Peyman Fattahi

Peyman Fattahi (Persian: پیمان فتاحی born 1973 in Kermanshah, Iran), also known as Master Elias M. (استاد ایلیا میم), is the founder and leader of the El Yasin Community (جمیعت آل یاسین).[1]
Peyman Fattahi (well known as Master Ilia or Elias M. Ramollah) has started his public teachings since he was 23. His teachings cover a wide range of topics from spirituality to thought and thinking methods as well as parapsychology, metaphysics and esoteric knowledge. He has been the originator of some applied theories among which the Systematic Decision Making using 7/10 Method and poly-what planning formulae have been more popular.[2][3][4]
Fattahi's appearance is not similar to religious characters and he has insisted repeatedly that he is not a religious man. Although he does not teach about religions and faiths, a large proportion of his teachings are focused to revive divine spiritualism, esoteric cognition and self-awareness. He has little if not much academic education; according to him, "One day I burnt that little acquired knowledge and left it to oblivion",[5] but there are more than 4000 pages of manuscripts available on his teachings in field of esoteric knowledge as well as applied and fundamental theories. He has also supervised and directed more than 200 research projects and the content of his public speeches have been collected and formed more than 39 books.[6] Fattahi ascribes his knowledge to his observations, thoughts and personal attributes.[7]
Peyman Fattahi has thousands of followers in different regions. He is especially concerned about people who are astray and in deviation – that majority caught in darkness and ignorance. He points out that he has completely explored and fully known their world; therefore, he has a very deep and strong relation with them. However, he avoids arrogant, fanatic, pessimistic, hesitant and so-called wise people.[8]
Although Fattahi's teachings on field of thinking methods have been most popular within the past 15 years, some of his followers still know him as a spiritual leader.
Fattahi has been given various appellations by different categories of his followers and admirers. There have been different opinions about his nature of identity and it's been told by some of his devotees he is such or such person. But far from any pretension he has called all those attributes chimerical and superstitious and once answered to the question 'who you really are?': "I am not somebody else, I am who I am."[9] He presents himself as a servant of the God and frequently refers to himself as an ordinary and normal person. Elia attributes all extraordinary phenomena to the Spirit of God who he considers to be his patron and guide.[10]
I'm neither a saint, nor a clergy … I'm not the master of a sect; neither founded a sect nor am agreeing with sectarianism.[11]
Fattahi expresses the essence of his teachings with these divine words, "There is no deity but God" and he considers teaching and realization of this statement as being his vocation. He lays stress on union and reconciliation of religions, nations and various trends.[12]
He has repeatedly, clearly and seriously talked about the necessity and realization of a global revolution; and he constantly points out that we ought to prepare the world and be ready for "the Divine Manifestation and a great evolution."[13]
He once stated:
Humanity needs desperately a revolution of awareness and an inner evolution – a great evolution resulting in the revelation of the Truth and the Divine Presence in the world. The Lord is going to answer to this vital human need and to rescue humanity from death, pain and disease. Man's rescue and exaltation reside in his return to the Divine Presence and his deliverance lies in his union with Him/Her.[14]
The biographical materials available on Fattahi via various blogs as well as his official website state that he has begun his teachings at the age of 16 among a limited number of his students.[15] Later at the age of 23, his public speeches began which was to be most welcomed by scholars, intellectuals, students and youth. However, it's been recognized that people from different categories of the society has joined him as his followers; literate and illiterate, young and old, religious and secular, intellectual and dogmatic, rich, poor, and even a few number of people with very low incidence of being influenced by his teachings; those who have been addicted, perverted or had been considering themselves as extraordinary people and had some followers.
Fattahi's teachings are based on Elahism.[16] A more popular name given to his teachings is "The Art of Transcendental Life" which is carried on two levels. The first level consists of simple and general instructions which is called the Solar Level or the stage of "Revival and Rebirth". This is the cycle of awakening, of opening of eyes and ears, of mobilization of minds and activation of hearts.
The essence of his instructions in this level is perception of divine presence and revelation of love for The Lord or "living lovingly in the divine presence". His teachings are based upon determined principles and clear basis.[17]
The second level is called Astronomical Level or Transcendental Arts which is related to metaphysical techniques or Psychotechnology and consists of teachings of mysteries. This level is meant for the selected and admitted individuals and due to its mysterious nature, quite little information has been publicized about its details.[18]
Elia does not charge the attendees for his teachings but he believes the student's self is the price of their training.[19]
Other branches of Elia's public teachings
In addition to spiritual and cognitive teachings, Fattahi has held some tutorials for a limited number of his students during which they have been trained in more specialized fields. Science of Success, Harmonical Marriage, Sublime Nutrition, Creative Speaking, Methods of Sublime Struggling, Methods of Writing, Lecturing and Doing research, Symbolism and Nature-based Semiotics, Methods of Dynamic and Coordinated Therapy, Techniques of Analyzing and Interpreting of the Articles, and Esoteric Anthropology are some of his semi-public teaching courses.[20]
Thinking Methods
One of the most pivotal branches of Fattahi's teachings is called XZY or 36 Methods of Sublime Thinking. Methods such as Creative Thinking, Pattern-extractor Thinking as well as Conceptualizer Thinking, Foresighter, Symmetrizing and Ultra-viewing methods could be noted. There are also some novel methods of decision making, Decision Producing and Decision Hunting taught by him.[21]
In a more precise word, Peyman Fattahi can be defined as a sublime thinking teacher rather than a spiritual master. This can be concluded regarding to his activities within the recent years which was mainly focused on field of thinking and thought. Some of the El-Yasin affiliated institutions such as Professional Management Research Group (PMRG) as well as Association of Thinkers and Researchers have also been very active in discussion and transcription of Fattahi's thinking methods ever since.
Non-public Teachings
Another aspect of Fattahi's teaching is focused on esoteric knowledge. It's been called Astronomical level, ZX methods or Psychotechnology in which Creative Dreaming (dream making), Spiritual Communication, Teletransportaion, Energy Hunting and Parallel Experiencing are taught to the trainees.
Fattahi believes such trainings are not necessary for public, therefore, he has recommended them to a limited number of his followers who have been selected and admitted by precise and strict criteria. According to Fattahi's followers, it's necessary for an esoteric apprentice to be committed to some strict rules such as keeping anonymity, protecting the mysterious techniques, avoiding the use of their abilities for personal means and complying with some unusual conditions.[22]
Regardless to the detailed content of all above-mentioned categories, Fattahi considers the extract of his teachings in the divine phrase There is no deity other than Him/Her (La Elaha Ella Hou).[23]
The first rounds of Master Elia's public lectures were begun at his age of 23 (1996) in Tehran. These lectures used to be held mostly in cultural centres and community halls and were extremely welcomed by different categories of audiences especially youth, students, writers, intellectuals and scholars. Before being forced to stop by the Iranian Ministry of Intelligence and Security (Iran), the organizers had to arrange his lectures in the largest auditoriums of Tehran with the capacity for admission of thousands of people, but, those auditoriums were not spacious enough for eager audiences, therefore, further sessions were carried out with audio or video playback.
Those lectures were generally given in various subjects such as:
- Faith, the key of human salvation
- Thinking and its methods
- Divine Parables
- Calling on God
- God is the one
- Review and analysis of Eastern mysticism
- Guiles and traps of the Devil
- Observation and methods of controlling ego
- God's holy names
- Parapsychology and Science of success
- The art of transcendental living; the sublime life
- God's blessing, God's grace
- Gratitude to God
- Divine communication
- Methods of worshiping and the keys to materialization of a wish
- Dreaming and creative observation
- Female-dominance or male-dominance?
- The Superior President
- Your attitude is determinant to your future
- Determinative words
- ...
In the following years, under serious pressures of the Security Office against Religions and Religious Minorities, the lectures were held less frequent. Not a day passed without direct or indirect attacks from radical clergies in their bid to control the scene of culture and religion. On Spring 2005, during a lecture at the Shahid Shiroudi Stadium in Tehran, a direct and physical attack was mounted by undercover agents in a bid to harm and arrest Elia.[24] Although, he was not arrested as a result of participants' robust defense but this session is considered as the last public meeting of Master Elia M. Ramollah since 2005. It is worth mentioning that in the winter 2007 a plan was set to hold a speech session in Azadi Stadium (Tehran) with a capacity to admit 100,000 audiences, but it was dropped due to strong disagreement of the authorities at Ministry of Intelligence and Security of Iran.
From the critics' point of view
Fattahi's name (Elia M. Ramollah) was first mentioned by Kayhan newspaper[25] (the organ of Islamic Republic of Iran) as a perverted character (2004). His name was published once again in Kayhan[26] and Resalat[27] newspapers a few months before his first detention on 2007 by Security service of Iran.
Taking the actions of Iranian governmental newspapers and TVs into account, one can conclude that despite having thousands of followers and admirers, Fattahi is faced with serious dogmatic critics some of which accuse him of heresy and claiming prophecy, and categorize his teachings as a New religious movement (NRM).[28]
Some others, however, consider him as the master of a tempting and subversive sect, related to global Zionism networks, related to Masons, a talented mesmerizer, wizard, a neo-Rasputin and a Kabbala promoter.[29]
In 2010, Jomhouri Eslami newspaper published an article titled A God who is the 13th child of his family in which Fattahi was introduced as a person claiming deity.[30]
In brief, various calumnious accusations surfaced against Fattahi were: The new Messiah, Krishnamurti's next ring, the Devil, spirit of Messiah, the prophet of non-believers and non-religious, the preacher of spirituality without religion, US and Western power's agent, preacher of negative resistance, 21st century wizard, Mahatma Elia, the second Gandhi, the second Luther, the 3rd Sai Baba, corrupted, excommunicated, leader of American culture, preacher of spiritual innovation and pluralism, harbinger of so-called Elia-ism, and a deity claimant.
To address the accusations claimed by Fattahi's opponents, the 6th branch of the Special Court for Governmental Staffs was authorized to open a special case against him (2006), and recalled the possible plaintiffs through a public announcement by Kayhan to lodge their complaints.[31] However, the case was closed without any specific result due to lack of plaintiffs.[32]
Elia's opponents do not deny his ability and knowledge in different areas but unlike to his fans who consider it as entitlement of a divine sense, their approach is to destruct and to question his talents.
Some of them claim that his charismatic character has its root on his childhood and the family issues he was facing combined with an essence of talent and innate genius:
Due to his family problems, especially mental turbulent atmosphere full of family conflicts, he was forced to quit school and became solitary and isolated.[33]
Some other opponents attribute his talents to extensive studies in various fields: Later on he began studying the metaphysics books and documents such as Psycho technology, halo vision, dreaming, Maha-meditation, energy healing and other so-called science including cosmic science. He then met some celebrities and masters in this area…[34]
Despite lack of formal education and classical studies, he took advantage of his talents and proportional abilities to compensate his personality defects very well.[35]
Fattahi has responded to some of this allegations in this way:
Question: Some believe you are insane or a wizard. Why should they believe so?
Answer: "If I would use the opposite medicine you would use to cure the same illness, we shall, naturally, take each other for insane. It is not your fault to call me mad for you realize the way I act, think or move is contrary to your expectation. Since you take yourself as a wise person, you will naturally call mad and insane whoever moves and thinks unlike you…those who call me sorcerer and wizard want to relieve their conscience and actually assert themselves and maintain their claims. They hear my teachings and get impressed and see that others are impressed as well. They observe changes and evolutions, awakenings and cries and are thus faced with divine power and holy teachings. However, they think if they accept these teachings, the colossal palace they have built in their conceit will collapse and their false and superficial rightfulness will be denounced. They believe accepting teachings of God’s Spirit jeopardizes their profits…They see the divine power yet because it goes against their egoistic aspirations they attack the person and individuality of the teacher. They calumniate him and investigate his personality."[36]
There have been several statements officially published by Elyasin Community as a response to rumors and allegations about Peyman Fattahi.[37]
Fattahi's devotees do believe most of these rumors and allegations have been already responded in officially issued statements, however, many of them have been actively challenging with such destructive acts specifically after the open conflicts of Iranian security service with their master and leader. They have expressed their disagreement to these demolition jobs mostly by compiling books, publishing articles, film making and blogging and are still working on this issues.
In spite of their attempts to respond the allegations and rumors, destructive acts by Fattahi's opponents are still ongoing, using the governmental tribunes and in form of publishing articles, circulation of free bulletins and digests, broadcasting TV serials and round-tables as well as making fake and fabricated documentaries. In Summer 2011, a report was published by Religions and Faiths Watch[38] about the exhibition and fairs held by Qom Seminary and the Islamic Development Organization (IDO). In those events, an extensive attack has been designated to happen against Green movement leaders (Mousavi, Karubi and Khatami), U.S. presidents (Barack Obama and George W. Bush), European presidents (like Sarkozy), some Iranian intellectuals and dissidents (such as Dr Soroush, Mohsen Kadivar, Akbar Ganji, Alireza Nourizadeh, Mohsen Sazegara). In these sets of exhibitions, further to Peyman Fattahi (known as Master Elia – the leader of Elyasin Community) some spiritual movements (such as Baha'is and Dervishes) and spiritual leaders (such as Dalai Lama, Sai Baba, Paul Twitchel – the master of Eckankar and Li Hongzhi – the master of Falun Dafa) has been targeted by Iranian extremist clergies.
Furthermore, a TV programme entitled Armageddon (the final battle between the good and evil) has been broadcast by News Channel of Islamic republic of Iran (IRINN) and other governmental media (2011). The TV series consists of 104 episodes, some of which have been replayed several times by governmental TV. According to the latest report of Association of Thinkers and Researcher[39] episode 25 begins with blatant lies and demolition jobs on Elia M. then continues doing the same against the author Paulo Coelho. It is claimed in the film that Paulo Coelho is corrupted, Satanist, Zionist and a drug addict. In another episode the narrator speaks about other famous characters and groups like Shimon Peres-the ex-prime minister and the current president of Israel and one of the pioneers of modern Zionism, Osho Rajneesh and Eckankar spiritual movement then emphasizes that the U.S presidents, like Mr. Bush and Obama as well as the foreign minister of United States Hillary Clinton, European presidents and even the Pope[40] are all Satanists.
The 4th season of Armageddon TV programme has been replayed four times on governmental television of Islamic Republic of Iran.[41]
First Detention
Peyman Fattahi was first detained on 27 May 2007 under the authority of the Office of Religions and Sects (اداره ادیان و فرق) located in the Ministry of Intelligence and National Security of Iran.[42]
Among the charges brought against him were religious innovation, promoting religious pluralism and apostasy, conspiracy against the Islamic regime, and acting against national security. A number of his close associates and followers were also arrested[43] including two of his brothers, Keyvan and Ramin Fattahi.
In 2004, Fattahi and his followers began to gain attention in the mainstream media, with an incendiary editorial in a hard-line national newspaper portraying Fattahi as a miscreant.[44] Several more articles were published in hard-line newspapers since then (Resalat, Kayhan, Jam e jam, Jomhouri Eslami), with the charges leveled at Fattahi and his group taking on a more serious air. These reports and the growing magnitude of his public events may have ultimately contributed to his arrest.
"On May 27, 2007 Master Fattahi (known as Eliya M) was arrested by the "Department against Religions and Religious Minorities" (DARRM). He was sent to notorious security ward 209 of Evin prison. Afraid from his followers support, the security officials were at loss to decide on jailing him. According to DARRM statement, Eliya M. was finally arrested by decision of high-ranking religious officials. A council consist of highest-ranking religious and cleric powers of Iran decided that Eliya M. should be quietly arrested under charges of permuting the religion (Islam), proselytism, invitation to spiritual pluralism, conspiracy against the Islamic government, renewal of religion by linking Islam, Christianity and Judaism; spiritual liberalism and incitement to the so ـ called American Islam and many other routine accusations that are used in these cases such as: Offending sacred symbols of religion, conspiracy by creating underground secret society and cult (Eliya ـ ism). But he had only one crime: he was against the Islam that calls for violence… Eliya was arrested for spiritual liberty, for a different interpretation of God’s words which was against the cold stagnant understanding of religion.".[45]
On November 2007, Peyman Fattahi was released on a bail of 300 million Tomans (almost 300,000 USD) after spending six months in prison, suffering from recurrent bleeding from nose and ears, bloody vomiting and bloody urination.[46][47] He has been described under house arrest a condition which is not possible to deny or verify.
The most important events during the time of this arrest can be summarized as follow:
- Death of Ramin Fattahi, he was one of Peyman Fattahi’s brothers who was arrested on 2007, confined for 45 days then released and perished due to kidney dysfunction.[48]
- Publishing and circulation of a free supplement by Jaam-e Jam daily named Kajraheh (2007). This publication was concerned about spiritual movement and religious dissidents who were called subversive movements. The name of Elia M. Ramallah was noted on the cover of this publication as well as being dealt with on a specific article inside magazine.
- Broadcasting a series of TV roundtables titled "These Nights", during Ramadan 1387 (Summer 2008). In this programme the subversive cults were also dealt with and the "Art of Transcendental Living" was the only group that was mentioned directly.[49]
- A letter of Peyman Fattahi was sent to Supreme Leader of Iran (Ali Khamenei) in which he had described the illegal pressures and tortures in detail.[50] This letter caused Fattahi to be summoned and being assaulted and beaten by his interrogators, and eventually led to his hospitalization.[51]
Second detention
On mid January 2009, Peyman Fattahi was detained for the second time along with five of his close students and placed in solitary confinement in the political 209 ward of Evin Prison.[52] He spent another six months in prison (totally 365 days of solitary confinement in two separate sessions). It's been reported by his supporters as well as some witnesses including his cell mates he has been mistreated in custody and suffered from at least 25 sessions of severe physical tortures. U.S. Department of State and Amnesty International have mentioned in their annual reports about human rights abuses and violations against Elyasin Community and its leadership (Peyman Fattahi) by Islamic Republic of Iran.
Some of the most important events during Fattahi's re-arrest can be cited as:
- Publishing a testimonial film about one of Fattahi’s students who had been detained on the first round (2007) in which he was claiming the interrogators had forced him to act against Fattahi and lodge a complaint against him. To watch this documentary, click here.
- Publishing a fabricated (montage) film of Elia along with the original version which had a totally different content and meaning comparing to the fake one. To watch this film, click here.
- Publishing a film about one of Fattahi's public speeches during which the security agents interrupted the session and were trying to arrest him. To watch this film, click here.
- Publishing a series of testimonial about how the interrogators and security agents had dealt with Fattahi's students during the summon session. To read the original version of these reports, click here.
- Publishing the Amnesty International annual report 2008 about the limitation and conflicts against religious minorities and spiritual movements, in which Fattahi and Elyasin situation was also mentioned. To read the report click here.
- Publishing the annual report of U.S. State Department about Human Rights in Iran (2008). In a part of this report it was mentioned about assaulting and beating Peyman Fattahi in pone of his summon sessions. To read the report click here.
- Hunger strike of 200 member of Elyasin in Ayatollah Khomeini tomb simultaneously with Iran 2009 presidential election. To watch a report on this event, click here.
- Publishing a film of Keyvan Fattahi (the second brother of Peyman Fattahi) about his memories when confined at 209 security ward of Evin prison. To watch this film, click here.
According to unofficial reports, on July 2009 Fattahi has released after spending six months in solitary confinement, on a heavy bail of 600 million Tomans (almost equivalent to 600,000 USD). Although there is no press released report available on this matter.
Third Detention
On 24 July 2011 a report was published about Fatahi's third detention along with a number of his students and members of Association of Thinkers and Researchers.[53]
Few days later, the official spokesperson of Elyasin Community who resides in UK[54] verified this news by publishing an announcement but she mentioned they have all been released shortly after detention and none of the Elyasin members are under arrest. Some other key members of Elyasin verified this official announcement as well.[55]
Immediately after publishing of this announcement Tabnak and some the government- related blogs and websites began to widely publish a short note about Fattahi's arrest in which the event was distorted.[56] Fattahi's followers do believe re-publishing of this news firstly by Tabnak then by the other government affiliated websites has happened to proceed with the aim of psychological war against Fattahi and Elyasin Community.
However, this act brought an immediate response from Fattahi's followers in the form of publishing an open letter from members of Association of Thinkers and Researchers (overseas branch) to world leaders. To read the letter you can click here.
Elyasin (Ale-Yasin) Community
After Fattahi's first detention on June 2007, the institutions and non-governmental organizations that were directly or indirectly supervised and directed by him, integrated and announced the formation of a unique organization named El-Yasin (Ale-Yasin) community. This community was working without being dependant to any political party of group and their activities was mainly focused on research and studying of cultural- spiritual matters, but its members were prosecuted and their activities were harshly suppressed by security service of Iran. Elyasin consists of a number of NGO's and publishing houses, most of which have been banned and shut time from the time of Ahmadinejad's presidency. There are some magazines affiliated to Elyasin such as Art of Living, Esoteric Knowledge, Motivators, Science of Success, The Art of Transcendental Life, and Sublime Thinking. Avamer-e-Yasin, Science f Success, Association of Thinkers and Researchers, Nature Front Association, Yasin Society of Writers and Researchers (Payam), and Elyasin Human Rights and International Affairs are some of Elyasin treaty bodies to be noted. It's worth mentioning that Fattahi's followers are generally known as 'Elahioun' who can be recognized in different sub-categories such as "Mansouroun (Elias' Offsprings)", Iliya Supporters, The protectors of Elia M., Ghadr and Payam 1,2,3 groups, and Sina group (Psycho technology and metaphysical techniques trainees and apprentices). Fattahi's devotees are running a number of active blogs and websites at the moment.
Written Works and confiscated books
The Flow of Divine Guidance is the only published book which is a transcription of Fattahi's public speeches at the age of 23. This book has been compiled by one of his close disciples and primarily published in 1998. However, this book was banned after the first publishing. His followers claim thousands of copies of it have been printed and distributed by Fattahi's devotees inside and outside of Iran. There are more than 30 books have been confiscated by Ministry of Intelligence and national Security (Iran) including:[57]
- The "Teachings of Truth" canon which contains some of his speeches and lectures.
- "Esoteric schools and the mysterious meanings in manuscripts”
- "Sublime thinking and methods of creative thinking" (consist of thirty six methods of thinking)
- "Thinking Formulas and Mental Software"(consist of more than seven hundred thinking formulas to do different works)
- "The Art of Sublime Struggle”
- Hezbollah Doctrine (The Army of God Doctrine) (on inviting Hezbollah to use flexible methods and software thinking and to avoid violence and increase tendency to love)
- "Universal Theories and Modern Spirituality”
- "Fundamental Life patterns”
- "True Intuitions and False interpretations”
- "The Art of Dreaming in Elahism (creative dreaming and dream making)“
- "Esoteric judgment and true justice“
- "Harmonious and Disharmonic Marriage”
- "Saviors of the World and Motivators”
- "Fundamental Insights and Enlivening Thoughts”
- "The Ancient Science of Semiotics"(understanding the signs of the world around us)
- "Teaching revolutionary counseling”
- "Inward Interpretations of outward verses or signs”
- "Creative Look; constructive thoughts and inventive words”
- "The Meanings of Nature Sounds and Birds Songs”
- "The Future of the World, Civilizations and Religions”
- "The Knowledge of Names and Luminous Keys”
- "The Methods of Predicting future”
- "Cults and Anti Cults" (on what cults are and analyzing and controlling them)
- "The Correspondence"(letters, questions, messages and recommendations to the leaders of the world, scientists and scholars)
Doctrines and Fundamental Theories
According to Fattahi's old allies a large number of doctrines and fundamental theories have been proposed by him since 20 years ago.[58]
These doctrines have been usually suggested during public speeches and meetings as well as personal conversations and discussions on the daily routine. Then, they have been further analyzed by students who have been responsible for collecting them. Although, most of these theories are esoteric-based and esoteric-oriented, they do concern all aspects of life and sometimes are linked to the details of daily life. The doctrines of Sublime Struggle, Reconciliation of Civilizations, Creative Look, Harmonious Marriage, as well as the doctrine of coordination, doctrine Suprapolar Human Being (bipolar man), doctrine of 360-degree view are some of which could be mentioned in this regard. Also the theories of Intuitive References, Creative Review and the doctrine of Voluntary and Recurrent Death could be noted.[59]
These doctrines have been collected and further discussed by a number of his students in a multi-volume set of books entitled 360 Doctrines and Comprehensive Theories. This collection has been recently registered at the Library of Congress parts of which is previously published through his students' websites.[60] They have also claimed the complete collection has set to be published in the near future.
- ↑ Websites linked to this Society describe it as a think tank and have claimed it to be the largest NGO in the Middle East, with almost 160,000 members engaged in a wide variety of cultural and spiritual activities based on the teachings of Fattahi.Elyasin News
- ↑ Prothinka emagazine, vol. 12
- ↑ Sublime Thinking magazine, Summer 2006, Vol. 3
- ↑ 360 Thinking tips
- ↑ The Flow of Divine Guidance, Peyma Elahi, Page 2-5
- ↑ Victims of Ruthlessness, Peyman Fattahi Curriculum Vitae, Iran SOS website
- ↑ Great Teacher of Thinking introductory booklet, Centre for Esoteric Science Research and Studies
- ↑ same
- ↑ Who is Master Iliya?, An Introduction published at Fattahi's official website.
- ↑ [An extract from 1st to 5th official statements of Master Elia Public Relation Office The Flow of Divine Guidance], Peyma Elahi, Taalime Hagh Publishing House, Iran, 1998
- ↑ , An extract from 1st to 5th official statements of Master Elia Public Relation Office.
- ↑ Flow of Divine Guidance (vol. 1), Payman Elahi, Taalime-Hagh Publishing House,1996
- ↑ same
- ↑ same
- ↑ Ammin- vol. 1 an autobiography available on [ Master Elia official website]
- ↑ Elahism is a universal monotheistic ritual transcending any religion or faith (in Persian or Arabic languages it could be an abbreviation of Allah-ism). The founder of Elahism is Maha-Avatar who has been called by various names and appellations in different regions of the globe. He is known as Master Rouhollah in Iran. A number of documentaries (in form of films and books) has been produced about him. It's also been claimed that he has the highest rank in esoteric masters' hierarchy. However, Elahism has been taught by some other spiritual masters in the world. The Esoteric Elahism could be defined as divine-shifted esoteric knowledge which is neither related to any of the religions nor faiths, sects or cults. Psycho technology and metaphysical techniques (named ZX methods) are the secret part of these teachings which is taught in form of non –public tutorials.
- ↑ The Art of Transcendental Life is neither a new sacred law – shariat – nor a new spiritual path; but it is interpretation and significance of the words of the Living Lord in the present time. The basis of his teachings consist of "tendency towards the truth" and this means to be inclined towards existence and presence instead of to lean towards illusion. That is to say being inclined toward God, God- worshiping, God-seeking, God-centeredness, God-infatuation, God-mindfulness, God-observance, God-infatuation instead of being inclined towards oneself, self-worshiping, selfishness, self-conceit, self-infatuation and self-centeredness. In art of transcendental life, the emphasis is on quality, introversion and worship of the Lining One rather than extroversion and worship of dead.
- ↑ More information could be retrieved at Fattahi's autobiography, page 112
- ↑ same
- ↑ same
- ↑ More information could be retrieved from [ here]
- ↑ More information could be retrieved from Aamin, vol.1, page 12
- ↑ Flow of Divine Guidance, Peyma Elahi, 1998
- ↑ To watch a footage of this event click here or here .
- ↑ Kayhan newspaper, 28/03/1383- Persian calendar
- ↑ Getting familiar with a subversive sect, A. Najafi, Kayhan newspaper, 14 September 1385 – persian calendar
- ↑ New religions typology, Hamidieh Behzad, 20/03/1385- Persian calendar
- ↑ New religions typology, Hamidieh Behzad, 20/03/1385- Persian calendar
- ↑ Getting familiar with a subversive sect, A. Najafi, Kayhan newspaper, 14 September 1385 – persian calendar
- ↑ Jomhouri Eslami newspaper, No. 8619, 02/03/1388- persian calendar
- ↑ Getting familiar with a subversive sect, A. Najafi, Kayhan newspaper, 14 September 1385 – persian calendar
- ↑ Ettelaat Net
- ↑ Anonymous,Elia, Ramollah, the Avatar and ..., Kajraheh Supplement, Jam e Jam Newspaper, March 2007, p. 18
- ↑ same
- ↑ same
- ↑ Flow of Divine Guidance, Page 123-124
- ↑ These statements have originally been issued between 1990 and 1997 by the Office of Public Relations of the community and republished to clarify his followers’ attitude toward those rumors. To read an extract of them click here.
- ↑ Corruptors and Demons!
- ↑ The 45th attack of Iranian extremist clergies to Master Elia (Summary of Armageddon TV Series, episode 25), Paris Keynezhad – Senior member of Association of THikers and Researchers
- ↑ the world leader of catholic Christians
- ↑ The main subject of the other episodes of Armageddon, season 4 are as follows: Media Pluralism, Satellite Channels, BBC, VOA ( in this episode it is claimed that VOA is affiliated with Zionism, Baha’i, etc), Cold Digital War (claiming that Facebook, Microsoft, Internet, etc. are all perverted and Zionistic), Rereading the History of Cinema in Iran (claiming that the cinema of Iran has its roots in Freemasons and Zionism…), Zionist Cults and Terrorist Coup d'état-seekers (it speaks about the Baha’i’s attempts to dominate Iran and their treachery and demolitions), Secular Sufis, Modern Spiritualities (claiming that Dalai Lama, Sai Baba, Osho, Krishnamurti, etc. are all perverted and hirelings and Ekankar, TSM, etc. are all Zionistic), Anarchistic Spirituality (claiming that Elia M. Ramollah corrupts youth, Paulo Coelho is perverted, pagan and Zionist and the presidents of United States, Europe and even the world leader of Christians are all Satanist).
- ↑ Kayhan new paper, 5 July 2009
- ↑ Khabarnet, 13 July 2009
- ↑ Kayhan, 17 June 2004
- ↑ Extracted from the first open letter of Elia's followers to leaders of the world
- ↑ U.S Department of State annual report on Iran Human Rights. The related part of report could be seen in this link
- ↑ Who does fear from Ale-Yasin?, Ramin Ahmadi, Gooya Newsletter, 25 March 1387 – Persian calendar
- ↑ Report published by Salam Democrat, 12/11/1386- persian calendar
- ↑ Nourshahi interview with Radio Zamaneh,10/09/1387- persian calendar
- ↑ To read the letter, click here
- ↑ Nourshahi interview with Nilgoun website
- ↑ Nourshahi interview with VOA Persian,04/11/1387- persian calendar
- ↑ To original script of the news could be retrieved from this link
- ↑ Paris Keynezhad
- ↑ The statement can be retrieved from this link
- ↑ Tabnak, 02/05/1390 – Persian calendar, news code# 179079
- ↑ Victims of ruthlessness
- ↑ Ammin, vol.1, page 452-454,
- ↑ same
- ↑ Some of them could be read at this link
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