Public holidays in Argentina

The following are the National public holidays and other observances of Argentina.

Though holidays of many faiths are respected, public holidays usually include most Catholic based holidays. Historic holidays include the celebration of the May Revolution (25 May), Independence Day (9 July), National Flag Day (20 June) and the death of José de San Martín (17 August).

The extended family gathers on Christmas Eve at around 9 p.m. for dinner, music, and often dancing. Candies are served just before midnight, when the fireworks begin. They also open gifts from Papá Noel (Father Christmas or "Santa Claus"). New Year's Day is also marked with fireworks. Other widely observed holidays include Good Friday, Easter, Labor Day (1 May) and Veterans Day (formerly Malvinas Day, 2 April).

Public holidays

Date English name Local name Remarks
January 1 (²) New Year's Day Año Nuevo International holiday


January 31 bicentennial (Thursday) Día del Bicentenario de la Asamblea del año XIII (Only For 2013) 200th anniversary of the initial meeting of the Argentine Constituting Assembly of the year XIII.
February 16 Carnival (Monday) Lunes de Carnaval (For 2014 /Floating day ) [1]
February 17 Carnival (Tuesday) Martes de Carnaval (For 2014 /Floating day )[1]
February 27 bicentennial (Monday) Día del Bicentenario de la Creación y Primera Jura de la Bandera Argentina (Only For 2012) Honors the creation of the Flag of Argentina and the first pledge to it on this day in 1812.[1]
March 24(²) Day of Remembrance for Truth and Justice Día de la Memoria por la Verdad y la Justicia Anniversary of the coup d'état that started the 1976–1983 National Reorganization Process
April 2 (²) Day of the veterans and the fallen in Malvinas War Día del Veterano y de los Caídos en la Guerra de Malvinas Tribute to the fallen in, and the veterans of, the 1982 Falklands War (Spanish: Guerra de las Malvinas/Guerra del Atlántico Sur)
April 17 Holy Thursday Jueves Santo (For 2014 /Floating day) International Catholic holiday, lasts three days for most people [2][1]
April 18 Good Friday Viernes Santo (For 2014 /Floating day) International Catholic holiday [1]
May 1 (²) Labour Day Día del Trabajador International holiday
May 25 (²) Day of the First National Government Primer Gobierno Patrio Anniversary of the 1810 May Revolution.
June 20 (²) National Flag Day Día de la Bandera Anniversary of the death of Manuel Belgrano, who created the Flag of Argentina. (Not movable from 2011 on)[1]
July 9 (²) Independence Day Día de la Independencia Anniversary of the 1816 Argentine Declaration of Independence.
(August 17) (³) Anniversary of the death of General José de San Martín Día del Libertador José de San Martín Anniversary of the death of José de San Martín, liberator of Argentina, Chile and Peru.
(October 12) (¹) Day of Respect for Cultural Diversity Día del Respeto a la Diversidad Cultural Celebrated on the second Monday of October. Former "Día de la raza" (English: Race day), anniversary of the arrival of Columbus to the Americas. Some indigenous communities and activists for their rights consider the arrival of Columbus the prelude of destruction for native civilizations in the Americas, and occasionally stage a protest/mourning holiday on October 11, the "last day of freedom".
(November 20) (¹) Day of National Sovereignty Día de la Soberanía nacional Celebrated on the fourth Monday of November. Anniversary of the 1845 Battle of Vuelta de Obligado against the Anglo-French blockade of the Río de la Plata (from year 2010 on)[1]
December 8 (²) Immaculate Conception Day Día de la Inmaculada Concepción Also known as Día de la Virgen ("Virgin Mary's Day")
December 24 (²) Christmas Eve Nochebuena Begins at midday.
December 25 (²) Christmas Day Navidad International Christian holiday
December 31 (²) New Year's Eve Fin de Año Final day of the Gregorian Calendar. Begins at midday.

¹ Movable holidays: If the date falls on a Tuesday or Wednesday, the holiday is the preceding Monday. If it falls on a Thursday, a Friday, a Saturday, or a Sunday, then the holiday is the following Monday.
² Touristic holiday bridge: If the date of a non-movable holiday falls on Tuesday or Thursday, an extra holiday is added on the previous Monday or the following Friday, respectively.
³ Always moved to the 3rd Monday of August

In order to commemorate the bicentennial of the creation and swearing-in of the Argentine flag, the Argentine Congress passed a bill that will make Monday, 27 February 2012 a national holiday, so in 2012 Argentina will have eighteen public holidays.

Other observances by law

The following are federal non-working national or religious holidays, during which people of the following faiths are excused from work:

Other observances


External links

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