Negua,La Galera.
- 1996 La fada del mirall, La Galera.
- 1998 El tresor de la nit de Nadal, La Magrana.
- 2005 La corona de Sant Nicolau, Parc Nacional d'Aigüestortes.
- 2008 L'habitació de la meva germana, Empúries.
- 2009 El setè enemic del bosc, Estrella Polar.
- 2010 Retorn a les muntanyes Maleïdes, Estrella Polar.
- 2004 La morisca de Gerri (unpublished work, represented annually at Plaça de Gerri de la Sal the last day of the Local Festival).
- 1997 Miracles de Santa Maria d'Àneu (unpublished work, performed every summer in Esterri d'Àneu with actors of this town).
- 2004 Crònica de Mur (unpublished work, premiered on September 19, 2004 at Castell de Mur, to mark the 1st Diada of Pallars Jussà).
Essay and literary criticism
- 1991 El parlar del Pallars, Empúries.
- 1996 Viatge al Pirineu fantàstic, Columna.
- 2010 Guia dels indrets mítics i llegendaris del Pallars Sobirà, París Edicions.
- 2012 Guia dels indrets mítics i llegendaris de la Ribagorça Romànica, Cossetània.
Translated works
- Into Aragonese:
- Into Spanish:
- Into Basque:
- Into French:
- Into Italian:
- Into Occitan:
- 1991 Premi Gran Angular de literatura juvenil by Què farem, què direm?
- 1993 Premi de la Crítica Serra d'Or a la millor novel·la juvenil by Què farem, què direm?
- 1994 Ramon Muntaner by El Pont de Mahoma
- 1996 Octavi Pellissa by El segle de la llum
- 1997 Lola Anglada by El tresor de la Nit de Nadal
- 2005 Sant Joan by El salvatge dels Pirineus
- 2007 Sant Jordi by Les senyoretes de Lourdes[5]
- 2014 Premi Crexells, by Dos taüts negres i dos de blancsref name="Gene"/>
- 2014 Premi de la Crítica Catalana by Dos taüts negres i dos de blancs
- 2014 Premi Setè Cel by Dos taüts negres i dos de blancs[6]
- 2015 Premi Joaquim Amat-Piniella by Dos taüts negres i dos de blancs[7]
- ↑ "Josep Coll i Martí". Enciclopèdia Catalana. Retrieved April 11, 2015.
- 1 2 Cornadó i Teixidó, Maria Pau (1992). Escriptors d'avui. Lleida: Local council of Lleida. ISBN 84-606-0891-3.
- ↑ Pep Coll guardonat amb el Premi de la Crítica Catalana. [retrieved: April 30, 2014]
- ↑ "Pep Coll, escriptor DE CAPÇALERA de la Biblioteca". Generalitat of Catalonia. May 20, 2014. Retrieved April 11, 2015.
- ↑ Martínez, Carlos (May 12, 2011). ""En els Pirineus he trobat històries i personatges que donen molt de si"". El Punt Avui. Retrieved April 11, 2015.
- ↑ ""DOS TAÜTS NEGRES I DOS DE BLANCS", DE PEP COLL, GUANYA LA VUITENA EDICIÓ DEL PREMI SETÈ CEL". Generalitat of Catalonia. November 4, 2014. Retrieved November 11, 2014.
- ↑ "Pep Coll guanya el quinzè premi Joaquim Amat-Piniella". Ara. Retrieved February 25, 2015.
External links
- Pep Coll at the website of Associació d'Escriptors en Llengua Catalana (AELC)