

Logo de Pleade
Original author(s) AJLSM
Developer(s) AJLSM
Stable release 3.4
Development status Active
Written in Java, XSLT, Cocoon
Operating system Unix-like, Microsoft Windows
Available in French, English, German, Chinese
Type Digital Library
License GNU General Public License

Pleade is an open source search engine and browser for archival finding aids encoded in EAD (an XML standard for encoding archival finding aids). Based on the SDX platform, it is a very flexible web application.


The software was jointly started by the companies AJLSM and Anaphore and was originally intended for publication and dissemination only of archival research tools like EAD finding aids, but it has become a library portal and a medium for digital libraries.[1]


Pleade is published in GPL 3. It is based on the Apache Cocoon framework and it works with the search engine SDX.

It is able to publish and distribute the following format : EAD, CSV (internally converted to XML), XMLMarc, TEI, Dublin Core. Support for METS and ALTO is under active development.[2]




These are examples of websites based on Pleade:

Related resources


  1. DigiCult.Info issue #6, page 16
  2. Pleade 2012 : les imprimés numérisés et les formats XML METS / ALTO
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