Phoenix Cut Diamond

The Phoenix CutTM is an octagonal shaped fancy cut diamond similar in shape to an Emerald cut. The Phoenix CutTM diamonds are used in jewellery such as rings, earrings, pendants and bangles.

Phoenix Cut shape TM



The Phoenix CutTM is a relatively new cut of diamond, created in the 1990s[1] by Professor Botcharov under the instruction of the Smolensk Kristall Production Corporation.

The Name

The Coat of arms of Smolensk feature the legendary bird the Phoenix.[2] This is to represent the cities almost complete destruction and subsequent rise from the ashes following both the Battle of Smolensk (1812) and Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. The new cut was named "Phoenix" in honour of this symbol.

The Phoenix CutTM

Phoenix CutTM Video


The Phoenix CutTM is octagonal and similar in shape to an Emerald cut and a Radiant cut. These cuts have 48-50[3] and 70 facets respectively whereas the Phoenix CutTM has 89 polished facets. This increased number of facets is to give the diamond more fire and brilliance[4] . Below is a breakdown of the facets and their location.

Number of facets[5]
Top 38
Bottom 42
Girdle 8
Table 1

Due to the shape of the Phoenix CutTM only a tiny fraction of "rough" diamonds are suitable for the production process. Below is a table showing the geometric characteristics of the Phoenix CutTM

Pavilion Angle [6] 40-41.50
Crown Angle 30-330
Aspect Ratio 1.30-1.60


The Phoenix CutTM diamonds are cut by the Smolensk Kristall Production Corporation and are referred to as "Russian Make"[7] diamonds.

The Kristall Corporation asserts that "Russian Make is a quality without compromise."[8]

A "Russian Make" stone is so called because extra attention is given to the symmetry, parameters, polishing and girdle of the stone. This extra attention can be seen visually or supported by optical measuring devices.

Supply and availability

The supply of the Phoenix CutTM diamond is very limited. This is because the Phoenix CutTM diamond is a created from high quality rough diamonds; the shape of the stone also limits the amount of rough available for use.[9] The main distributor for the Phoenix CutTM diamond is Antwerp Diamonds LTD. They are the sole distributors for the UK and Ireland.


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