Polina Dashkova

Polina Daschkowa
Born 14 July 1960
Alma mater Maxim Gorky Literature Institute

Polina Daschkowa (born 14 July 1960) is a successful Russian crime novelist.[1]


Daschkowa was born in Moscow in 1960. She was educated at the Maxim Gorky Literature Institute and then she worked as a journalist and as a translator from English. Her first novel was published in 1996. Since then she has published a line of books which are based against the recent time of change in Russia.[2] She has sold over 40 million books.[1]

She has sold 300,000 books in Germany[1] and she won the Krimipreis crime award from Radio Bremen in 2006.[2] Her surname is transliterated as Dashkova in English and Daschkowa in German. At least a dozen of her books have been translated into German.[3] A few of her books have been translated into Chinese, Dutch, French, German, Polish, Spanish.[4]


Russian Title Publication Date German Title[5] Translator Publication Date English Translation of Title
Кровь нерождённых 1996 Lenas Flucht Helmut Ettinger 2004 Lena's Flight
Место под солнцем 1999 Club Kalaschnikow Margret Fieseler 2002 Club Kalaschnikov[6]
Золотой песок 1999 Für Nikita Ganna-Maria Braungardt 2004 Golden Sand[6]
Чеченская марионетка, или Продажные твари 2000 Chechen Marionette
Питомник 2000 Das Haus der bösen Mädchen Ganna-Maria Braungardt 2006 Nursery
Эфирное время 2000 Russische Orchidee Margret Fieseler 2003 A Russian Orchid[6]
Образ врага 2000
Лёгкие шаги безумия 2000 Die leichten Schritte des Wahnsinns Margret Fieseler 2002 Madness Treads Lightly[6]
Никто не заплачет 1998 Keiner wird weinen Ganna-Maria Braungardt 2007 Noone Will Cry
Чувство реальности 2002
Херувим 2003 Der falsche Engel Hanna-Maria Braungardt 2007 Cherubim
Качели 2003
Исполнитель 2003 Du wirst mich nie verraten Helmut Ettinger 2005 You Will Never Betray Me
Приз 2004
Игра во мнения 2005 Nummer 5 hat keine Chance Margret Fieseler 2005
Вечная ночь 2006 In ewiger Nacht Hanna-Maria Braungardt 2011 Eternal Night[6]
Источник счастья 2007 Bis in alle Ewigkeit Hanna-Maria Braungardt 2012 The Source of Happiness[6]
Источник счастья. Книга 2. Misterium Tremendum. Тайна, приводящая в трепет 2008
Источник счастья. Книга 3. Небо над бездной 2009
Точка невозврата 2010
Пакт 2012 The Pact[6]
Соотношение сил : роман[7] 2015


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