Pioneer Organization of the Socialist Youth Union

Pionýr (literally: Pioneer), officially Pioneer organization of the Socialist Youth Union (Czech: Pionýrská organizace Socialistického svazu mládeže, PO SSM), was a youth marxist-leninist organization in communist Czechoslovakia. The organisation proclaimed the group was voluntary, but the joining of every child from six years old was expected.
The Czech word pionýr is an approximate synonym of the word skaut (scout). Both are loan words from English and both are connected with the Czech idealization of the Wild West. Therefore, the Pionýr's inspiration from the scout movement is obvious.
Pioneer activities were eclectically chosen from the Scout movement, the Sokol movement and of course Soviet Komsomol.
There are significant differences between activities in the early communist era and the late one. Its radicalism was changing over time. Pioneer was most radical in the 1950s and became more liberal during the 80s due to perestroika.
Original pioneer activities included for instance old paper or herb collecting described as “voluntary help for Czechoslovak industry.” Collecting was a nationwide competition. The winning pioneer team got a prize, a focus of mass media and it was a great reference for their later career life.
Another activity was creating a poster wall praising the Soviet Union and socialist life in general.
A common activity was “navázání družby” (“creating a friendship”) with youth from other communist countries.
Young pioneers also recited poems in various communist festivals.
Most controversial activity was young pioneers were led to denounce their parents like the Soviet hero Pavlik Morozov.
Most popular activity was a summer camp. Some summer camps specialized in the hosting of youth communist organizations from the whole Eastern Bloc.
Ideology and mission statement
Here's the mission statement from the PO-SYU Regulation from 1949.
A Pioneer -
- Is a role model for other boys and girls.
- Loves his/her people’s democraic fatherland. He/She is proud of his/her nation that practices socialism under presidential leadership of Klement Gottwald.
- Wishes freedom and peace to all nations. Loves the liberator, the Soviet Union, the land of freedom, peace and socialism.
- Learns well. A pioneer is prepared for school well every day, likes books, his/her education never ends. He/she does it to be a conscious and useful builder of socialism.
- Is hardworking. Respects all work that brings profit to the masses and he/she joins it in respect with his personal strengths, primarily helps his/her parents.
- Cares about his/her health. Looks after his/her cleanliness. He/she is tough enough to be a strong worker and defender of the fatherland.
- Is disciplined, Listens to his/her parents, teachers and leaders, is conforming with the will of the collective.
- Defends his/her pioneer honor, Fights for truth, is honorable and responsible. He/she is not selfish and always acts fairly.
- Is young keeper of his/her land. He/She loves nature, respects everything created by the working people and he/she is sparing. He/She protects common property, guards it against pests and enemies.
- Is a loyal serious comrade, helps classmates and is a friend of young children.
- Is preparing for his/her proper admission as part of the ČSM (note: Československý svaz mládeže – literally Czechoslovak Youth Union) in due time. He/She must be always and everywhere a great example of a pioneers to be accepted to the ČSM which unites the best builders of The Republic.
Motto, Summons and response
- Summons: For the building and defense of a socialist nation, be well ready! ( K budování a obraně socialistické vlasti, buď připraven!)
- Response: Always ready! (Vždy připraven!)

The uniform consisted of a light blue shirt and grey trousers. The female variant used a white shirt and dark blue trousers or skirt. Both sexes wore a red neckerchief.
Post-communism Controversy
After the fall of the Communist regime in 1989, the dissolution of The Pioneer was debated. The resulting compromise was a reform of the whole movement. This decision is considered to be controversial because Pioneers were a significant symbol of communist dictatorship. Pioneers nowadays are paradoxically more liberal than Scouts.