Plantar nerve

The plantar nerves are a pair of nerves innervating the sole of the foot. They arise from the posterior branch of the tibial nerve.
Medial plantar nerve
The medial plantar nerve supplies: the abductor hallucis, the flexor digitorum brevis, the flexor hallucis brevis and the first lumbrical. Cutaneous distribution of the medial plantar nerve is to the medial sole and medial three and one half toes, including the nail beds on the dorsum (like the median nerve in the hand). Mnemonic LAFF muscles (pronounced "laugh") L – first Lumbrical, A – Abductor Hallucis, F – Flexor digitorum brevis, F – flexor hallucis brevis
Lateral plantar nerve
The lateral plantar nerve supplies quadratus plantae, flexor digiti minimi brevis, adductor hallucis, the interossei, three lumbricals and abductor digiti minimi. Cutaneous innervation is to the lateral sole and lateral one and one half toes (like the ulnar nerve).