Display board

A display board is a board-shaped material that is rigid and strong enough to stand on its own, and generally used paper or other materials affixed to it. Display board may also be referred to as poster board. Along with quad charts, display boards were an early form of fast communication developed by the National Weather Service of the United States Department of Commerce's National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.[1]
Poster board
Poster board or posterboard is a type of display board used for displaying posters and other flat printed matter. It comes in large sheets in a variety of colors and is significantly larger than A2. In the US, the standard size for poster board is 22" x 28" x .05". It can be particularly light and flimsy, as it is primarily expected to support sheets of paper, photos, glitter, lettering and other small, light items that are glued onto it. It can be recycled and used again as something else.
Poster board can be found in many art supply and office supply stores. Drug stores and convenience stores carry it as well. A variety of additional supplies can be used with poster board to enhance its presentation. Poster board is often used for making event posters, science projects and other school activities.
Folded display boards
Trifold display boards may also be used. They are generally more stable and able to stand while still giving a theater-like view. In North America, display boards are often used by students in the public school system during science fairs. The purpose of the display board in that context is to catch the viewer's attention and explain what was performed and what was learned.[2] Such display boards will usually contain images and figures in addition to text.
- ↑ Government Accountability Office report to the United States House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, Managing for results enhancing agency use of performance information for management decision making, pg. 28. GAO-05-927, September 2005.
- ↑ Dana M. Barry, Science Fair Projects: Helping Your Child Create a Super Science Fair Project, pg. 116. Ed. Walter Kelly. Westminster: Teacher Created Resource, Inc., 2005. ISBN 1576906000