Pro-style offense

A pro-style offense is a broad term in American football that means any offensive scheme that resembles those predominantly used at the professional level of play in the NFL, in contrast to those typically used at the collegiate or high school level. Pro-style offenses are only run by a few college teams and virtually never run at the high school level. The term should not be confused with a pro set, which is a specific formation that is used by some offenses at the professional level.

Generally, pro-style offenses are more complex than typical college or high school offenses. They are balanced, requiring offensive lines that are adept at both pass and run blocking, quarterbacks with good decision-making abilities, and running backs who are capable of running between the tackles. Offenses that fall under the pro-style category include the West Coast offense, the Air Coryell offense, and the Erhardt-Perkins offensive system.

Often, Pro Style offenses use certain formations much more commonly than the Air Raid, Run and Shoot, Flexbone, Spread, Pistol, or Option offenses. Pro Style offenses typically use the FB and TEs much more commonly than offenses used at the collegiate or high school levels.

Such formations usually include the following

Part of the complexity of the offense is that teams at the professional level often employ multiple formations and are willing to use them at any point during an actual game. One example might be that a team uses a Strong I Formation run (FB lined up where the TE is located on the line of scrimmage) on 1st Down followed up by a running play out of the Ace formation on 2nd down before attempting a pass on 3rd down out of a 2 WR Shotgun formation.

Another aspect of the complexity is that the running game is primarily built off Zone Blocking or involves a Power Run scheme. The passing game as a result often employs play-action, often with the QB dropping back from under center, as a means of passing the ball while building off the running game.

Coaches who make the transition from the NFL to the NCAA as head coaches often bring with them their Pro Style offenses. Such examples include Charlie Weis (former HC at Kansas), Dave Wannstedt (former HC at Pittsburgh), Bill O'Brien (former HC at Penn State). One positive aspect of employing a Pro Style offense is that it can help players make transitions from the college level to the professional level quicker as a result of their familiarity with the system's complexity.

NFL teams that used the Pro-Style offense

Start End Team Head coach Offensive coordinator
1984 Minnesota Vikings Les Steckel Jerry Burns
1997 1999 Tennessee Oilers/Titans Jeff Fisher Les Steckel
2000 Tampa Bay Buccaneers Tony Dungy Les Steckel
2001 Minnesota Vikings Dennis Green Sherman Lewis
2001 2005 Minnesota Vikings Mike Tice Sherman Lewis and Scott Linehan
2011 2013 Tennessee Titans Mike Munchak Chris Palmer and Dowell Loggains
2012 Chicago Bears Lovie Smith Mike Tice
2012 2013 Tampa Bay Buccaneers Greg Shiano Mike Sullivan



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