Protestantism in the Republic of Ireland

Concentration of Protestants on the island of Ireland by county. The Republic of Ireland covers all bar six northeastern counties.

Protestantism in the Republic of Ireland refers to Protestantism in the Republic of Ireland and its predecessor, the Irish Free State. In 2006, Protestants made up a little over 5% of the state's population.

Decline prior to the Irish Free State

The parts of Ireland where the number of Protestants were of higher proportion was closely related to the plantations that occurred throughout the 16th and 17th centuries and the areas where British influence was strongest.[1] The decline in the number of Protestants in the south during the 20th-century is usually attributed to the Partition of Ireland in 1921 and the after-effects. It has been suggested however that the pattern of migration may have started in the second half of the nineteenth century.[2] Important factors for this emigration were socio-economic factors, reinforced by political factors.[2] Irish independence in 1921 however may have accelerated the process.[3]

Research done on the decline of Protestantism in Dublin between 1870 and 1926 provides various reasons, including:

Decline in the Irish Free State

After the establishment of the Irish Free State in 1922, the Protestant population declined sharply, reasons for which included:

The exact numbers of migration based upon religious affiliation before 1926 is complicated by various different reasons.[4] However between the 1911 and 1926 census' it has been suggested that there was a migration of 106,456 people from minority-religions, with at least 60,000 Protestants not connected to the British administration in Ireland.[4] During this period the number of Protestants in what became the Irish Free State dropped from 10% to 7%.[1] This represented a drop of 32% in the Protestant population compared to the 2% drop in the Catholic population.[1] This decrease is often linked to the removal of British forces from the Free State, however the rate of decline was quite similar between native and foreign born Protestants and the drop was five times greater than the total number of Protestants in the British forces in 1911.[1]

Treatment of Protestants

Whilst the Irish Free State had few overt discriminatory religious policies against Protestants and prided itself on its treatment of religious minorities, this was more to do with assuring Protestants in Northern Ireland that they would receive equal treatment and religious liberty in a united Ireland.[3]

Instead southern Protestants were "penalised and ill-treated" for being a cultural minority.[3] Nationalism, which was in essence Catholic and Gaelic, took on a triumphalist tone in the state.[5][8][9] Social policy during the 1922-1932 government administration was largely based on Catholic beliefs, and events such as the Eucharistic Congress of 1932, helped reinforce the exalted status the Catholic Church enjoyed.[8] The zenith of this anti-British, Catholic and Gaelic ethos came about after the 1932 election,[7] exemplify by the newly elected Taoiseach, Éamon de Valera, refusal to change or compromise on his views of an united Ireland that emphasised Gaelic and Catholic values.[7]

Protestant children were treated fairly and at times given preferential treatment in the education system.[5] However, during the 1930s despite the fact education in the Free State was under denominational control, Catholicism became more influential and pervasive in the Irish governments education policy,[7] resulting in the Catholic Church having more control over the education system than any other country in the world.[7]

One of the most infamous incidents of overt discrimination against Protestants was the Dunbar-Harrison case in 1930.[8] In this instance a Protestant, Letitia Dunbar-Harrison, applied to become a librarian.[8] The Mayo Library Committee, mostly composed of prominent local Catholics including a bishop, originally said that she had inadequate knowledge of Irish for the role.[8] Later during the debate it was remarked "could a Protestant be trusted to hand out books to Catholics?".[8] The fall-out resulted in Dunbar-Harrison's appointment and the dissolution of Mayo County Council, however there was strong opposition from some prominent Catholic clerics and politicians.[8] Despite the government standing its ground on the appointment, a boycott of the library resulted in W. T. Cosgrave, President of the Executive Council, and Catholic Archbishop of Tuam, Dr. Thomas Gilmartin, coming to an agreement to transfer Dunbar-Harrison from Mayo library to a post in Dublin in January 1932.[8]

Another incident of overt discrimination against Protestants was the Fethard-on-Sea boycott in County Wexford, 1957.[10] In this instance a local Protestant woman who had married a Catholic fled to Belfast after failing to honour her promise to educate her children as Catholics.[10] This resulted in Catholics backed by a number of Catholic priests and bishops boycotting Protestant businesses in the area despite condemnation from the Irish government.[10]

There was a more sinister form of discrimination during the Irish War of Independence (1919–21) and the subsequent Irish Civil War (1922–23), especially in the Bandon district of western County Cork, where Protestants accounted for one in every six people.[9] Here the Irish Republican Army shot 122 Protestants claiming them to be spies.[9] Another claim to justify their actions was that southern Protestants had remained quiet on the issue of the pogroms on Catholics in Northern Ireland, despite the fact they did frequently condemn them.[9] The most notorious incident was the Dunmanway killings, which saw ten Protestants, aged from 16 to 82, murdered, including a member of the clergy.[9] One historian states that they "did not seek merely to punish Protestants but to drive them out".[9]


Between 1922-1923, emigration consisted of not just families, but also young individuals.[2] In the period between 1926–1936, a greater proportion of young Protestants between the ages of 10–24 years old appear to have emigrated from the Free State compared to older Protestants.[6] The decrease in the number of Protestants resulted in an even greater proportion of Catholics and thus the culture associated with it, furthering Protestant marginalisation and giving the perception of Catholic triumphalism.[5] The coverage of the 1936 census results by The Irish News in 1939 was later reprinted by the Ulster Unionist Council as vindication for their belief of what would happen to Irish Protestants as a whole in a united Home Rule Ireland.[2]

Areas where the Protestant minority was strongest tended to see the least decline, primary examples being the three Ulster counties that became part of the Free State: Cavan, Donegal, and Monaghan.[1] Meanwhile, urban centers and military towns saw the greatest decrease.[1] This helped contribute to a greater concentration of Protestants in Northern Ireland.[1]

This emigration had an impact on the Free State economy as Protestants formed a significant part of its commercial and cultural activities.[2]

Modern reversal in decline

From 1921 to 1991 there was a decrease in the Protestant population in the Irish Free State and then the Republic of Ireland, however by the 2002, there has been an increase in the three main Protestant denominations: Anglicanism, Presbyterianism, and Methodism.[11]

The number of Protestants belonging to the Church of Ireland in the Republic in 1991 stood at 89,197.[11] By 2006, this number was 121,229, and by 2011 129,039.[11][12] It was during the 2002-2006 period that the number of members of the Church of Ireland and Presbyterian Church surpassed their 1946 totals.[11] County Clare has the smallest population of Protestants in Ireland however its county town, Ennis, saw a six-fold increase in the Church of Ireland population - 68 to 400.[13] The Presbyterian church between 1991 and 2002 saw an increase of almost 56%, followed by an increase of almost 20% between 2002 and 2011. The Methodist Church saw its membership increase nearly 100% between 1991 and 2002, though by 2011 it had declined by 31%.[11][12]

The cause of this growth is stated as being a mixture of Protestant immigration and the conversion of Catholics.[13] One notable convert was the Dean of Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin, Dr. Dermot Dunne, who was formerly a Catholic cleric.[13] It has been suggested that Catholic Ireland has become more Protestant in social terms, whilst Protestantism itself has become more Catholic in some of its practices.[13]

Despite this, Protestantism since 2002 has been relegated to the third largest religious belief, having been overtaken by those who choose "No Religion".[12][14] Overall Protestants accounted for 4% of the total Irish population in 2006 and 2011.[12]

In regards to immigration, of the 137,048 people from the three main Protestant denominations (Church of Ireland, Presbyterian, Methodist) to declare their country of birth, only 94,889 (69.2%) stated the Republic.[11] 27,928 of these immigrants came from the United Kingdom, whilst 3,575 where born in the rest of Europe, 6,641 from Africa, 1,341 from Asia, 1,730 from America, and 944 from elsewhere.[11]


Number of Protestants by denomination

The following table shows the figures for the main Protestant denominations in what is now the Republic of Ireland from 1901 to 2011:[11][12][15][16]

Number of Protestants by denomination
Religion 1891 1901 1911 1926 1936 1946 1961 1971 1981 1991 2002 2006 2011
Church of Ireland 286,804 264,264 249,535 164,215 145,030 124,829 104,016 97,739 95,366 89,187 115,611 121,229 129,039
Presbyterian 51,469 46,714 45,486 32,429 28,067 23,870 18,953 16,052 14,255 13,199 20,582 23,546 24,600
Methodist 18,513 17,872 16,440 10,663 9,649 8,355 6,676 5,646 5,790 5,037 10,033 12,160 6,842
Apostolic/Pentecostal N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 3,152 8,116 14,043
Lutheran N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 3,068 5,279 5,683
Protestant N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A [tabnote 1] 4,356 5,326
Evangelical N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 3,780 5,276 4,188
Baptist N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 2,265 3,338 3,531
Latter Day Saints (Mormon) [tabnote 2] N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 833 1,237 1,284
Quaker (Society of Friends) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 859 882 925
Plymouth Brethren N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 222 365 336
Total[tabnote 3] 356,786 328,850 311,461 207,307 182,746 157,054 129,645 119,437 115,411 107,423 160,405 185,784 195,797
Total %[tabnote 3] 10.28 10.21 9.92 6.98 6.15 5.31 4.60 4.01 3.35 3.04 4.09 4.38 4.27
  1. Included in Church of Ireland figure.
  2. Depending on the strand of Mormonism, some may identify with traditional Protestant beliefs, whilst others may not.
  3. 1 2 Figures before 2002 only include Church of Ireland, Presbyterians, & Methodists.

In comparison, the number of Catholics increased from 3,681,446 to 3,861,335.[12] People who stated they had no religion increased from 186,318 to 269,811.[12]

Percentage change between censuses

The following table shows the percentage change between each census for the three main Protestant denominations in what is now the Republic of Ireland from 1901 to 2011:[11]

Percentage change in Protestants by denomination between 1901 and 2011 censuses
Religion 1901-1911 1911-1926 1926-1936 1936-1946 1946-1961 1961-1971 1971-1981 1981-1991 1991-2002 2002-2011
Church of Ireland -5.57% -34.19% -11.68% -13.93% -16.67% -6.03% -2.43% -6.48% +22.86% +11.61%
Presbyterian -2.63% -28.71% -13.45% -14.95% -20.60% -15.31% -11.19% -7.41% +55.94% +19.52%
Methodist -8.01% -35.14% -9.51% -13.41% -20.10% -15.43% +2.55% -13.01% +99.19% -31.81%

Annual average percentage change

The following table shows the annual percentage change for the three main Protestant denominations in what is now the Republic of Ireland from 1901 to 2011:[11]

Annual average percentage change in Protestants by denomination between 1901 and 2011
Religion 1901-1911 1911-1926 1926-1936 1936-1946 1946-1961 1961-1971 1971-1981 1981-1991 1991-2002 2002-2011
Church of Ireland -0.6% -2.8% -1.2% -1.5% -1.2% -0.6% -0.2% -0.7% +2.4% +1.3%
Presbyterian -0.3% -2.2% -1.4% -1.6% -1.5% -1.6% -1.2% -0.8% +4.1% +2.2%
Methodist -0.8% -2.8% -1.0% -1.4% -1.5% -1.7% +0.3% -1.4% +6.5% -3.5%

See also



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