Prototheca zopfii

Prototheca zopfii
Scientific classification
Domain: Eukaryota
Kingdom: Viridiplantae
Phylum: Chlorophyta
Class: Trebouxiophyceae
Order: Chlorellales
Family: Chlorellaceae
Genus: Prototheca
Species: P. zopfii
Binomial name
Prototheca zopfii

Prototheca zopfii is aerobic, unicellular yeast like achlorophyllic (without chlorophyll) microalgae.(Reference-1).


Prototheca zopfii is opportunistic, environmental pathogen and ubiquitous in nature. This algae is mainly associated with wet areas and places with high organic contents. They can be found in tank, well water, teat dip container and milking machine.(Reference-2)

Scientific Classification

Domain: Eukaryota ; Kingdom: Viridiplantae ; Phylum: Chlorophyta ; Class: Trebouxiophyceae ; Order: Chlorellales ; Family: Chlorellaceae ; Genera: Prototheca ; Species: Prototheca zopfii ; Genotype: I, II, III. (Reference-5,15).


Prototheca zopfii reproduce asexually by endosporulation.(Reference-3).

Culture Media

Sabouraud agar is used as a cultural medium.(Reference-4).

Differential Diagnosis

Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) and Restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis (RFLP) are useful tool for rapid confirmative diagnosis.(Reference-5)

Pathogenic property of Prototheca zopfii

They can infect man and animal. (Reference-5). Prototheca zopfii can cause mastitis. Prototheca zopfii can cause bovine clinical mastitis in high milk yielding cows also. (Reference-6). Prototheca zopfii genotype I and III are not involved in the pathogenicity of mastitis and probably are pollutant of milk whereas Prototheca zopfii genotype II is mainly causing mastitis. (Reference-5).

Prototheca zopfii Outbreaks

Bovine mastitis outbreaks by Prototheca zopfii is a global problem. It is reported from Europe (Reference-7,8,9), Asia (Reference- 2,10), North America (Reference- 11,12) and South America.(Reference-13,14)

Antimicrobial therapy

Prototheca zopfii is less susceptible or completely resistance to clotrimazole, fluconazole, econazole, flucytosine, cefoperazone, cephalexin, enrofloxacin, lincomycin, oxytetracycline, miconazole, colistin, combination of amoxicillin with clavulanic acid, enrofloxacin, amoxicillin, tetracycline, penicillin, lincomycin, and novobiocin. Whereas drugs like nystatin, ketoconazole, and amphotericin B, are effective against algae isolated from milk of mastitis-affected cows.(Reference-4).


1. Ueno, R., Urano, N. and Suzuki, M. (2003). Microbiol. Lett., 223:275-280.

2. Osumi, T., Kishimoto, Y., Kano, R., Maruyama, H., Onozaki, M., Makimura, K., Ito, T., Matsubara, K. and Hasegawa, A (2008). Vet. Microbiol., 131(3-4):419-423.

3. Bovine Mastitis, Neelesh Sharma et. al.,2012 , Satish Serial Publishing House. ISBN 978-93-81226-03-2. pp. 175-177.

4. Antimicrobial susceptibility of Prototheca zopfii isolated from bovine mastitis., Władysław Wawron, Mariola Bochniarz, Tomasz Piech, Jerzy Wysocki1, Marcin Kocik., Bull Vet Inst Pulawy 57, 485-488, 2013.DOI: 10.2478/bvip-2013-0084.

5. Molecular characterization of Prototheca strains isolated from bovine mastitis., A. Aouay , F. Coppée , S. Cloet , P. Cuvelier , A. Belayew , P.-E. Lagneau , C. Mullender ., Journal de Mycologie Médicale (2008) 18, 224—227.

6. Janosi,S., Ratz., F.., Szigeti, G., Kulcsar, M., Kerenyi, J., Lomko, T., Katona, F. and Huszenicza, G. (2001). Vet. Quart., 23: 58-61.

7. Legneau, P.E.(1996).J. Mycol.Med.6:145-148.

8. Aalbaek, B., Jensen, H.E. and Huda, A.(1998). Acta Pathol. Microbiol. Immunol.Scand., 106:483-488.

9. Buzzini, P., Turchetti, B., Facelli,R., Baudino, R., Cavarero,F., Mattalia, L., Mosso, P. and Martini,A. (2004). Mycopathologia,158:427:430).

10. Katoch,R.C.., Nagal,K.B., Sharma, M.(1997). Indian J. Anim. Sci.,67:292-93.

11. Anderson, K.L. and Walker, R.L.(1988). J. Am. Vet. Med.Assoc.,193:553-556.

12. Higgins, R., and Larouche, Y.(1989). Med. Vet. Quebec, 19:140-141.

13. Almeraya, A.P.(1994). Vet. Mexico, 25: 65-67

14. Vargas, A.C.., Lazzari, A., Santurio,J.M.,Alves,S.H., Ferreira,G.,and Kreutz.,L.C.(1998). Mycopathologia, 142:135-137.

15. Roesler U, Moller A, Hensel A, et al. Diversity within the current algal species Prototheca zopfii: a proposal for two Prototheca zopfii genotypes and description of a novel species, Prototheca blaschkeae sp. nov. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2006;56:1419—25.

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