
Developer(s) Pascal BERNARD
Initial release 25-06-2009
Stable release V5.2.5 / 12-03-2016
Preview release V5.3.1 / 30-03-2016
Development status Active
Operating system Windows, Unix, Linux, Mac
Available in 14 languages
Type Project management software
License GPL

ProjecQtOr is an Open Source project management software .

Its name means Quality based Project Organizer, as it claims to be Quality oriented (hence the Q in the name). This software has changed its name in November 2013. It was formerly called Project'Or RIA (Project Organizer Rich Internet Application).

The features offered, such as synthesized by "Find The Best" [1] and "I love free software" [2] are:

Based on this evaluation, this tool seems not to be "agile methods" oriented.

In the book "Démarche et outil de gestion de portefeuille de projets informatiques" [3] (approach and tool for project portfolio management), this tool is proposed as a credible free alternative to the proprietary software "Genius Project" (distributed by IBM).

Project sources are available on SourceForge.[4] Distribution license is GPL V3. On editor's website,[5] change history shows of a major release about every 2 months since July 2010.

ProjeQtOr is listed as well in AlternativeTo,[6] among other valid alternatives.

Notes and References

  1. Rating on "Find The Best": search for ProjeQtOr on Find The Best website
  2. Rating on "I love free software": Manage projects with projector ria free project management software
  3. Démarche et outil de gestion de portefeuille de projets informatiques: Editions Universitaires Européennes
  4. ProjeQtOr on sourceforge: Description and Repository
  5. Editor's website: ProjeQtOr

Used as free alternative to proprietary software in French administration, managing almost 450 projects for 75 projects managers.

This article is issued from Wikipedia - version of the Monday, April 11, 2016. The text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike but additional terms may apply for the media files.