Peter Hicks
Peter Geoffrey Barry Hicks | |
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Born |
Wallsend-upon-Tyne, Tyne-and-Wear, England | 1 February 1964
Occupation | Historian at the Fondation Napoleon, Church musician |
Language | English, French, Italian |
Nationality | British |
Alma mater |
University College London St John's College, Cambridge |
Peter Geoffrey Barry Hicks (born 1 February 1964) is a British historian and church musician.
Hicks was born in Wallsend-upon-Tyne, Tyne-and-Wear, son of Richard Barry Hicks (1932- ), Anglican priest and Jennifer Margaret Eames (1936-1981), school teacher.
After a degree in Classics at University College London (1982-1985), a year’s study at the Istituto di Paleografia, Università "La Sapienza", Rome, he studied for a PhD at St John’s College, Cambridge. He was lettore at the University of Pavia (1990-1991) and began working as a historian for the Fondation Napoléon in 1997. Simultaneously he was appointed Visiting Research Fellow (1997-2007) and later Visiting Professor (2007- ) at the University of Bath. In March 2006 Peter Hicks was appointed Honorary Fellow of the Institute on Napoleon and the French Revolution, Florida State University. In November 2013, he was invited to become a Director of the Massena Society. In December 2011, he was appointed to the Editorial Board of the series "St Andrews Studies in French History and Culture", University of St Andrews, Scotland. In November 2008, he was appointed by the Provincia di Alessandria to the advisory committee for the creation of the new Marengo Museum, Alessandria, Italy. He is on the editorial board of the international journals Albertiana and Napoleonica La Revue.
He was organist and choirmaster at the Anglican church in Riding Mill, Northumberland (1981-1982), he also directed the choir of the Anglican church in Milan, Italy (1991). He moved to France in 1991, becoming Director of Music at St George’s Anglican church in Paris and pursued a career as a singer and choir director. He is also the musical director of the Paris choral society, Musicanti.
1993 University of Cambridge, St. John’s College PhD on the Manuscript Tradition of Greek Bucolic poems in the Renaissance Supervisor: Prof. M.D. Reeve, Pembroke College
1985-86 University of Rome ‘La Sapienza’, Istituto di Paleografia Course in Greek Paleography Supervisor: Prof. G. Cavallo
1985 London University, University College B.A. Hons, Classics, First Class
2008 Awarded the prize "Luciano Bonaparte, Principe di Canino, for a book in a language other than Italian", given by the Town of Canino, Italy, for the book "Clisson et Eugénie".
2007 Nominated for the RIBA International Book Award 2007, ‘Architecture’.
1990-91 Research award from Collegio Ghislieri, Pavia, Italy Exchange studentship.
1986-89 Major State Studentship The British Academy.
1985-86 Major award, Italian Institute of Culture.
1984 ‘Long’ Greek Prize, University College London.
Edited Books
- Lieutenant Woodberry : Journal de guerre, 1813-1815, Edition présentée et annotée par Peter Hicks, traduit de l’anglais par Georges Hélie et Peter Hicks, Paris : Mercure de France, 2013, p. 435.
- Reviewed by Chantal Prévot: "Peter Hicks (dir.), Lieutenant George Woodberry. Journal de guerre 1813-1815, Paris, Mercure de France, Le Temps retrouvé, Collection dirigée par Antoine de Baecque, 2013", Napoleonica. La Revue 2/2013 (N° 17), p. 168-169.
- The Napoleonic Empire and the New European Political Culture, with Michael Broers and Agustin Guimera, (eds), London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012 (50% contribution), p. 332.
- Reviewed by Philip Dwyer, H-France Review Vol. 13 (October 2013), No. 160, pp. 1-6.
- El imperio napoleónico y la nueva cultura política europea, Michael Broers, Agustin Guimera, Peter Hicks (dirs.), Madrid: Centro de Estudios Politicos y Constitucionales, 2011, 352 p., 33% contribution.
- Napoleone, le donne: protagoniste, alleate, nemiche. Atti del convegno internazionale Roma, 9-10 novembre 2006, ed. Massimo Colesanti with Giampaolo Buontempo and Peter Hicks, Rome: Edizioni di storia e letteratura, 2009, 217 p., 33% contribution.
- Paper Palaces: the Rise of the Renaissance Architectural Treatise
- A collection of essays on Vitruvius and Renaissance emulators, critics and commentators, edited and contributed by Vaughan Hart with Peter Hicks, Yale University Press, London and New Haven. Joint publication, 45% editorial contribution. Published October 1998.
- Reviewed by Keith Miller, Times Literary Supplement, 6 November 1998, p.33; anon., Gazette des Beaux Arts, February 1999, p.25; Yves Pauwels, Revue de l’Art, no.123, 1999, pp.74-75; Geert Bekaert, Archis, vol.3, 1999, pp.81-82; anon., Chronique, 1999, p.569; David Hemsoll, Burlington Magazine, January 2000, p.41; John McKean, ‘Renaissance revivified’, Architects’ Journal, 23 March 2000, p.62; Timothy Anstey, Albertiana, vol.3, 2000, pp.279-80; Charles Burroughs, ‘The View from the Concave Stair’, Renaissance Quarterly, vol.53 no.3, 2000, pp.821-34; Caroline van Eck, Art Bulletin, March 2001, p.145. Branko Mitovic, Journal of the International Society for the Classical Tradition, 2003.
- Leon Battista Alberti, acts of the Congrès International, Paris, 10–15 April 1995, edited by Francesco Furlan, with Peter Hicks, et al., Nino Aragno Editore, Turin: J. Vrin, Paris, 2000, 20% contribution.
Authored books
- Clisson et Eugénie, Napoléon Bonaparte, ed. Peter Hicks et Emilie Barthet, texte et commentaire établis d’après des documents inédits (critical edition and commentary on Napoleon’s novel), for Editions Fayard, Paris, 2007, 50% participation.
- Winner of the Prize « Luciano Bonaparte, Città di Canino 2008 ».
- Reviewed by Chantal Lheureux-Prevot in Napoleonica la Revue N°3 (November – December, 2008) "travail minutieux et savant".(Russian translation) Клиссон и Евгения, Geleos, Moscow, 2008, (ISBN 978-5-8189-1550-0). (English translation) Clisson and Eugenie, Gallic Books, London, 2009, reviewed by Helen Zaltzman The Observer, Sunday 29 November 2009, "provide[s] a glimpse of what lay beneath the bicorn.", Adrian Turpin, Financial Times, 2 November 2009, Jonathan Keates Telegraph, 8 November 2009 "Peter Hicks and Emilie Barthet have cleverly collated the different false starts and reworkings to create a readable version", Flora Fraser, The Times, 24 October 2009 "true to the original and wonderfully well written", Lisa Hilton, TLS, 1 October 2010, "terse, idiomatic translation Bonaparte's most significant venture into fiction renders it a delight for fans of Napoleana", "excellent endnotes".
- Palladio’s Rome. Translation of Palladio’s L’Antichita di Roma and Descritione de le chiese…in la città de Roma, including as an appendix Raphael’s famous Letter to Leo X, with Dr Vaughan Hart, for Yale University Press, London and New Haven. 2006. Supported by Graham Foundation. 50% participation.
- Nominated for the RIBA International Book Award 2007, ‘Architecture’. Selected as a 2007 AAUP University Press Book for Public and Secondary School Libraries. Issued in paperback in spring 2009. Published in Japanese in November 2011 by Hakusuisha. Reviewed by Richard Woodward, The New York Times, 4 June 2006; Robert Harbison, The Architects' Journal, 20 July 2006, p.46; Jeanette Winterson, The Times, Saturday 5 August 2006; Linda Kaufmann, Library, 15 July 2006; David Watkin, Apollo, February 2007, Marjorie Corner, The Art Book 14 (3) (2007), p.71, Eunice D. Howe, CAA Reviews, 7 June 2007, George L. Gorse, Renaissance Quarterly, 22 December 2006, Christiane L. Joost-Gaugier, Sixteenth Century Journal, XXXVIII/3 (2007), pp. 944-45, Wendy Moonan, The New York Times, 20 June 2008.
- Sebastiano Serlio on Architecture, volume 2
- Translation, introduction and commentary on Books VI and VII of Serlio’s treatise on architecture, on his ‘extraordinario libro’ and on his so-called ‘Book VIII’ on Polybius’ castrametation, by Vaughan Hart and Peter Hicks, Yale University Press, London and New Haven. Joint publication, 50% contribution. Supported by Graham Foundation for Advanced Studies in the Fine Arts. Published May 2001.
- Reviewed by Paul Hills, ‘Instruments of Change’, Times Literary Supplement, 2 November 2001, pp.4-6; C.W. Westfall, Choice: Current Reviews for Academic Libraries, vol.39 no.5, January 2002; Mario Carpo, Revue de l’Art, no.134, 2001, pp.89-90; Myra Nan Rosenfeld, Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, June 2002, pp.225-27; Geert Bekaert, Archis, vol.4, 2002; Alvin Holm, The Philadelphia Architect, September 2002; Mario Carpo, Albertiana, vol.5, 2002.
- Sebastiano Serlio on Architecture, volume 1
- Translation, introduction and commentary on Books I-V of Serlio’s treatise on architecture, by Vaughan Hart and Peter Hicks, Yale University Press, London and New Haven, 484pp. Supported by Getty Grant Program. Joint publication, 50% contribution. Published August 1996.
- Reviewed by John Onians, ‘The importance of being upright’, Times Literary Supplement, 8 November 1996, p.10; Garry Wills, ‘Orders from Serlio’, Preservation, January/February 1997, pp.94-95; David Hemsoll, Apollo Magazine, January 1997, p.62; Dan Cruickshank, ‘Influential treatise translated anew’, Architects’ Journal, 9 January 1997, p.45; C.W. Westfall, Choice: Current Reviews for Academic Libraries, vol.34 n.6, February 1997; Ronald Stenvert, Archis, April 1997; Andrew Hopkins, Sixteenth Century Journal, vol.28 n.2, 1997; Fédérique Lemerle, Revue de l’Art, no.118, 1997, pp.81-82; Myra Nan Rosenfeld, Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, vol.57 no.1, 1998, pp.98-101; Georgia Clarke, Society of Architectural Historians of Great Britain Newsletter, Spring 1998, pp.12-13; Charles Burroughs, ‘The View from the Concave Stair’, Renaissance Quarterly, vol.53 no.3, 2000, pp.821-34. Hans-Christoph Dittscheid, Journal für Kunstgeschichte, vol.5, 2001, pp.112-14.
Translations and transcriptions
- "D’Aupias, Memoire Historique, Anecdotique et Militaire de la Campagne de 1812, faitte par les Français en Pologne et en Russie (1813)", Napoleonica. La Revue 3/2009 (N° 6), pp. 2–42. Text presented by Alexander Mikaberidze and transcribed by Peter Hicks, sole transcriber.
- Translation from French into English of Napoleon Bonaparte’s Clisson and Eugenie, Gallic Books, London, 2009, sole author.
- Translation from Latin into English of Leon Battista Alberti’s Descriptio urbis Romae in Leonis Baptistae Alberti Descriptio Urbis Romae, ed. F. Furlan, Arizona University Press, 2007, sole author.
- Partially reviewed by George L. Gorse, Renaissance Quarterly, 22 December 2006, in review of Palladio’s Rome.
- Translation from Latin into English of Leon Battista Alberti’s Descriptio urbis Romae in Albertiana vol. 6 (2003), sole author. Reviewed by Pierre Somville in Le Moyen Age, Revue d’histoire et de Philologie, vol. CXVII (2011), p. 210.
- Translation from Latin into English of <Enochi Ascolani epistola> Baptistae de Albertis, Romae, published in Albertiana, vol. V (2002), p. 243-248, sole author.
- Translation from Italian into English of the seventeenth of Leon Battista Alberti’s Ludi matematici 'Ludi matematici, problem XVII', published in Albertiana, vol. IV (2001), p. 19, sole author.
Chapters in Books
- ‘Napoleon the politician’, in Peter Hicks, Michael Broers, Agustin Guimera (eds) The Napoleonic Empire and the New European Political Culture, London: Palgrave Macmillan, sole author, pp. 70–84.
- ‘Napoleon on Elba – an exile of consent’, in Philip Mansel and Torsten Riotte (eds) Monarchy and Exile, London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, pp. 214–229, sole author.
- ‘La Grande-Bretagne en 1810’, in 1810. Le tournant de l’Empire, Actes du colloque des 8 et 9 juin 2010, Paris: Nouveau Monde Editions/Fondation Napoléon, 2010, pp. 329–340, sole author.
- ‘Madame Mère protagonista’, in Massimo Colesanti (ed) with Giampaolo Buontempo and Peter Hicks, Napoleone, le donne: protagoniste, alleate, nemiche. Atti del convegno internazionale Roma, 9-10 novembre 2006, Rome: Edizioni di storia e letteratura, 2009, pp. 3–13, sole author.
- ‘Austerlitz and the French’, in Richard Harding (ed.), A Great and Glorious Victory: New Perspectives on the Battle of Trafalgar, Seaforth Publishing, September 2008, pp. 101–111, sole author.
- ‘The Battle of Austerlitz, collective amnesia, and the non-commemoration of Napoleon in France’, in Holger Hoock (ed.), History, Commemoration, and National Preoccupation: Trafalgar 1805-2005, British Academy Occasional Paper vol. 8 Oxford University Press for the British Academy, New York, 2007, pp. 119–125, sole author.
- Reviewed by Antoine Capet (Université de Rouen), ‘Napoleon Ought Never to Be Confused with Nelson’, H-Albion, H-Net Reviews. January, 2008, "superbly researched chapter".
- ‘Hudson Lowe’, in Bernard Chevallier, Michel Dancoisne-Martineau and Thierry Lentz (eds), Sainte-Hélène, île de mémoire, Paris: Editions Fayard, 2005, pp. 73–86, sole author.
- ‘La politique étrangère britannique, 1805-1815’, in Regards sur la politique européenne de Napoléon, ed. Thierry Lentz, Paris: Editions Fayard, 2005, p. 277-287, sole author.
- ‘En cortèges vers Notre-Dame’ and ‘Un sacre sans pareil’, in Thierry Lentz (ed.) Le Sacre de Napoléon, Nouveau Monde Editions, 2003, chapters 5 and 6, pp. 82–139, sole author.
- ‘On Sebastiano Serlio: Decorum and the Art of Architectural Invention’, (with Vaughan Hart), in Vaughan Hart, Peter Hicks (eds) Paper Palaces: the Rise of the Renaissance Architectural Treatise, Yale University Press, London and New Haven, 1998.
Articles, conference papers, exhibition catalogue essays
- "Who was Barry Edward O'Meara?", Napoleonica. La Revue 2/2013 (N° 17), p. 75-94 - sole author.
- "Lazare Carnot, a forgotten piece in the Napoleon Bonaparte jigsaw", Napoleonica. La Revue 1/2013 (N° 16), p. 64-74 – sole author.
- "Deixei meu teodolito no alto do campánario » : Sobre os Ex ludis rerum mathematicarum de Leon Battista Alberti, e o interesse que há em compará-los com o Primeiro Livro de Arquitetura de Sebastiano Serlio", in Carlos Antonio Leite Brandao, Pierre Caye, Francesco Furlan, Mauricio Alves Loureiro (eds), Na Gênese das Racionalidades Modernas : Em torno de Leon Battista Alberti, Belo Horizonte : Editora UFMG, 2013, pp. 444–463 – sole author.
- "J’ai laissé ma théodolite en haut du clocher" : Sur les Ex ludis rerum mathematicarum de Leon Battista Alberti et sur l’intérêt qu’il y a à les comparer au premier Livre de l’Architecture de Sebastiano Serlio », Albertiana, XV (2012), pp. 135-152 – sole author.
- "Général Robert Wilson, Sir Francis D’Ivernois et relations anglo-russes autour de la campagne de 1812", in Marie-Pierre Rey, Thierry Lentz (eds), 1812, la campagne de Russie, Paris, Editions Perrin, 2012, pp. 227–236 – sole author.
- "Napoléon était-il républicain?", Marianne, no. 799, 11 au 17 août 2012, p. 85
- "Napoleon as emperor: the coronation, 1804", essay in Napoleon: Revolution to Empire, catalogue for the exhibition "Napoleon: Revolution to Empire", The Council of Trustees of the National Gallery of Victoria International, Melbourne, Australia, edited by Ted Gott and Karine Huguenaud, 2012, pp. 157–163 – sole author.
- "At the end of the 18th century, you cannot do what they did in the middle of the 17th". Napoleon, Lacretelle, "Jordan and Bonald: the Consulate and contemporary political theory”, Napoleonica. La Revue 3/2011 (N°13), pp. 67-77 – sole author.
- “Qualche riflessione su Alberti e un confronto dei Ludi matematici con l’Architettura di Sebastiano Serlio”, International conference, “A la genèse des rationalités modernes autour d’Alberti”, Belo Horizonte (Brazil), 5-6-7–8 April 2011 – sole author.
- “Late 18th-century and very early 19th-century British writings on Napoleon: myth and history”, Napoleonica. La Revue 3/2010 (N°9), p. 105-117 – sole author.
- “Napoleon na lekcjach angielskiego” (Napoleon’s English Lessons, tr. Maria Zawadzka) in Mówią Wieki – Magazyn historyczny, n° 02/11 (613), February 2011, p. 32-36 – sole author.
- “Napoleón “el zorro y el león” : la influencia de Rousseau y Maquiavelo” in El imperio napoleónico y la nueva cultura política europea, Michael Broers, Agustin Guimera, Peter Hicks (dirs.), Madrid: Centro de Estudios Politicos y Constitucionales, 2011, pp. 37–50, sole author.
- ‘‘The Swampy Shore’: The Debacle of Walcheren, 1809’, The Trafalgar Chronicle, Yearbook of the 1805 Club, (No. 20), 2010, pp. 121–131, sole author.
- “Joseph Bonaparte and the ‘Réunion de famille' of 1832-1833’”, Napoleonica. La Revue 2/2010 (N° 8), pp. 30-52, sole author.
- “Joseph Bonaparte et la “Réunion de famille” de 1832-1833”, Catalogue de l’exposition au Musée national des châteaux de Malmaison, 19 octobre 2010 - 10 janvier 2011, Charlotte Bonaparte 1802-1839 : une princesse artiste, Paris : RMN, 2010, pp. 74–81, sole author.
- “Éditorial”, Napoleonica. La Revue 1/2010 (N° 7), pp. 1–2, sole author.
- “The “pièce militaire et historique” for keyboard in the Napoleonic period: recounting a musical story”, Napoleonica. La Revue, 1/2010 (N° 7), pp. 21–31, sole author.
- “Joseph Bonaparte e la “réunion de famille” del 1832-1833”, in Giulia Gorgone, Maria Elisa Tittoni (eds), Charlotte Bonaparte, dama di molto spirito: la romantica vita di una principessa artista, Rome: Museo Napoleonico/Comune di Roma, 2010, pp. 141–145, sole author.
- “Walcheren, la débâcle”, La Revue Napoléon, August 2009, p. 17-23, sole author.
- “The Napoleonic ‘Police’ or ‘Security State’ in context”, Napoleonica La Revue, 1/2009 (N° 4), sole author.
- “Maintaining the contest with Bonaparte’: Britain in 1809”, in The collected talks given at the Napoleonic Symposium at the Vienna Army Museum on 4 and 5 June 2009 (ed. and pub. R. Ouvrard and F. Wöber,), Vienna 2009, pp. 80–87, sole author.
- “Napoleon, Tilsit, Copenhagen and Portugal”, Napoleonica La Revue, 2/2008 (N° 2), pp. 87–99 sole author. Also published in Maria Leonor Machado de Sousa (coord.), A Guerra Peninsular: Perspectivas multidisciplinares. Congresso internacional e interdisciplinar evocativo da Guerra Penisular. XVII colóquio de História Militar, Nos 200 anos invasões Napoleónicas em Portugal, Caleidoscópio, Casal de Cambra, 2008, sole author, vol. 2, pp. 747–757. Also published in The Trafalgar Chronicle. Yearbook of the 1805 Club, (No. 18), 2008, pp. 126–137, sole author.
- “The Militarisation of society in Georgian Britain and Napoleonic France”, Napoleonica. La Revue, 1/2008 (N° 1), pp. 136–147, sole author.
- "A harsh, but necessary, apprenticeship: New French accounts and a previously unknown sketch of the Battle of Trafalgar", in The Trafalgar Chronicle. Yearbook of the 1805 Club, (No. 17), 2007, pp. 42–52, sole author.
- ‘Napoleon und sein Hof’, in Veit Veltzke (ed.) Napoleon. Trikolore und Kaiseradler über Rhein und Weser, Böhlau Verlag, 2007, pp. 23–32, sole author.
- ‘Napoleon and the Fondation Napoléon’, in Trafalgar Chronicle, Yearbook of the 1805 Club, (No. 16), 2006, p. 186-191, sole author.
- Entries for the catalogue, Nelson and Napoleon, (edited by Margarette Lincoln), National Maritime Museum, 2005, entries 26, 39, 40, 135, 229, 230, 314, 318, sole author.
- ‘L’édition en anglais des Livres I à V chez Robert Peake à Londres en 1611’, co-author with Vaughan Hart, in Sebastiano Serlio à Lyon: Architecture et Imprimerie, Volume 1, Lyon: Mémoire Active, 2004, 50% contribution.
- ‚Napoleon und das Theater’ in Dominik Gügel, Christina Egli (eds) Was für ein Theater, Verlag Huber, 2004, chapter 3, pp. 109–116, sole author.
- La suprématie de marine britannique (1800-1815)', Napoléon I, le Magazine du Consulat et de l'Empire, June, 2001, pp. 18–27, sole author.
- 'Dix ans de bibliographie en langue anglaise sur Napoléon et le Premier Empire',Revue de l'Institut Napoléon, Paris I-Sorbonne, No. 182 (2001/1), pp. 45–68, sole author.
- 'I luoghi della memoria'. Rivista Napoleonica RNR, 2000/1, pp. 149–153, sole author.
Study Days
- Atelier de la Fondation Napoléon – « Musiques au quotidien dans la France napoléonienne », held at the Bibliothèque Marmottan, on 24 March 2009 in partnership with Radio Classique. Organised by Peter Hicks with David Chaillou, Thierry Lentz and Pauline Lefebvre. Included papers by eight participants (David Chaillou, Laure Schnapper, Peter Hicks, Hervé Odéon, Bernard Chevallier, Yves Bruley, Jean Mongrédien) and musical interludes played, accompanied and conducted by Peter Hicks. – Papers published in a special musicological issue of Napoleonica La Revue in December 2009.
Invited papers and talks
- “Napoléon et l’ulcère espagnole”, Boulogne-sur -Mer, November 2013
- "La battaglia di Leipzig: una sconfitta francese data per scontata?", Museo Napoleonico, Rome, October 2013
- "La Grande-Bretagne et le Siam après 1855 : Empire informel et/ou guerre économique contre la France ?", International conference, "The Great Game in South-East Asia during the Second Empire", Paris September, 2013
- "Napoleone e l’ulcera spagnola", Lucca, Italy, August 2013
- "Les échecs de l’armée britannique en Espagne, 1813", Paris, March 2013
- "Carnot and Napoleon", Consortium on Revolutionary Europe, Houston, USA, February 2013
- "Alessandro, il miglior nemico di Napoleone", Conversazione, Lucca, Italy, August 2012
- "Napoleon, vocal music and the music for his coronation", keynote speech at the "Symposium: Napoleon: Revolution to Empire", National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne, 2 June 2012.
- "Général Robert Wilson, Sir Francis D’Ivernois et relations anglo-russes autour de la campagne de 1812", Paris, April 2012.
- "Napoleon, Lacretelle, Jordan and Bonald: the Consulate and contemporary political theory", Consortium on Revolutionary Europe, Baton Rouge, USA, February 2012
- "Murat e la modernizzazione del regno di Napoli", Forum, Ateleta, Italy, 1–3 July 2011. "Caricature di Napoleone", Conversazione organised by the Provincia di Lucca, August 2011 "Late 18-century and very early 19th-century British writings on Napoleon: myth and history", Southeran’s Bookshop, Piccadilly, 250th anniversary of the opening of the bookshop, 16 March 2011
- Invited to participate in a roundtable on the Napoleonic Empire, in Madrid, 25 February 2011
- "Napoléon III et l’Angleterre : (més)entente cordiale", Maisons-Laffitte, France, December 2010
- "Napoleon et Cherubini", round table participation at the series of concerts dedicated to Cherubini at the Musée de l’Armée, Paris, October 2010
- ‘Re Napoleone’, invited talk given at the Conversazione organised by the Provincia di Lucca, August 2010, sole author.
- "Late 18-century and early 19th-century British biographies of Napoleon: myth and history", "Consortium on the Revolutionary Era, 1750-1850", Charleston (USA), February 2010.
- "Napoléon et Rousseau", conference «Napoléon et les lumières», la Fondation et le cercle Condorcet de Ferney-Voltaire, October 2009, sole author.
- ‘A Franco-Spanish-American-British Affair: The Louisiana Purchase’, talk given at the Cabot University, Rome, September 2009.
- ‘Napoleone scrittore, giornalista, romanziere’, talk given at the Conversazione organised by the Provincia di Lucca, August 2009, sole author.
- "Maintaining the contest with Bonaparte’: Britain in 1809", International conference, Vienna Army Museum, Austria, June 2009 (published in The collected talks given at the Napoleonic Symposium at the Vienna Army Museum on 4th and 5th June 2009 (ed. and pub. R. Ouvrard and F. Wöber,), Vienna 2009, p. 80-87), sole author.
- ‘I due Napoleoni e la cittadella di Marengo’, talk given at the Convegno ‘Alessandria fra Cittadella e Marengo’, 23–24 May 2009, organised by the Provincia di Alessandria, sole author.
- "La musique qui raconte l’époque", Atelier de la Fondation Napoléon, Bibliothèque Marmottan, Paris, March 2009, sole author.
- "The Napoleonic ‘Police’ or ‘Security State’ in context", Western Society for French history, Quebec, November 2008, sole author.
- ‘The taking of Capri, October 1808’, participation on a round table organised by the Istituto italiano di cultura, Hôtel de Galliffet, Paris, 24 September 2008, sole author.
- ‘Palladio’s Rome’, Baltimore, April 2008, joint author (50%) – readable online at
- ‘Napoleon on Elba – an exile of consent’, paper given at the conference 'Monarchy in Exile', organised by The Society for Court Studies and the German Historical Institute, London, December 2007, sole author.
- ‘Napoleon, Tilsit, Copenhagen and Portugal’, paper given at the International Conference in commemoration of the Peninsular War, (7 Nov 2007 – 9 Nov 2007), organized by the Academia Portuguesa da História, the Centro de Estudos Anglo-Portugueses, the Sociedade Histórica da Independência de Portugal and the Centro de História da Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon, November 2007, sole author.
- ‘The Militarisation of society in Georgian Britain and Napoleonic France’ paper given at Consortium for Revolutionary Europe, Washington, March 2007, sole author.
- ‘Palladio’s Rome’, Palladium Musicum, Greenwich, Connecticut, January 2007, joint author (50%).
- ‘Madame Mère Protagonista’, Fondazione Primoli, Rome, Italy, sole author, November 2006.
- ‘Les provocations britanniques à Napoléon’, Comité de jumelage de la ville de Maisons-Laffitte, April 2006, sole author.
- ‘Peeking at the neighbours. Was Britain a parliamentary regime?’ paper given at Consortium for Revolutionary Europe, Atlanta, March 2006, sole author.
- ‘Napoleon, Revolutionary or Despot’, National Maritime Museum, London, UK 17 October 2005 (student evaluation forms "Wonderful guest speaker", "It was an interesting discussion that directly relates to our course", "It was more focused and helpful in terms of exam questions", "Charismatic speakers made it interesting...".), sole author.
- ‘Austerlitz and the French’, conference paper, for the Battle of Trafalgar Conference, Portsmouth, UK, 13-16/10/05, sole author.
- ‘Palladio’s Rome’, The British School at Rome, 1 June 2005, joint author (50%).
- ‘La problematica del inventario’, at the Palazzo Ducale, Lucca, participation in the round table, Lucca, 6 February 2005, sole author.
- ‘Un sacre sans pareil’, paper given at study day organised by the Institut Napoléon, Bibliothèque Marmottan, 11 December 2004, sole author.
- ‘La politique étrangère britannique, 1805-1815’, paper given at International Conference, ‘Regards sur la politique européenne de Napoléon’, Conference Centre Avenue Kléber, Paris, 18-19/11/04, sole author.
- ‘Le legittimità di Napoleone’, paper given for the town of Sarzana, Fortezza Firmafede, 29 October 2004, sole author.
- ‘Le sacre de Napoléon’, participation in round table, Institut Napoléon, Hôtel des Invalides, 23 October 2004, sole author.
- ‘Napoleon’s Rome’, paper presented to the American Napoleonic Society, Annual Conference, Washington, 11 September 2004, sole author.
- ‘Translation in English of Alberti’s Ludi matematici’, paper given at the International Leon Battista Alberti Conference, Capri, 21–22 May 2004, sole author.
- ‘Le lettere di Elisa’, exhibition ‘La giornata di Elisa’ at the Palazzo Ducale, Lucca, participation in the round table, Lucca, 30 November 2003, sole author.
- ‘Translation in English of Alberti’s Ludi matematici’. Paper given at the International conference Paris/CESR Tours, 17-18/05/2002, sole author.
- ‘Camille de Tournon, Préfet Napoléonien à Rome’. Paper given at the international conference at Avellino, and Chair of round table (Naples), Italy, 10-13/04/2002, sole author.
- Chaired round table at the international conference, 'Musei di guerra, musei di pace'. Alessandria, Italy, 5-7/11/2001, sole author.
- ‘The website of the Napoleon Foundation’. Presentation given at DePaul University, Chicago, USA, 8 October 2001, sole author.
- ‘Napoleon, the Third Millennium and the Fondation Napoléon’. Paper given at the annual conference of the Napoleonic Society of America, Chicago, USA, 6 October 2001, sole author.
- ‘Histoire napoléonienne sur l’internet’. Paper given at International Conference, Ostróda, Poland, 22 September 2001, sole author.
- 'Cyber-Napoleone'. Paper presented at the Giornate internazionale in Naples, Italy, 16 March 2001, sole author.
- 'I luoghi della memoria'. Paper presented at the International conference at Alessandria, Italy, 16 June 2000, printed in the acts, RNR, 2000/1, pp. 149–153, sole author.
- ‘Sebastiano Serlio and the Woodcut’. Paper presented at the Symposium Architecture, Visual Representations, and the Media, 23 May 1997. Institute of Art History and Theater Research, Department of Art History, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, with Vaughan Hart, 50% contribution.
- ‘Inventing the Renaissance: Serlio and Vitruvius’. Paper presented to the Leonardo da Vinci Society during a Symposium on Vitruvian Studies at the Warburg Institute, 31 January 1997, with Vaughan Hart, 50% contribution.
- ‘The Transmission of Classical Learning in the Medieval West’. Paper presented to the Post-graduate conference Transmission, Translation and the Unity of European Culture in the Middle Ages, 4 February 1995, University of Bristol, sole author.
Newspaper, television and radio
- Talk "Il buono, il presuntuoso e l'Imperatore. Opera in 3 atti per il controllo del mondo", given at the Conversazione, Lucca August 2013, broadcast on NoiTv, at 21h30 on 27 August 2013
- Interview recorded for BBC Radio 4 programme "How to run an Empire", dir. Anne McElvoy, Saturday 23 March 2013
- TrueNorth Television, "Bloody Tales" – Episode 6 (Napoleon), interviewed and recorded in December 2012 – broadcast on National Geographic Monday 22 April 2013, at 8pm, broadcast on UK National Geographic, Monday 8 April 2013, 8pm
- BBC Radio 3 (UK), round table, Night Waves, broadcast in December 2012
- Proper TV, Toronto, Canada, History Television series "Secret Life of Napoleon", broadcast on History Television Canada at 8 p.m. on 31 August 2012
- National Geographic, "Napoléon, l’ultime bataille", television interview. Dir. Doug Schultz, broadcast in France, France 5, 16 August 2012
- BBC Radio 3 (UK), consultancy with Michael Surcombe, project for a series of programmes Napoleon and Music, July 2012
- ABC (Australian Broadcasting Company), interviewed by Richard Stubbs regarding the Fondation’s exhibition at the National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne, Australia, June 2012
- Channel 36, Australian Community TV company, Inside Art, interviewed by Richard Stubbs regarding the Fondation’s exhibition at the National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne, Australia, June 2012
- National Public Radio, USA, interviewed on "All things considered" regarding the Napoleon theme park, March 2012
- Doc Story, France, Interviewed for a ten-part television documentary on Napoleon, February 2012.
- Arte, France/Germany, Interviewed and recorded singing and playing for a three-part television programme on Napoleon, January 2012 – broadcast in France in June 2012.
- Proper TV, Toronto, Canada, Interviewed as specialist for programme on Napoleon, December 2011.
- BBC World Service, London, Interviewed for the programme ‘The World Today’ on ‘Clisson and Eugénie’, December 2009.
- ABC (Australian Broadcasting Company), ‘The Book Show’, interview regarding Clisson et Eugénie, November 2009.
- The Last Word Television, London, Napoleon specialist for television programme on Tallyerand’s chef, Careme, hosted by Eric Lanlard, directed by Simon Greenwood, recording in Paris and Compiègne, September 2009
- BBC Radio 4, London, expert witness for the programme Great Lives by Matthew Parris, April 2009.
- BBC World Service, London, Interviewed for the programme, The Strand, by Mark Coles, concerning the exhibition of Napoleon manuscripts on show at the Musée de l’Armée, Paris, December 2008
- BBC International, Paris, France, Interviewed by Emma-Jane Kirby on Napoleon III and Victoria, October 2008
- Radio Courtoisie, Paris, France, interviewed by professor Jean-Paul Bled, Monday 20 August 2007
- Interviewed in Czech daily, DNES, by Tomas Nidtr, 14 June 2007, p. A7 ‘Napoleon: zlocinec, beno hrdina?’
- National Geographic, "Napoleon's final battle", television interview. Dir. Doug Schultz and Sandy Viswanathan (available on DVD, National Geographic Vid, August 2006)
- RTE (Irish Television), television series ‘Black Sheep’ (August 2005) principal interviewee, regarding Jerome Bonaparte. Dir. Eoin O’Shee. Screened in September 2006.
- BBC Radio 4, ‘Boney’s revenge’, radio interview, with Chris Bowlby, 8pm Monday 10 October 2005
- The History Channel, television show, ‘Investigating History: Was Napoleon Murdered?’, principal interviewee. Dir Ariadne Ducas for Kurtis Productions, broadcast on December 2004
- BBC Television (News 24) and Radio (Radio 4, Today Programme), December 2004, Sole interviewee concerning Napoleon’s coronation
- TF1 Téléjournal de 20 heures, Claire Chazal, 3 December 2004, conducting the orchestra and choir at Napoleons’ coronation bicentenary concert
Exhibitions, digital, etc
2011 :Computer model of Napoleon’s coronation used for Canadian Television show, History Television, Museum Secrets, episode 2, The Louvre, ‘Napoleon’s Lies’, aired on Friday 14 January 2011.
2009 :Computer model of Napoleon’s coronation in Notre-Dame, 2 December 1804 put online on
2009 :Computer models of Serlio’s stage scenery, Napoleon’s coronation in Notre-Dame, 2 December 1804, ‘Palladio’s Rome’, all built in collaboration with Vaughan Hart and the Centre for Advanced Studies in Architecture (CASA), Bath University, for the exhibition «Le Virtuel, une Réalité» held at the Réfectoire des Cordeliers, Paris, 15 – 23 October 2009.
2008 :‘Palladio’s Rome’, computer model to be displayed at the Homewood Museum/Peabody Library, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA, March, as part of the exhibition ‘Harmony to the Eyes’, funded by the Samuel Kress Foundation.
2008 :Palladio’s Rome, at the British School in Rome, February. Funded by the British Academy, Bath University and the British School in Rome.
2005 :Digital model of Napoleon’s coronation in Notre-Dame, 2 December 1804, with Joe Robson and Vaughan Hart (both University of Bath, UK), for the National Maritime Museum, Greenwich (UK), exhibition, ‘Nelson and Napoleon’, 7 Jul 2005 – 13 Nov 2005, 33% participation.
1998 :‘English Architectural Books’ at the exhibition Sebastiano Serlio à Lyon, funded by the French Ministry of Culture (C.N.R.S.) and the Centre Canadien d’Architecture, Montréal
1997 :Consultant to the exhibition Paper Palaces, held at the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge, 22 Jan 1997 – 20 Apr 1997.
Editorial activity
- Member of the Editorial Board for the Fondation Napoléon’s e-periodical, Napoleonica La Revue.
- Member of the Editorial Board of the series "St Andrews Studies in French History and Culture", University of St Andrews, Scotland.
- Member of the Historical Committee for the publication of the complete correspondence of Napoleon I, Editions Fayard/Fondation Napoléon, Napoléon Bonaparte, Correspondance générale, vols 1-7-….
- Currently on the editorial board of the Paris-based review Albertiana.
Professional musical activities

- Director of Music, St George’s Anglican Church, Paris.
- Director of Music, Choral society, Musicanti
- Orchestral and choral conductor.
Orchestral works conducted: Berlioz (arr.), La Marseillaise, Brahms, Requiem, Britten, Cantata St Nicholas, Charpentier, Te Deum, Nisi Dominus, Cherubini, Coronation Mass for Louis XVIII, Handel, Messaiah, Israel in Egypt, The Ways of Zion do Mourn, Utrecht Te Deum, Utrecht Jubilate, Lesueur, Cantata for the Marriage of Napoleon I and Marie-Louise, Marche du Sacre de Napolon I, Méhul, "Le Chant du depart”, “O doux printemps" and "Comblé de bonheur" (cantatas for the marriage of Napoleon I and Marie Louise), Mozart Credo Mass and Solemn Vespers of a Confessor, Paisiello, Coronation Mass for Napoleon I, Purcell, King Arthur
Forthcoming concerts as conductor: Musique religieuse romantique du 19e siècle, Paris, May 2013
- Pianist accompanist and organist.
"Soirée Bonapartiste" recently performed in Rome (October 2013), St Petersburg (Russia), November 2012, Châteauroux (France) November 2011, Sarzana (Italy), September 2011, Sarzana (Italy), September 2009, Canino (Italy), September 2008, Lucca (Italy), 25 August 2008,
- Organ repertoire
Mendelssohn: Sonata 3, first movt, opus 65, Wedding March (from incidental music to Midsummer night’s dream) Bach: Prelude in C, BWV 547 (9/8), "St Anne" Prelude and Fugue, BWV 552, Fugue in C minor, BWV, 575, Gigue fugue, BWV 577, Fugue in D, BWV 580, Fantasia in C, BWV 570, Pastorale, BWV 590, Fantasia in C (minor), BWV 562, "God’s good time is best", arrangement from cantata, "Erbarme dich", Choral prelude "Wachet auf" BWV 645, Choral prelude "Kyrie Gott, Vater in Ewigkeit", BWV 669, Choral prelude "Unser Vater", Choral prelude "Liebster Jesu", BWV 706, Choral prelude "In dulci jubilo", BWV 129, Choral prelude "In dulci jubilo", BWV 751, Fantasia in G, ‘Jesu joy of man’s desiring’ (Cantata 147) Orgelbüchlein, "Christ lag in Todesbanden", BWV 625, "Nun komm der Heiden Heiland", BWV 599, Fantasia, "Komm, heilige Geist, Herre Gott" Handel: Arrival of the Queen of Sheba, opus HWV 67 Widor: Toccata (from 5th Symphony) op. 42 n° 1 Vaughan-Williams: Rhosymedre Brahms Choral preludes: Herzliebster Jesu (II) Schmücke dich (V) O wie selig (VI) O Gott, du frommer Gott (VIII) Est ist ein Ros’ (VIII) Herzlich (X) Karg-Elert Choral Prelude « Nun danket alle Gott », op. 65 Choral Prelude « Schmücke dich », op. 65
External links