Polish wine
Wine production in Poland is a small industry with only six wineries registered to sell and produce grape table wines in Poland as defined by the national wine laws that came into being in 2008: Adoria Vineyards, Winnica Jaworek, Winnica Maria Anna, Winnica Płochockich, Winnica Stara Winna Góra, Winnica Miłosz, Winnica Wzgórza Trzebnickie. There exists a very lively amateur winery and viticulture scene throughout the country with especially strong grouping in the regions near the city of Zielona Góra and in the west of the country, Wrocław in the south-west, Kraków in the south, the Podkarpacie region and Kazimierz Dolny in south-east. There are also a few wineries in the "Northern Poland" wine region[1]
Winnica Jura - a new project of establishing a 6 hectare vineyard is currently underway near Kraków.[2]