Pseudo algebraically closed field
In mathematics, a field is pseudo algebraically closed if it satisfies certain properties which hold for any algebraically closed field. The concept was introduced by James Ax in 1967.[1]
A field K is pseudo algebraically closed (usually abbreviated by PAC[2]) if one of the following equivalent conditions holds:
- Each absolutely irreducible variety
defined over
has a
-rational point.
- For each absolutely irreducible polynomial
and for each nonzero
there exists
such that
- Each absolutely irreducible polynomial
has infinitely many
-rational points.
- If
is a finitely generated integral domain over
with quotient field which is regular over
, then there exist a homomorphism
such that
for each
- Algebraically closed fields and separably closed fields are always PAC.
- Pseudo-finite fields and hyper-finite fields are PAC.
- A non-principal ultraproduct of distinct finite fields is (pseudo-finite and hence[3]) PAC.[2] Ax deduces this from the Riemann hypothesis for curves over finite fields.[1]
- Infinite algebraic extensions of finite fields are PAC.[4]
- The PAC Nullstellensatz. The absolute Galois group
of a field
is profinite, hence compact, and hence equipped with a normalized Haar measure. Let
be a countable Hilbertian field and let
be a positive integer. Then for almost all
, the fixed field of the subgroup generated by the automorphisms is PAC. Here the phrase "almost all" means "all but a set of measure zero".[5] (This result is a consequence of Hilbert's irreducibility theorem.)
- Let K be the maximal totally real Galois extension of the rational numbers and i the square root of -1. Then K(i) is PAC.
- The Brauer group of a PAC field is trivial,[6] as any Severi–Brauer variety has a rational point.[7]
- The absolute Galois group of a PAC field is a projective profinite group; equivalently, it has cohomological dimension at most 1.[7]
- A PAC field of characteristic zero is C1.[8]
- Fried, Michael D.; Jarden, Moshe (2008). Field arithmetic. Ergebnisse der Mathematik und ihrer Grenzgebiete. 3. Folge 11 (3rd revised ed.). Springer-Verlag. ISBN 978-3-540-77269-9. Zbl 1145.12001.
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