
The Potamoi (Greek: Ποταμοί, "Rivers") are the gods of rivers in Greek mythology.


They are the fathers of the Naiads, and the brothers of the Oceanids, and as such, the sons of Oceanus and Tethys. The river gods were depicted in one of three forms: a man-headed bull, a bull-headed man with the body of a serpent-like fish from the waist down, or as an arm resting upon an amphora jug pouring water.[1]

List of River-gods (Potamoi)

The following are the sons of Oceanus and Tethys:[2][3][4]

  1. Achelous or Akheloios
  2. Acheron
  3. Acragas
  4. Aeas
  5. Aegaeus
  6. Aesar
  7. Aesepus
  8. Almo
  9. Alpheus
  10. Amnisos
  11. Amphrysos
  12. Anapos
  13. Anauros
  14. Anigros
  15. Apidanus
  16. Arar
  17. Araxes
  18. Ardescus
  19. Arnos
  20. Asopus
  21. Asterion
  22. Axius
  23. Baphyras
  24. Borysthenes
  25. Brychon
  26. Caanthus
  27. Caicinus
  28. Caicus
  29. Cayster
  30. Cebren
  31. Cephissus
  32. Chremetes
  33. Cladeus or Kladeos
  34. Clitumnus (Roman mythology)
  35. Cocytus
  36. Cratais
  37. Crinisus
  38. Cydnos
  39. Cytheros
  40. Elisson
  41. Enipeus
  42. Erasinus
  43. Eridanus
  44. Erymanthus
  45. Euphrates
  46. Eurotas
  47. Evenus
  48. Ganges
  49. Granicus
  50. Haliacmon
  51. Halys
  52. Hebrus
  53. Heptaporus
  54. Hermus
  55. Hydaspes
  56. Ilissos
  57. Imbrasos
  58. Inachus
  59. Indus
  60. Inopos
  61. Ismenus
  62. Istrus or Ister
  63. Ladon
  64. Lamos
  65. Lethe (exceptionally female)
  66. Lycormas
  67. Marsyas
  68. Maeander
  69. Meles
  70. Mincius
  71. Nestos
  72. Nilus
  73. Numicius
  74. Nymphaeus
  75. Orontes
  76. Pactolus
  77. Parthenius
  78. Phasis
  79. Phlegethon or Pyriphlegethon
  80. Phyllis
  81. Peneus
  82. Pleistos
  83. Porpax
  84. Rhesus
  85. Rhine
  86. Rhodius
  87. Rhyndacus
  88. Satnioeis
  89. Sangarius
  90. Scamander
  91. Simoeis
  92. Spercheus
  93. Strymon
  94. Symaethus
  95. Tanais
  96. Termessus
  97. Thermodon
  98. Tiberinus (Roman mythology)
  99. Tigris
  100. Titaressus

See also


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