Pigou Club

The Pigou Club is described by its creator, economist and blogger N. Gregory Mankiw, as "an elite group of economists and pundits with the good sense to have publicly advocated higher Pigovian taxes, such as gasoline taxes or carbon taxes."[1] These pundits and economists often advocate lowering other taxes to keep the total amount of taxes collected the same, though many have also proposed dedicating the revenue to other worthwhile projects. A Pigovian tax (also spelled Pigouvian tax, named after economist Arthur Cecil Pigou) is a tax levied to correct the negative externalities (negative side-effects) of a market activity. These ideas are also known as an Ecotax (or green tax shift).

Members Date of InductionDescription
Daron Acemoglu[2] Sept 2011 Economist
Jonathan Addler[3] May 30, 2012 Law Professor
Anne Applebaum February 6, 2007Pundit
Katherine Baiker[4] July 19, 2012 Economist
Dean Baker[4] July 19, 2012 Economist
William Baldwin June 24, 2006Journalist
Yorum Bauman[5] April 1998 Economist
Gary Becker June 17, 2006 Economist
Antonio Bento[6] March 5, 2013 Economist
Alan Blinder[7] January 31, 2011 Economist
Michael Bloomberg November 2, 2007 Politician
Jay Buckey January 16, 2008Pundit
Willem Buiter[8] June 12, 2008 Economist
Steve Chapman July 4, 2013[9] Pundit
Judith Chevalier[10] December 2007 Economist
Noam Chomsky[11] May 21, 2013[12] Philosopher
Steven Chu[13] Dec 16, 2008 Scientist
John H. Cochrane August 7, 2013[14] Economist
Bob Corker[15] unknown Politician
Tyler Cowen September 8, 2009Economist
Clive Crook June 24, 2006Pundit
Herman Daly[16] August 14, 2007 Economist
Laura D'Andrea Tyson[17] unknown Economist
Leonardo DiCaprio August 21, 2014[18] Actor
Christopher Dodd April 25, 2007Politician
Ed Dolan July 28, 2010[19] Economist
Gregg Easterbrook June 17, 2006Pundit
Christopher Farrell June 24, 2006Composer
Robert H. Frank June 17, 2006Economist
Bill Frenzel February 16, 2007Politician
Thomas Friedman June 17, 2006 Pundit
David Frum November 9, 2006Pundit
Jason Furman February 2, 2007Economist
William Gale[20] unknown Economist
Bill Gates[21] September 2, 2010 Business Magnate
Ted Gayer June 27, 2006Economist
Edward Glaeser[22] May 21, 2007 Economist
Al Gore June 24, 2006 Politician
Lindsey Graham March 1, 2010[23] Politician
Alan Greenspan October 2, 2006 Economist
Michael Greenstone[24] October 12, 2010 Economist
Paul Gu January 27, 2007Pundit
Steven C. Hackett August 22, 2008Economist
James Hansen[25] unknown Scientist
Tim Harford December 8, 2006 Economist
Kevin Hassett January 29, 2007Economist
Shi-Ling Hsu[26] unknown Economist/Law Professor
Bob Inglis December 27, 2008[27]Politician
Henry Jacoby June 28, 2013[28] Economist
Dale Jorgenson[29] June 12, 2012 Economist
Charles Komanoff March 6, 1989[30] Economist
Joe Klein June 17, 2006 Pundit
Mort Kondracke June 23, 2007Pundit
Charles Krauthammer January 26, 2007Pundit
Paul Krugman June 24, 2006Economist
Anthony Lake October 30, 2006Politician
Arthur Laffer December 27, 2008[27] Economist
John Larson August 9, 2007Politician
Judith Layzer July 3, 2012[31] Political Scientist
David Leonhardt February 21, 2007Pundit
Arik Levinson[32] unknown Economist
Steven Levitt June 18, 2006Economist
Brink Lindsey December 5, 2006 Attorney
Bob Litterman[33] unknown Economist
Ray Magliozzi January 15, 2007 Pundit
N. Gregory Mankiw June 17, 2006Economist
Donald B. Marron[34] November 2014 Economist
Megan McArdle June 24, 2006 Journalist
Jim McDermott|[35] 2007 Politician
Daniel McFadden January 22, 2007 Economist
Gilbert Metcalf June 30, 2015[36] Economist
Mike Moffatt September 16, 2006 Economist
William Moomaw July 3, 2012[37] Scientist
Adele C. Morris[38] unknown Economist
Alan Mulally August 9, 2007 Ford C.E.O.
Paul Mulshine January 27, 2007 Journalist
Chris Murphy[39] unknown Politician
Elon Musk[40] February 3, 2015 Business Magnate
Ralph Nader[41] December 3, 2008 Politician
Gavin Newsom December 9, 2007 Politician
William Nordhaus June 17, 2006Economist
Grover Norquist[42] February 16, 2006 Founder, Americans for Tax Reform
Bill Nye October 21, 2014[43] Scientist
Leon Panetta[44] October 18, 2006 Politician
Peter Passell[45] April 1, 1992 Economist
Robert Pindyk[46] 2013 Economist
Eduardo Porter[47] Sept 11, 2012[48] Journalist
Paul Portney May 18, 2007[49] Economist
Richard Posner November 4, 2006Economist/Jurist
Jonathan Rauch June 17, 2006 Journalist
Robert Reich[50] unknown Economist
Richard Revesz September 15, 2015[51] Law Professor
Kenneth Rogoff September 16, 2006Economist
Nouriel Roubini November 9, 2006Economist
Steven Running Feb 27, 2006[52] Scientist
Jeffrey Sachs April 9, 2008Economist
Robert J. Samuelson January 17, 2007Journalist
Andrew Samwick June 24, 2006 Economist
Bernie Sanders Feb 16, 2013[53] Politician
Isabel Sawhill February 16, 2007 Economist
Brian Schatz[54] November 19, 2014 Politician
George Schultz October 30, 2006Economist
Robert J. Shapiro February 20, 2007 Economist
Eliot Spitzer[55] July 5, 2012 Politician
Pete Stark[56] 2007 Politician
Rob Stavins December 10, 2006 Economist
Irwin Stelzer[57] unknown Economist
Charles Stenholm February 16, 2007 Politician
Joseph Stiglitz[58] unknown Economist
Andrew Sullivan June 24, 2006Pundit
Lawrence Summers October 31, 2006 Economist
Alex Tabarrok[59] June 16, 2010 Economist
Jerry Taylor March 23, 2015[60] Economist
John Tierney June 17, 2006 Pundit
Rex Tillerson[61] February 9, 2009 CEO
Ben van Beurden[62] October 5, 2015 CEO
Hal Varian October 1, 2006Economist
Paul Volcker February 14, 2007Economist
Gernot Wagner[63] September 7, 2011 Economist
Margaret A. Walls[64] unknown Economist
Charles Wheelan[65] unknown Economist
Sheldon Whitehouse[54] November 19, 2014 Politician
Neil Young November 24, 2015[66] Rocker
Harrison Wold[4] unknown Economist

The newsmagazine The Economist has repeatedly expressed support for Pigouvian policies.[67] as has "The Washington Post" Editorial Board,[68][69][70][71] NPR's "Planet Money"[4][72] and "The New York Times"[73]

The group received a great deal of publicity when The New York Times published "Raise the Gasoline Tax? Funny, It Doesn’t Sound Republican" on October 8, 2006.


  1. ↑ Mankiw, Greg (June 24, 2006). "Al Gore in the Pigou Club".
  2. ↑ "Interview with Daron Acemoglu".
  3. ↑ "A Conservative's Approach to Combating Climate Change".
  4. 1 2 3 4 "Six Policies Economists Love".
  5. ↑ Tax Shift: How to Help the Economy, Improve the Environment, and Get the Tax Man off Our Backs. ISBN 9781886093072.
  6. ↑ "Economists call on Washington to enact carbon tax".
  7. ↑ "The Carbon Tax Miracle Cure".
  8. ↑ "Willem Buiter weighs in, favors carbon tax".
  9. ↑ "How to combat global warming and prosper".
  10. ↑ "Should a carbon tax be border adjustable?".
  11. ↑ "On Shutdown, Waning US Influence, Syrian Showdown".
  12. ↑ "“I Had Weird Educational Experiences”: Interview With Noam Chomsky".
  13. ↑ Mankiw, Greg (2008-12-16). "Chu and Pigou". Retrieved 2010-03-02.
  14. ↑ "Litterman on carbon finance".
  15. ↑ "In Low Gasoline Prices, an Opening Emerges for Higher Taxes".
  16. ↑ "Scientists & Economists".
  17. ↑ "The Myriad Benefits of a Carbon Tax".
  18. ↑ "DiCaprio: ‘We must put a price on carbon’".
  19. ↑ Dolan, Ed. "Postmortem on Waxman-Markey: The Politics of Cap & Trade". Retrieved 7 April 2014.
  20. ↑ "The Tax Favored By Most Economists".
  21. ↑ "Bill Gates on R&D, a carbon tax, and China's Climate Role".
  22. ↑ "A Road Map for Environmentalism".
  23. ↑ Greg Mankiw (2010-03-01). "A New Member of the Pigou Club". Retrieved 2010-03-03.
  24. ↑ "A climate proposal beyond cap and trade".
  25. ↑ "Hansen to Obama: Support a Carbon Tax".
  26. ↑ The Case for a Carbon Tax. ISBN 978-1-61091-178-8.
  27. 1 2 Inglis, Bob; Laffer, Arthur B. (December 28, 2008). "An Emissions Plan Conservatives Could Warm To". The New York Times. Retrieved May 22, 2010.
  28. ↑ "Economists have a one-page solution to climate change". Retrieved 7 April 2014.
  29. ↑ "Senate Hearing 112-776".
  30. ↑ ""Instead of a gas tax, how about a carbon tax?"" (PDF).
  31. ↑ "Can we stop global warming?".
  32. ↑ "How Efficient Is Energy Efficiency?".
  33. ↑ "What Is the Right Price for Carbon Emissions?" (PDF).
  34. ↑ "Bigger, Cleaner, and More Efficient: A Carbon-Corporate Tax Swap".
  35. ↑ "Save our Climate Act of 2007" (PDF).
  36. ↑ "U.S. leaves the markets out in fight against carbon emissions".
  37. ↑ "Can We Stop Global Warming?".
  38. ↑ "Will the EPA Push for a Carbon Tax?".
  39. ↑ "In Low Gasoline Prices, an Opening Emerges for Higher Taxes".
  40. ↑ "Elon Musk on Why We Need a Carbon Tax".
  41. ↑ Nader, Ralph (December 3, 2008). "We Need a Global Carbon Tax". The Wall Street Journal.
  42. ↑ "A way to cut fuel consumption that everyone likes, except the politicians".
  43. ↑ "Bill Nye Explains the Carbon Tax to Neil deGrasse Tyson and Chuck Nice".
  44. ↑ "Talk of raising gas tax is just that".
  45. ↑ "The great search: A perfect tax".
  46. ↑ "Pricing carbon when we don’t know the right price" (PDF).
  47. ↑ "In energy taxes, tools to help tackle climate change".
  48. ↑ "Taxes show one way to save fuel".
  49. ↑ "Carbon Taxes Versus Carbon Markets: What’s the Best Way to Limit Emissions?".
  50. ↑ Robert Reich on the Importance of Putting a Price On Carbon.
  51. ↑ "Let’s Cut All Energy Subsidies and Start Taxing Pollution".
  52. ↑ "Scientists & Economists".
  53. ↑ "The best solution on climate change requires congress to act".
  54. 1 2 "Sens. Whitehouse and Schatz introduce carbon fee legislation".
  55. ↑ Eliot, Spitzer (July 5, 2012). "Eliot Spitzer endorses a tax on carbon emissions as a way to ‘heat up the climate debate’". Viewpoint with Eliot Spitzer.
  56. ↑ "Save our Climate Act of 2007" (PDF).
  57. ↑ "Erwin Stelzer on Conservatism and the New Capitalism".
  58. ↑ "Nobel Laureate Joseph Stiglitz Calls for "Greening" of Globalization".
  59. ↑ "How much will BP pay?".
  60. ↑ "The Conservative Case for a Carbon Tax" (PDF).
  61. ↑ "Exxon CEO advocates emissions tax".
  62. ↑ "Royal Dutch Shell CEO to Call for Effective System for Pricing Carbon".
  63. ↑ "Going Green Getting Nowhere".
  64. ↑ "Why now is the right time for a carbon tax".
  65. ↑ "The Irrefutable Logic of a Carbon Tax".
  66. ↑ "Rocker Neil Young supports Alberta's carbon tax, pleased by Liberal government".
  67. ↑ "Climate Change: The Greening of America". The Economist (London: The Economist Newspaper Limited 2009). 2007-01-25. Retrieved 2009-09-26. ...the only two clean and efficient solutions to climate change. One is a carbon tax, which this paper has long advocated,
  68. ↑ "Clean Energy Should Do Without Special Tax Breaks". Editorial Board.
  69. ↑ "A Sweltering Planet's Agenda". Washington Post.
  70. ↑ "The Carbon Tax".
  71. ↑ "Carbon tax is best option congress has".
  72. ↑ "Economists have a one page solution to solve global warming".
  73. ↑ "The Case for a Carbon Tax".

External links

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