Phillip Good

Phillip I. Good (born in 1937) is a Canadian-American mathematical statistician. He was educated at McGill University and the University of California at Berkeley.

He was among the first to apply the bootstrap in his 1975 analyses of 2×2 designs with a missing cell.[pub 1] His chief contributions to statistics are in the area of small sample statistics, including a uniformly most powerful unbiased (UMPU) permutation test for Type I censored data,[pub 2] an exact test for comparing variances, and an exact test for cross-over designs.[pub 3]

Selected publications

  1. Reduced humoral immune activity in long-lived mice (with T. Makinodan, JW Albright, CP Peter, and ML Heidrick), Immunology 31(76)400.
  2. Globally almost most powerful tests for censored data, J Nonpar Statist 1(92)253-262.
  3. Good P. and Xie F. Analysis of a crossover clinical trial by permutation methods. Contemporary Clinical Trials 2008; 29:565-568

His published texts in statistics include the following:

He has published articles in

He has published nine texts on the application of microcomputers in business as well as several hundred articles on microcomputers in over a dozen different computer magazines. He has published 34 novels using six nommes des plumes for the zanybooks imprint. Those using his own name include "I Love You Maggie,""In Search of Aimai Cristen,""Sad and Angry Man,""Marriage and Children," "Confessions of a Gentleman Host," "San Onofre,","Susan," and "Schoolcraft MI." He has published two collections of his short stories, "Pinkie: Stories of a Homeless Man," and "Relationships."

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