
Lancet Liver Fluke (Dicrocoelium dendriticum)
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Platyhelminthes
Class: Trematoda
Order: Plagiorchiida
Suborder: Plagiorchiata

c.30, see text

The Plagiorchiata are by far the largest suborder of plagiorchiidan flatworms. They belong to the Digenea, a large subclass of flukes. These parasites rarely if ever affect humans, but domestic animals may be severely affected bby some species. The Lancet Liver Fluke (Dicrocoelium dendriticum) is noted for its cercaria larva, which induces the intermediate host (certain ants) to suicidal behavior.

The following families are placed here:

  • Allassogonoporidae Odening, 1964
  • Anchitrematidae
  • Anenterotrematidae
  • Auridistomidae Stunkard, 1924
  • Brachycoeliidae Odening, 1964
  • Calycodidae
  • Cephalogonimidae
  • Cephaloporidae
  • Cortrematidae
  • Dicrocoeliidae
  • Dolichoperidae
  • Encyclometridae
  • Eumegacetidae
  • Haematoloechidae Odening, 1964
  • Laterotrematidae Yamaguti, 1958

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