Proxy pattern

In computer programming, the proxy pattern is a software design pattern.
A proxy, in its most general form, is a class functioning as an interface to something else. The proxy could interface to anything: a network connection, a large object in memory, a file, or some other resource that is expensive or impossible to duplicate. In short, a proxy is a wrapper or agent object that is being called by the client to access the real serving object behind the scenes. Use of the proxy can simply be forwarding to the real object, or can provide additional logic. In the proxy extra functionality can be provided, for example caching when operations on the real object are resource intensive, or checking preconditions before operations on the real object are invoked. For the client, usage of a proxy object is similar to using the real object, because both implement the same interface.
Possible Usage Scenarios
Remote Proxy
In distributed object communication, a local object represents a remote object (one that belongs to a different address space). The local object is a proxy for the remote object, and method invocation on the local object results in remote method invocation on the remote object. Think of an ATM implementation, it will hold proxy objects for bank information that exists in the remote server.
Virtual Proxy
In place of a complex or heavy object, use a skeleton representation. When an underlying image is huge in size, just represent it using a virtual proxy object and on demand load the real object. You know that the real object is expensive in terms of instantiation and so without the real need we are not going to use the real object. Until the need arises we will use the virtual proxy.
Protection Proxy
Are you working on an MNC? If so, we might be well aware of the proxy server that provides us internet by restricting access to some sort of websites like public e-mail, social networking, data storage etc. The management feels that, it is better to block some content and provide only work related web pages. Proxy server does that job. This is a type of proxy design pattern.
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The Wikibook Computer Science Design Patterns has a page on the topic of: Proxy implementations in various languages |
class ICar {
virtual void DriveCar() = 0;
class Car : public ICar {
Car(int driver_age, ICar* pCar) : _pImpl(pCar), _driver_age(driver_age) {}
void DriveCar() {
if (_driver_age >= 16)
ICar* _pImpl;
int _driver_age;
interface ICar
void DriveCar();
//Real Object
public class Car : ICar
public void DriveCar()
Console.WriteLine("Car has been driven!");
//Proxy Object
public class ProxyCar : ICar
private Driver driver;
private ICar realCar;
public ProxyCar(Driver driver)
this.driver = driver;
realCar = new Car();
public void DriveCar()
if (driver.Age <= 16)
Console.WriteLine("Sorry, the driver is too young to drive.");
public class Driver
public int Age { get; set; }
public Driver(int age)
this.Age = age;
//How to use above Proxy class?
private void btnProxy_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
ICar car = new ProxyCar(new Driver(16));
car = new ProxyCar(new Driver(25));
Sorry, the driver is too young to drive. Car has been driven!
- A proxy may hide information about the real object to the client.
- A proxy may perform optimization like on demand loading.
- A proxy may do additional house-keeping job like audit tasks.
- Proxy design pattern is also known as surrogate design pattern.
Delphi / Object Pascal
// Proxy Design pattern
unit DesignPattern.Proxy;
// Car Interface
ICar = interface
procedure DriveCar;
// TCar class, implementing ICar
TCar = Class(TInterfacedObject, ICar)
class function New: ICar;
procedure DriveCar;
// Driver Interface
IDriver = interface
function Age: Integer;
// TDriver Class, implementing IDriver
TDriver = Class(TInterfacedObject, IDriver)
FAge: Integer;
constructor Create(Age: Integer); Overload;
class function New(Age: Integer): IDriver;
function Age: Integer;
// Proxy Object
TProxyCar = Class(TInterfacedObject, ICar)
FDriver: IDriver;
FRealCar: ICar;
constructor Create(Driver: IDriver); Overload;
class function New(Driver: IDriver): ICar;
procedure DriveCar;
{ TCar Implementation }
class function TCar.New: ICar;
Result := Create;
procedure TCar.DriveCar;
WriteLn('Car has been driven!');
{ TDriver Implementation }
constructor TDriver.Create(Age: Integer);
inherited Create;
FAge := Age;
class function TDriver.New(Age: Integer): IDriver;
Result := Create(Age);
function TDriver.Age: Integer;
Result := FAge;
{ TProxyCar Implementation }
constructor TProxyCar.Create(Driver: IDriver);
inherited Create;
Self.FDriver := Driver;
Self.FRealCar := TCar.Create AS ICar;
class function TProxyCar.New(Driver: IDriver): ICar;
Result := Create(Driver);
procedure TProxyCar.DriveCar;
if (FDriver.Age <= 16)
then WriteLn('Sorry, the driver is too young to drive.')
else FRealCar.DriveCar();
program Project1;
{$APPTYPE Console}
DesignPattern.Proxy in 'DesignPattern.Proxy.pas';
Sorry, the driver is too young to drive. Car has been driven!
The following Java example illustrates the "virtual proxy" pattern. The ProxyImage
class is used to access a remote method.
The example creates first an interface against which the pattern creates the classes. This interface contains only one method to display the image, called displayImage()
, that has to be coded by all classes implementing it.
The proxy class ProxyImage
is running on another system than the real image class itself and can represent the real image RealImage
over there. The image information is accessed from the disk. Using the proxy pattern, the code of the ProxyImage
avoids multiple loading of the image, accessing it from the other system in a memory-saving manner. It should be noted, however, that the lazy loading demonstrated in this example is not part of the proxy pattern, but is merely an advantage made possible by the use of the proxy.
interface Image {
public void displayImage();
//on System A
class RealImage implements Image {
private String filename = null;
* Constructor
* @param filename
public RealImage(final String filename) {
this.filename = filename;
* Loads the image from the disk
private void loadImageFromDisk() {
System.out.println("Loading " + filename);
* Displays the image
public void displayImage() {
System.out.println("Displaying " + filename);
//on System B
class ProxyImage implements Image {
private RealImage image = null;
private String filename = null;
* Constructor
* @param filename
public ProxyImage(final String filename) {
this.filename = filename;
* Displays the image
public void displayImage() {
if (image == null) {
image = new RealImage(filename);
class ProxyExample {
* Test method
public static void main(String[] args) {
final Image IMAGE1 = new ProxyImage("HiRes_10MB_Photo1");
final Image IMAGE2 = new ProxyImage("HiRes_10MB_Photo2");
IMAGE1.displayImage(); // loading necessary
IMAGE1.displayImage(); // loading unnecessary
IMAGE2.displayImage(); // loading necessary
IMAGE2.displayImage(); // loading unnecessary
IMAGE1.displayImage(); // loading unnecessary
The program's output is:
Loading HiRes_10MB_Photo1 Displaying HiRes_10MB_Photo1 Displaying HiRes_10MB_Photo1 Loading HiRes_10MB_Photo2 Displaying HiRes_10MB_Photo2 Displaying HiRes_10MB_Photo2 Displaying HiRes_10MB_Photo1
See also
External links
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Wikimedia Commons has media related to Proxy pattern. |
- Proxy pattern in UML and in LePUS3 (a formal modelling language)
- Take control with the Proxy design pattern by David Geary,
- PerfectJPattern Open Source Project, Provides componentized implementation of the Proxy Pattern in Java
- Adapter vs. Proxy vs. Facade Pattern Comparison
- Proxy Design Pattern
- Proxy pattern C++ implementation example
- Proxy pattern description from the Portland Pattern Repository